Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Got my shelf that will hold my carbon filter cut. Sand and paint tomorrow.
I have a few pieces of trim to do as well.

I still need to figure out where my exhaust and passive vents need to go.
I also need to decide if I want to recess the controller into the wall or not.
I have yet to source vent covers,round preferably.

I need some sort of drying box. I should be able to connect it through my passive air intake and run it through the closet to utilize the carbon. I will need a booster fan to do it but it should work.

Slowest build ever!!!!

I still need a door and a few fans but I'm getting really close to being done.
They look damn good!

And the giant confetti cannon incident didn't help...How's that toe doing?
It is much better today. I can put gentle pressure on it without crying, so that's good.
I think it is just very badly bruised but seems like it's healing up pretty quickly.

Do they smell like peaches too?
They smell like kelp and MC. Yummy!
Mornin y'all.

Getting ready to sand and paint this morning. Hopefully I'll be able to install my extraction fan later today or early tomorrow. Can't wait to have it done.

Good news this morning. I was fortunate to win the Mars Hydro 420 contest.
Thanks for all of your support. :green_heart:
Y'all have been so good to me since I started here two years ago. This not only benefits me greatly but my kid too. He will inherit my old lights.
When he's ready to grow he will need very little. I've been collecting supplies for him for the last year. He has zero clue.
I should never run out of oil now. Thats a huge relief to me. What an incredible gift to receive.:green_heart:
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