Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

I did nothing today. Haven't even looked in the tent. Should probably do that.
I didn't sleep much last night. Maybe two or three hours total.

Kinda pissed that I did nothing in the closet today. I don't think it wise to use power tools whilst sleep deprived.

Just looked in at the big girls. A tad more tip burn and Derpy looks a bit rough up top. They will make it to harvest but I'm not thrilled with how they look overall. The buds are still looking yummy. :yummy:
You and me both...but we'll give it hell tomorrow!

I'll post mine up tomorrow, It's looking real rough...Yours will look pristine in comparison..

And that's all that matters in the long run...

Hope you get some good sleep tonight ,VG (insert pleasantly dreaming emoji here)
Feels like I'm sleeping right now.
I'll know for sure that I'm not if this post is still here in the morning.

I have no hell to
We'll see what tomorrow brings but I do know that to be effective you need 3 things. Showuppedness, workitude and giveadamnability and I have none of those right now.
My yam has it's first slips starting!
Most of my veggies haven't come up yet.
I'm 6 for 15 so far. My neglected seeds from 2011 came up first.:hmmmm:
That's his actual name and he got it for a reason.
Always loved labs. Never had a purebred but had a few nice mixes when I used to foster.
I really enjoyed fostering slightly older dogs. Some had behavioral problems. Never anything major.
Its very hard to adopt out older dogs so they really need to be well behaved.

Have you given thought to fostering??
All medical and food is provided through the shelter. It is here anyway.
We haven't however that's an idea I might float around. Mr Underfoot Haha! Our Joy was a mix.
I'm concerned that there is going to be a bunch of covid-19 dogs in the shelters after lockdown is over. Humans get bored and want things like puppies to keep them entertained. While adoptions have gone way up you also can't find a puppy on craigslist. They are selling like hot cakes.
I see post after post of "puppy wanted". The scammers are coming out of the woodwork.
It's annoying to me as trends like 101 Dalmatians and GOT happened and 1000s of dalmation and husky pups were dropped off at shelters after their human got bored or the dogs became problems because they had zero training.

The biggest reasons for dogs being sent to shelters is lack of time and training.
Mostly housetraining. Something that can be easily avoided with a bit of consistancy.
I'm concerned that there is going to be a bunch of covid-19 dogs in the shelters after lockdown is over. Humans get bored and want things like puppies to keep them entertained. While adoptions have gone way up you also can't find a puppy on craigslist. They are selling like hot cakes.
I see post after post of "puppy wanted". The scammers are coming out of the woodwork.
It's annoying to me as trends like 101 Dalmatians and GOT happened and 1000s of dalmation and husky pups were dropped off at shelters after their human got bored or the dogs became problems because they had zero training.

The biggest reasons for dogs being sent to shelters is lack of time and training.
Mostly housetraining. Something that can be easily avoided with a bit of consistancy.
It's a sad note, but not everyone should have a dog. We as a human bunch are so different in the way we run our lives. Dogs need certain things to really belong in the family. We seem to be a dog family. Our dogs have always friended anyone we brought into the house. Joy was funny. Even Joeanne our trusted next door neighbor walked her down the driveway from the bus stop one morning because she wasn't supposed to be hanging out on the street. Joy let her walk her to where we park the cars then turned and told Joanne not to go another step by faceing her and growling. My elder mom was home alone that day. Later that day Joy showed up on Joannes doorstep for a piece of cheese like all the other days like it was nothing personal. Dogs are great.
It's a sad note, but not everyone should have a dog. We as a human bunch are so different in the way we run our lives. Dogs need certain things to really belong in the family. We seem to be a dog family. Our dogs have always friended anyone we brought into the house. Joy was funny. Even Joeanne our trusted next door neighbor walked her down the driveway from the bus stop one morning because she wasn't supposed to be hanging out on the street. Joy let her walk her to where we park the cars then turned and told Joanne not to go another step by faceing her and growling. My elder mom was home alone that day. Later that day Joy showed up on Joannes doorstep for a piece of cheese like all the other days like it was nothing personal. Dogs are great.
Smart dog. She knew the rules. Lmao
Obviously no hard feelings on Joy's part if there was cheese involved.

I agree, not everyone should have one.
You have to put in the time training them and be home enough.

So a yam slip is a what?
A baby yam plant. They are roots not tubers so they aren't a true potato. They don't root through eyes but produce slips.
Once the slip is big enough and has roots attached I can snap it off of the yam and plant it.
The method I'm using can take a month or more but will produce many, many slips.
The other way is to plant a yam horizontally in mineralized soil and water it. The soil should cover the bottom half of the yam.
This newer way is supposed to produce slips in a manner of weeks.
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