Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

What the hell am I looking for?
Between Strive nutes, Roots Organics, and the way your plants are looking, I think you've got things pretty well dialed in, GDB.👍
You even came up with an easy fix for the ongoing Grow Dots problem!:thanks:
Hello growers!

I really relish the feedback! :)

Gorgeous is the only superlative that comes to mind. They sure are that! Sour G looks very happy, as do the FB's. Such fatness. Looks like they'll get even fatter until those pistils turn color! Win/win!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. The FBs just keep going like the Energizer Bunny. I'm patiently waiting for their transition! 🧐
Looking beautiful :goodjob:
Thanks you so much Abs! And thanks for stopping by.
A beautiful trio indeed, GDB!
Thanks Ms. Carmen. :thanks:
Nice GDB !
Thanks Mello. :thanks:
That Ks 5000 is a full tent led that is leading the rest of those 4x4 lights. I have a KS2500 & KS3000 in my Th2 3x3 tents and a 450 W. Philson FD4500 in my 4x4, Great looking plants growmie, carry on ! SSgrower
Thanks SSgrower! That KS5000 is nice! It makes it a lot easier to get fat buds. :yummy:
Those are some very good looking pics, GDB.
Thanks MGM. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :Rasta:
I think looking for something new is what we do , being there is soooo much to pick from too . Plants looking Good and good to see the yellowing clearing up .
Thanks Smoke.

Yeah, you're probably right. We can't help but to try some of the new stuff that comes out. :)
You've really got a couple of fat bastards in there, and you definitely straightened out whatever was up with the Sour G!:welldone:

When you get a moment, can you outline which bags of Roots Organics you're using and how?
Thank you Shed.

For sure I'll let you know how I'm using the Roots Organics, just give me a day or two! I'm a busy man. 😁

(I started my day with Pineapple Express and I've be working around the house all day long! That weed really puts me into gear. Now I've got a few started mini-projects started that I need to finish soon or suffer questioning from the Mrs. about what the hell is going on.)
Between Strive nutes, Roots Organics, and the way your plants are looking, I think you've got things pretty well dialed in, GDB.👍
You even came up with an easy fix for the ongoing Grow Dots problem!:thanks:
Thanks Carcass.

Easy as pie, IMO. Once you realize that when the Dots are gone, they're gone. And if you wait long enough to see that they're gone, you may have waited a tad bit too long (unless you like yellow). :)
Very chunky, healthy girls, they will be pretty heavy-yielders. You've always done a great job. :thumb:
Hello all.

The Sour G on her Flip + 56 (yesterday) goes under the scope:

Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (1).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (5).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (4).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (3).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (2).jpg

She's getting there!

Highya GDB,

I see a lot of missing trichomes, a lot of cloudy ones, some clear, and quite a lot of amber. How do you intertpret that? Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

I see a lot of missing trichomes, a lot of cloudy ones, some clear, and quite a lot of amber. How do you intertpret that? Happy Smokin'
I interpret it pretty much how you described it Bode!

It's too early to really judge, IMO. I just got curious and had to see what was going on. 👀
Hello all.

I need to get back to Shed's question from Wednesday:

When you get a moment, can you outline which bags of Roots Organics you're using and how?
Sorry for the delayed response Shed, but I avoided the chirping!

And let me say this ain't the easiest question to answer. Well, I should say the which bags part is easy to answer but the how part of the question, not so much. 😁

Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrient line consists of an astounding 17 bags of stuff! 1️⃣7️⃣

I'm using six of them and probably could get away with using only four.

Early Veg:
Uprising Grow + Uprising Foundation

Late Veg ( around 35-45 days)
Terp Tea Grow + Uprising Foundation

After Flip:
Uprising Bloom + Uprising Foundation

Late Flower (around 60 days or so):
Terp Tea Bloom + Terp Tea Bloom Booster (but nowhere near the recommended levels with the Booster).


The how part?

It's always changing. I'm still looking for the best way to dial it in. The nutes seem very forgiving so they lend themselves to piddling around with!

With this grow I've been top dressing only. Though I have used them before by brewing "teas" and feeding them in liquid form. I don't think that's necessary with these nutes and with this grow I'm trying to find out if that's the case.

Last and most important, I try to let the plant tell me what I need to do and when! So as Stephen A. Smith would say, "This list is fluid!"

I feed weekly for the first few weeks with the Uprising Grow & Foundation. How many tbs you top feed is based on the amount of soil in your container. But whatever the amount, the bags say to use 1/2 dose of the Grow & Foundation if you're using them together.

I emphasize the "bags" because the Foundation is not referenced on the RO online feeding schedule. It's like it doesn't exist! I've been in contact with them about this and they said they're currently revising their schedule. It is currently about 3 months ago since they said that!

