Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

You have the proper treatment anyway. Keep applications up as well as your foot!
I will. The pain oil helped more than I thought it would. Really glad that my G13 plant was moldy now. Weird, I know but I've used it a few times for burns and it's fantastic. Can't believe that I got away without any scarring when I grabbed my grill. Not even a blister. Just a bit of slightly wrinkled skin. I keep it in the fridge so I'm sure the cold helped as well.
You know I'll be smoking all day ;)

Cookies...I be like...:morenutes:
( I'm the
Fingers crossed it heals up quick! Hope your well VG
I hope it does too Dutch. My whole spring/ summer is hiking, biking and yard work.
I may need to grab one of these snazzy contraptions.
View media item 1767218Looks super sporty and has a basket!

Good to see you Dutch.
Don't forget the ice.

I like my whiskey neat...wait. Lol
I have that covered too. I have a bunch of ice packs. I usually sprain my ankle at least once a year. Bad ligaments , weak ankles.
I'm telling ya, I'm Danger prone Daphne!
It would take a pretty serious injury to get me into a hospital nowadays.... I'm a germaphobe; medical facilities make me feel like I'm in a box of bacteria. LoL

Heal up quick chica!

Couple whiskeys & a fat blunt should set ya right. Ice that sucker & keep it lifted.

Sending good juju your way sista!
It would take a pretty serious injury to get me into a hospital nowadays.... I'm a germaphobe; medical facilities make me feel like I'm in a box of bacteria. LoL

Heal up quick chica!

Couple whiskeys & a fat blunt should set ya right. Ice that sucker & keep it lifted.

Sending good juju your way sista!
I kinda feel the same way.
I'm not one of those people that goes to the doc for every little thing.
I was supposed to have back surgery this spring but I'm putting it off a little longer.

Staying off of it for a few days will allow the swelling to go down. I didn'tnt break it. I may have fractured it and for that they just usually tell you to stay off of it.
Not my first fractured foot....

Highya VG,

Hope your mishap doesn't weigh you down too much. Staying positive is the best healer for general purposes.

You remind me of my sister I grew up with. She was accident prone. We laugh about it now, though.

What's with the 2011 tomato plants? Have you planted that many, or are they time-warped from then? I don't get it?!?

Happy Smokin' and Happy Ediblin'
Highya VG,

Hope your mishap doesn't weigh you down too much. Staying positive is the best healer for general purposes.

You remind me of my sister I grew up with. She was accident prone. We laugh about it now, though.

What's with the 2011 tomato plants? Have you planted that many, or are they time-warped from then? I don't get it?!?

Happy Smokin' and Happy Ediblin'
2011 Beefsteak are from a seed lot produce on 2010 for the 2011 growing season. They are 9 or 10 years old and haven't been stored "properly". I wasn't sure that they would sprout.

I'm trying to be positive. I bored more than anything right now.
Playing catch-up...hope you don't mind!
First up we have a pistil report....
That is a beautiful collection of pistils and plants. Tell your OCD and ADD to piss off!
ATF looks good since her transition into a 3 gallon.
Better than good. I'm lovin' it!
The clones are all perky and praying. Most notably the Mag clone. She is just a bit happier than the others.
I do wish that I would have had some aspirin on hand. A small amount is an effective rooting hormone. Willow is the same way as aspirin is a derivative and it's the salicylic acid contained that we are interested in.
I was just reading about aspirin again when diving into a search about whether you can add silica to plants without adding potassium, which took me to silicates which took me to salicylic acid and onto aspirin. I'm now thinking of adding it to my nutes and foliar sprays. There was a discussion of it a long time ago in my thread in terms of cloning as well.
A giant confetti cannon fell out of the closet onto my bare foot.
Of course it did! I keep my confetti cannon on a low shelf for that very reason.
I don't have a rig so I chose my favorite Pipestone (Catlinite) bowl.
I hope you didn't throw that bud away when you were done. You can smoke it or use it for oil for sure!
I love you too much to play that role for too long
You could never be that good an actor :).
I hereby claim said cannon of pain for use of my own choosing as I have earned it.
Absolutely! Injury is 9/10ths of the law.
If the kids are gone are the pants!
And when the kids come home from school the pants go back on...for weeks on end. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I heard/felt a crunch when it happened.
Oof! I do hope you are still keeping it up and iced whenever possible.
My first veggie and herb seeds are up!
Swollen AF. Still can't walk on it.
This kinda ruins half of my summer if it is broken.
You'll figure something out, I just know it.
Looks super sporty and has a basket!
Like that! You'd be the coolest thing on three wheels. :thumb:
I was supposed to have back surgery this spring but I'm putting it off a little longer.
Yeah, probably a good idea. I keep reminding folks to stop running with scissors for the same reason.
I didn'tnt break it. I may have fractured it and for that they just usually tell you to stay off of it.
Not my first fractured foot....
Of course not! I'm sure a CAT scan would look like the London Underground map of breaks and repairs. I hope you're feeling better every day. I feel like I said that last time you injured yourself though...
Playing catch-up...hope you don't mind!

