Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Wouldn’t make sense with out some pics. But yeah those times on the chair, or floor or whatever in with the plants, whatever stage the grow - well don’t they just make it special?

Nick & Co

Wouldn’t make sense with out some pics. But yeah those times on the chair, or floor or whatever in with the plants, whatever stage the grow - well don’t they just make it special?

Nick & Co

I'll take the 3-hour tour, Nick! 😁
What a forest. :green_heart: I had a couch in my grow room at one time. Used to sit there every morning with my cuppa and sunglasses on, listening to the music and watching the plants sway in the breeze.
Get your stepladder back!
Harvested! Hanging. Vaping some CBD Enhanced Warlock as I type. Slowly 🤣

The photos sure we grow big in numbers but there’s no more pleasure in getting 20 plants over the line than one. They’re a journey of attention and love. I might have more umm rooms, plants whatever than the average grower, I certainly ain’t the best grower here, lots of different metrics you could use there btw.

But I promise you I liove the plants as much as anyone here, and well, the

…the endless river… (High Hopes - Pink Floyd)

Popped a dozen more OG Kush this evening on top of the 48 or whatever I just took a photo of 😂

Can’t even sell at the moment, just keep growin’ ‘em

But it will warm my cockles when I’m old I hope! Those years I grew kilos upon kilos of weed 🤣 Some journey. So many stories. Like my amazing wife doesn’t indulge, me really not much. (Unreliable narrator perhaps!) We have kilos of weed in the house. Its the fun and partnership and dunno seeing stuff grow. That’s the #1


I think that plant looks wonderful!
And, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a work chair in the grow room. This stuff gets hard on the back, and every now then you just need to sit and admire a while. :high-five:
Thanks Cannafan. I think she looks nice too. But she would have produced yet another goose egg this month, for sure!

I sit the whole time when I'm dealing with my plants, whether watering, training or admiring!

I stand for "Lazy!" 😁
yeah there are some awesome plants in there kinda intimidating, plants looking good & nice chair
True 'dat con. Some absolute stunners! 👀
POTM or not, that's one (of two) good looking bastard(s). And congrats on the nice new chair! May it long give your backside a comfortable (non-plant) place to sit.
Thank you Shed and thanks from my backside! :)
Highya GDB,

I enjoy looking at your FB's! I'm sure you're mainly pleased just to look at them as they grow. No one else can appreciate that like you can. They may not be POTM, but you're growing for you and yours. It's pleasing to me to grow some top shelf cannabis, looking, smelling, tying, or watering. I'd do what makes me happy! Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

I enjoy looking at your FB's! I'm sure you're mainly pleased just to look at them as they grow. No one else can appreciate that like you can. They may not be POTM, but you're growing for you and yours. It's pleasing to me to grow some top shelf cannabis, looking, smelling, tying, or watering. I'd do what makes me happy! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! I truly enjoy her too, POTM or not. She's very pleasing to my eye.

The bar is high here on 420. To win one of the photo contests here, you've got to come correct!

Otherwise, goose egg. 😁
I will say they are, or seem to be "Organic" these Foop nutrients but 5 parts doesn't add up in my budget. SSgrower
Not sure what you mean SSgrower. Are you talking about buying each of the parts individually, 'cause that's not what I did.
Hello all.

It's Flip + 61 for the Phase II plants.

Fat Bastard#2 (left) lags behind the others development-wise. The FB#1(right) is starting to harden up and the Sour G (rear) looks as if she will be done around the time that @marcus611a predicted (67 days).

Alright girls, "Action!"
S2 11-15-23 F61 tent.jpg

The FB#1 is self-supporting. She has nary a bamboo stick to aid her in staying upright. Of that, I am very proud! :)

Though from the looks of her that may be about to change.


The Sour G went under the scope again this morning:

SG trich 11-9-23 F61 (1).jpg
SG trich 11-9-23 F61 (3).jpg
SG trich 11-9-23 F61 (2).jpg



Thanks for your visit.

Damn how do you get such a close up
Sorry for the delayed response Mello.

I use a microscopic camera that connects to my PC. They have tons of them on Amazon ranging from about $25 and up.
Looking good GDB New chairs are always Nice too . Damn Nick they just let ya'll do what the Funk ya want over there ? COOL i guess
Thanks Smoke! I love the chair. It replaced a real loser.

Nick of the Jungle has a load doesn't he?

I think the next time I take down a plant, Ima put it on the floor and get Mrs. GDB to sit amongst the branches. Somehow I don't think the effect will be quite the same! :laugh:
Thanks Bode! I truly enjoy her too, POTM or not. She's very pleasing to my eye.

The bar is high here on 420. To win one of the photo contests here, you've got to come correct!

Otherwise, goose egg. 😁
The contest goose egg is a great way to receive a dose of humility.
Most of us have had one (at least) that we thought was more than worthy and it’s a bit humbling to find out it’s just another plant.

The only way to get better at something is by playing with better opponents.
So we keep trying. And the opponents are our grow bros and sisters who are actually here to help.
It's lots of fun even with a goose egg
Looking good GDB New chairs are always Nice too . Damn Nick they just let ya'll do what the Funk ya want over there ? COOL i guess
See how long it lasts….

Most of us have had one (at least) that we thought was more than worthy and it’s a bit humbling to find out it’s just another plant.
Truest post I’ve read today. The standards are just unbelievably high for Nug/Plant/Photo - I grow way more than most, trust me having more options does not help you!

Not at my skill levels anyway!

Nick & Co
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