Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Regarding the un-needed N. Will it do any harm to the plant? Or would it be just a waste of N?
I don't think it'll harm to the plant, but the buds will get extremely leafy, leading to an extended stay in trim jail... 😬
My Chocodope got a big jolt of N in flower, and that's what happened,(besides greening it up) so I'm guessing more Dots might do the same thing.
I don't think it'll harm to the plant, but the buds will get extremely leafy, leading to an extended stay in trim jail... 😬
My Chocodope got a big jolt of N in flower, and that's what happened,(besides greening it up) so I'm guessing more Dots might do the same thing.
Ha! I'll bet even a big dose of N in flower would not lead to me having green, leafy plants at the end. They'd find a way/reason to get mugly! :Rasta:

I'll find out soon enough. The two-part Strive nutes has most of the flowering nutes in part A, but Part A even has a little N. The Part B has lots of N and Calcium. I want to use the Part B at least for a few feeds for the Calcium. :)

I'm experimenting here. :)
Hello all.

So here's the pic of the yellowing Sour G. Recall that I thinks she's yellowing because her Grow Dots have expired. I left my other Dot-fed plant (Fat Bastard#2) next to her so you can see the contrast.

FB2 SG 11-2-23 comparison.jpg

The SG is further along in her development and my thought is she exhausted the Dots faster than the FB2.

SG Bud:
SG bud 11-2-23 F47.jpg

FB2 Bud:
FB2 Bud 11-2-23 F47.jpg

The FB#1, which is on Roots Organic dry nutrients, just continues to soldier along. (I'll bet that SG would grow well on the Roots Organics.)
FB1 11-2-23 F47.jpg

Back in the tent:
S2 11-2-23 tent F47.jpg

The FB#1 (front right) got the extensive CarcassStick® training while the FB#2 (left) got only moderate training with the sticks. The differing results are pretty obvious!

That's it for this morning.

Thanks for looking in.

You still have plenty of green on there to carry you through to the chop if the fix doesn't work!
Yeah, she's not too far gone. I think (hope) she'll be okay. :)

If I sent you pics of the bags of Strive could you let me know what you think of the numbers? They say to use Parts A&B from start to finish and don't add anything.
Haven't been here for a few days and it's already a bumper crop, just amazes me, GDB you're fantastic, can you take some pics with the lights before the chop, I'd like to share them with more people if that's convenient, lol :thumb: :cheer:
Haven't been here for a few days and it's already a bumper crop, just amazes me, GDB you're fantastic, can you take some pics with the lights before the chop, I'd like to share them with more people if that's convenient, lol :thumb: :cheer:
Thanks Val. I'll be taking pics until the end. Be forewarned however, my plants tend to look a bit scraggly right near the end! :Rasta:
Cool beans! Maybe I can learn how to really finish a plant! Here ya' go.
Well the bags are a bit non-specific compared to every other nutrient package (it doesn't list the type of N , P, or K) so I had make some assumptions (and I was confused because their direction are in ml but I thought this was powder), but here is what you would get if you added this to a gallon of water:
A: 4g
B: 2.1g

Resulting in:
137-43-186 with Ca at 109, Mg at 46, and S at 62.

It's a bit low on N and higher in Ca than ideal, but those are the numbers I would feed at for mid-to-late flower using those two selections.

And for the record, their recommendations would have you at 158-61-265, which is much more potassium than I would ever use or recommend.

If you want numbers for veg and early flower, let me know!
Well the bags are a bit non-specific compared to every other nutrient package (it doesn't list the type of N , P, or K) so I had make some assumptions (and I was confused because their direction are in ml but I thought this was powder), but here is what you would get if you added this to a gallon of water:
A: 4g
B: 2.1g

Resulting in:
137-43-186 with Ca at 109, Mg at 46, and S at 62.

It's a bit low on N and higher in Ca than ideal, but those are the numbers I would feed at for mid-to-late flower using those two selections.

And for the record, their recommendations would have you at 158-61-265, which is much more potassium than I would ever use or recommend.

If you want numbers for veg and early flower, let me know!
Thanks Shed. Yes please send the numbers for the other stages. I'd like to have it for my records.

To be honest, this is not the answer I had hoped for. I was looking for something like, "I've never seen a nute line so well formulated. Use them exactly as they recommend!" :laugh:

In fact, for my clones I am going to use them as they recommend to see what happens. No disrespect to you but you did say you had to make some "assumptions." Plus using your gram measurement would require me to do the conversion from ml to grams for the substance in question (because it's not water). I don't feel like doing that. Strive is not a powder either. It's more like large salt crystals. So I would be, in effect, "guessing" trying to come up with the correct conversion formula according to the mass of the crystals. Oh boy, the Lazy-meter is starting to vibrate already!