That is a beautiful collection of pistils and plants. Tell your OCD and ADD to piss off!

Better than good. I'm lovin' it!


I was just reading about aspirin again when diving into a search about whether you can add silica to plants without adding potassium, which took me to silicates which took me to salicylic acid and onto aspirin. I'm now thinking of adding it to my nutes and foliar sprays. There was a discussion of it a long time ago in my thread in terms of cloning as well.

Of course it did! I keep my confetti cannon on a low shelf for that very reason.

I hope you didn't throw that bud away when you were done. You can smoke it or use it for oil for sure!

You could never be that good an actor :).

Absolutely! Injury is 9/10ths of the law.

And when the kids come home from school the pants go back on...for weeks on end. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oof! I do hope you are still keeping it up and iced whenever possible.



You'll figure something out, I just know it.

Like that! You'd be the coolest thing on three wheels. :thumb:

Yeah, probably a good idea. I keep reminding folks to stop running with scissors for the same reason.

Of course not! I'm sure a CAT scan would look like the London Underground map of breaks and repairs. I hope you're feeling better every day. I feel like I said that last time you injured yourself though...
Lol. Somebody was up late last night.
I cookie crashed early.

I need to read up on aspirin some more but I'm liking what you're layin down. I know that silicates can also be introduced by adding silica sand to your medium but it is limited uptake.

Hey I found this....

I am still icing my footsie and the swelling went down quite a bit. I'm am getting around a little better with less pain.
Perhaps I merely tenderized it?
Sounds delicious!

Great article on the benefits of Si and it's obvious why farside adds it to his grows. I posted on a couple of low K sources in MrS' thread last night because I was curious to find a 0-0-0 source.
I will check that out asap. Thanks
Watched the Lyrids early this morning at about 3 am.
It was beautiful. Mr.Underfoot and I had a snuggle on the deck. Smoked a nice J while watching the stars fall.
Explains why you weren't on the site with me as I made my rounds!
I took a cookie nap. I had an alarm set to watch them.
We had really clear skies here and it wasn't freezing out. The last 3 meteor showers I've tried to watch have been cloudy.
I always think about the same things while watching them.
That we were made from the birth and death of stars. Our planet and all life contained simply would exist without the violent death of stars.
All of the elements are born in the hearts of stars. H, Mag, Fe, etc are from smaller stars. Gold , Silver and Platinum come from the deaths of supernovas.
Another thing that I think is kinda cool is that the universe tastes like raspberries and smells like rum.
Are you kidding me? Rum and raspberries! Nom! Nom! Nom! I'll have the universe please, a little ice on the side.
100% not kidding....
Australian Academy of science.
The smells of space: horse pee and raspberries
Space might seem like vast nothingness, but it’s actually full of stuff … and that stuff smells.
Take comet 67p for example, which is hurtling through the skies at a cracking pace. Thanks to information collected by ROSINA (the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis instrument), we know that there are some pretty pungent aromas coming from the comet’s coma—the cloud around its core.
If you were to get a whiff of it, you’d smell a mixture of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide), horse pee (ammonia), almond (hydrogen cyanide) formaldehyde and marzipan. If you have a sensitive nose, you’d also note tangs of vinegar (sulphur dioxide) and the sweeter carbon disulphide.
European Space Agency scientists think that as the comet gets closer to the sun, the makeup of the chemicals released will change. If this occurs, it will give us additional information about the chemical composition of the 67p.
This is exciting because comets are leftovers of the solar system’s beginnings more than 4.6 billion years ago. The more we know about 67p’s composition, the more we can learn about the formation of the solar system and how it has changed over time.
And what about Sagittarius B2, that colossal molecular cloud of gas and dust located 390 light years from the centre of the Milky Way? It hit the headlines a few years ago not because of its mass (which is several million times that of our sun), or even its density (up to 40 times denser than a normal molecular cloud). No, we Earthlings were fascinated because according to scientists, it smells like two of our favourite things: raspberries and rum.
Some of the compounds identified in space smell like raspberries Image adapted from: VesaL;CCO
After all the rotten egg smells apparently in the universe, it’s nice to know there’s at least something that might be worth inhaling (though only in theory—in reality, you’d die). Sagittarius B2 contains huge amounts of ethyl formate, which is the chemical responsible for giving raspberries their flavour. And if raspberries aren’t enough it has another unique trait—it also smells of rum.
The unique scents of Sagittarius B2 were discovered by astronomers who have been analysing the cloud in the hope of finding amino acids—known as the building blocks of life. While they haven’t found any yet, they believe it’s just a matter of time. But if one day you do happen to be travelling past Sagittarius B2 don’t be tempted to take off your space helmet and have a whiff—researchers also detected evidence of propyl cyanide—a lethal chemical you definitely don’t want to inhale.
This article was adapted from Academy website content reviewed by the following experts: Dr Brad Tucker Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National University; Dr Helen Maynard-Casely Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
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