Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

But if one day you do happen to be travelling past Sagittarius B2 don’t be tempted to take off your space helmet and have a whiff—researchers also detected evidence of propyl cyanide—a lethal chemical you definitely don’t want to inhale.
Lol, that’s right, don’t be messin around with Sagittarius!!!

Lol, that’s right, don’t be messin around with Sagittarius!!!
How bout a Taurus? LoL.... does that sign fit my personality? I'm clueless about astrology...
How bout a Taurus? LoL.... does that sign fit my personality? I'm clueless about astrology...

Oof P. Taurus is nothing to F with.
Your is the most deadly meteor stream to the Earth. The Taurids are from a mega comet that broke up. We go through the Taurid stream twice a year. These ones cause mass extinction on earth. The dinosaurs saw a comet from the Taurids. The end of the ice age and the flood legends came from the Taurid meteors as well.
You have the super scary one P.
Just so I'm clear, space doesn't smell of anything, but stuff in space smell like the same stuff we have here on earth, because we're all made from the result of the Big Bang five thousand years ago, right?
Yes. That is more precise.
Must be an American expression. To do something to someone silly is to do it so well that the person on the receiving end loses their sense of reality.
I read it wrong. I thought that maybe you guys had a body part you may have referred to as a "silly"
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