But I thank you immensely and look forward to receiving the additional numbers.
No disrespect to you but you did say you had to make some "assumptions."
None taken, and the assumptions I made were about the types of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. I assumed they were like almost every other nutrient line out there!
Strive is not a powder either. It's more like large salt crystals
They're telling you to measure a solid using a liquid measure? Weird, because they sell it by dry weight. ;)

My measurements are more exact than theirs, but feel free to pay no attention to them whatsoever!
So I would be, in effect, "guessing" trying to come up with the correct conversion formula according to the mass of the crystals.
You wouldn't be guessing if you weighed it.
look forward to receiving the additional numbers
Additional numbers would re-activate the lazy meter because weighing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
None taken, and the assumptions I made were about the types of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. I assumed they were like almost every other nutrient line out there!

1. They're telling you to measure a solid using a liquid measure? Weird, because they sell it by dry weight. ;)

2. My measurements are more exact than theirs, but feel free to pay no attention to them whatsoever!

3. You wouldn't be guessing if you weighed it.

1. I found that odd too. I also found it odd that they provided mixing instructions for 10L of water. Who mixes nutes in 2.6 gallon jugs(?)

2. I'll bet they are more precise. Maybe I should reconsider.

3. I don't mind weighing and the Lazy-meter has no say in the matter. It's like a peanut gallery, mostly. :)

Now I feel like I'm having to think about this too much. I like easy and this nute line doesn't seem to fit the bill.

1. I found that odd too. I also found it odd that they provided mixing instructions for 10L of water. Who mixes nutes in 2.6 gallon jugs(?)
2. I'll bet they are more precise. Maybe I should reconsider.
3. I don't mind weighing and the Lazy-meter has no say in the matter. It's like a peanut gallery, mostly. :)
Now I feel like I'm having to think about this too much. I like easy and this nute line doesn't seem to fit the bill.
Other than running GeoFlora by the book (without their recommended "Master Grower" additives), there aren't any nute lines I consider set and forget. Still, weighing out from two bags for the life of the grow is just one bag harder than MC. :)
Other than running GeoFlora by the book (without their recommended "Master Grower" additives, there aren't any nute lines I consider set and forget. Still, weighing out from two bags for the life of the grow is just one bag harder than MC. :)
Yeah, like I said before the weighing is not an issue.

If you send the other numbers I'll use your formula for my Black Sugar plant, which I plan to start soon.

Thanks Shed.
As I play with the numbers I'm torn between too much Ca in veg or too much K! Decisions decisions. :hmmmm:

This would be my two-bag veg mix, which you would just add water to dilute down for first feeding to full veg:
A: 3.2
B: 1.8g

Won't get you Jenny's phone number but it gets you 113-35-150 with Ca at 90, Mg at 37, and S at 50.

You would just dilute that gallon with water when the plant's younger. For example, mix 1 part of that to 3 parts water at the second set of true leaves, and so on as it grows.

For stretch and early flower I'd go:
A: 3.5g
B: 2g

That puts you at 125-38-163 with Ca at 100, Mg at 41, and S at 55.

Personally I would be adding magnesium nitrate to all mixes, so my veg would be:
A: 3.1g
B: 1.6g
Mag-nite: 0.7g

Early flower would be:
A: 3.5g
B: 1.7g
Mag-nite: 0.5g

And late flower would be:
A: 3.9g
B: 2g
Mag-nite: 0.6g

Those are the numbers I would use for my plants. Doesn't mean you don't have to watch them as they grow though, but you know that by now!

there aren't any nute lines I consider set and forget.
That said, P9 has success with his Dyna-grow in coco! :ciao:
As I play with the numbers I'm torn between too much Ca in veg or too much K! Decisions decisions. :hmmmm:

This would be my two-bag veg mix, which you would just add water to dilute down for first feeding to full veg:
A: 3.2
B: 1.8g

Won't get you Jenny's phone number but it gets you 113-35-150 with Ca at 90, Mg at 37, and S at 50.

You would just dilute that gallon with water when the plant's younger. For example, mix 1 part of that to 3 parts water at the second set of true leaves, and so on as it grows.

For stretch and early flower I'd go:
A: 3.5g
B: 2g

That puts you at 125-38-163 with Ca at 100, Mg at 41, and S at 55.

Personally I would be adding magnesium nitrate to all mixes, so my veg would be:
A: 3.1g
B: 1.6g
Mag-nite: 0.7g

Early flower would be:
A: 3.5g
B: 1.7g
Mag-nite: 0.5g

And late flower would be:
A: 3.9g
B: 2g
Mag-nite: 0.6g

Those are the numbers I would use for my plants. Doesn't mean you don't have to watch them as they grow though, but you know that by now!
Got it!

Looking forward to seeing how it works out! :)

Who is Jenny?
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