After the first few weeks I go to bi-weekly feedings at the dosages recommended for my containers, using the combinations listed in my "fluid" list.

Sometimes I extend the top dress period by 4-7 days and just continue with water only because the plants say to do it.

I think I'm about to get a little braver with the Terp Tea Bloom Booster this time around. I've never used it at anywhere near their recommended dosage!

Thanks for asking Shed!

I'm certain that this post will help me down the road.
Hello all.

The Sour G on her Flip + 56 (yesterday) goes under the scope:

Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (1).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (5).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (4).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (3).jpg
Sour G trichs 11-10-23 F56 (2).jpg

She's getting there!

Looks about perfect to me!! That's why I love growing.... you take it when you want to!! Customed just how you prefer!! 😎✌️
Hello all.

I need to get back to Shed's question from Wednesday:

Sorry for the delayed response Shed, but I avoided the chirping!

And let me say this ain't the easiest question to answer. Well, I should say the which bags part is easy to answer but the how part of the question, not so much. 😁

Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrient line consists of an astounding 17 bags of stuff! 1️⃣7️⃣

I'm using six of them and probably could get away with using only four.

Early Veg:
Uprising Grow + Uprising Foundation

Late Veg ( around 35-45 days)
Terp Tea Grow + Uprising Foundation

After Flip:
Uprising Bloom + Uprising Foundation

Late Flower (around 60 days or so):
Terp Tea Bloom + Terp Tea Bloom Booster (but nowhere near the recommended levels with the Booster).


The how part?

It's always changing. I'm still looking for the best way to dial it in. The nutes seem very forgiving so they lend themselves to piddling around with!

With this grow I've been top dressing only. Though I have used them before by brewing "teas" and feeding them in liquid form. I don't think that's necessary with these nutes and with this grow I'm trying to find out if that's the case.

Last and most important, I try to let the plant tell me what I need to do and when! So as Stephen A. Smith would say, "This list is fluid!"

I feed weekly for the first few weeks with the Uprising Grow & Foundation. How many tbs you top feed is based on the amount of soil in your container. But whatever the amount, the bags say to use 1/2 dose of the Grow & Foundation if you're using them together.

I emphasize the "bags" because the Foundation is not referenced on the RO online feeding schedule. It's like it doesn't exist! I've been in contact with them about this and they said they're currently revising their schedule. It is currently about 3 months ago since they said that!

After the first few weeks I go to bi-weekly feedings at the dosages recommended for my containers, using the combinations listed in my "fluid" list.

Sometimes I extend the top dress period by 4-7 days and just continue with water only because the plants say to do it.

I think I'm about to get a little braver with the Terp Tea Bloom Booster this time around. I've never used it at anywhere near their recommended dosage!

Thanks for asking Shed!

I's certain that this post will help me down the road.
Thank you GDB! All excellent answers and I appreciate the time you spent putting it together. I'm curious as to what all those numbers add up to, which is Monday's assignment for me.

:thanks: again.
Hello growers.

Something happened tonight that damn near made me fall off of my feeding chair!

I'm in the basement watering the plants and Mrs. GDB comes down to tend to the clothes she's washing. She looked at the Fat Bastard#1, which was sitting in front of the tent and said, "Wow, that's a really pretty plant."

HUH? Of all the plants she's seen me grow she has never once commented like she actually appreciated was she was seeing. The most positive thing she's said to date is, "They're growing fast."

I was astounded! So much so that I decided to feature pics of what she saw tonight:

The Fat Bastard#1:
FB1 11-11-23 side F57.jpg

FB1 11-11-23 above F57.jpg

FB1 11-11-23 bud F57.JPG

Lots of bud sites thanks to the CarcassSticks® training and nice looking buds thanks to the Roots Organic nutrients! If the Mrs. noticed it must be real! 😁

A tent shot before saying goodnight:
S2 11-11-23 F57 tent.jpg


Thank you GDB! All excellent answers and I appreciate the time you spent putting it together. I'm curious as to what all those numbers add up to, which is Monday's assignment for me.

:thanks: again.
Yikes. I hope your analysis doesn't bust my bubble (it's easy to bust) and get me to second-guessing! 😁

Still, I look forward to hearing what you have to say!
I knew she'd come around eventually!

She hasn't quite come around yet. Baby steps.

Right after she said how pretty the plant was she said, "It stinks down here." :)
She hasn't quite come around yet. Baby steps.

Right after she said how pretty the plant was she said, "It stinks down here." :)
That is what you want to hear, but it isn't what you want to hear at the same time.
I'll keep it to myself so as not to mess with your program.

Oh truly?
Sure! Why not?

I'm going to keep doing what gets me good results no matter what you say. And I may try what you say to see if I can get even better results.

That's a win-win, or maybe lose-win, or maybe win-lose or maybe a tie! 😁
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