Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Grove bags love ‘em - zip ‘em up and even 6 months later you got all the flavour and aroma and perfect bud without doing a thing!

We got what looks like a new design 1/2 pounder recently. Doesn’t have the extra spot to heat seal them as well anymore. They improved the zip? Think @DeeBoy knows a bit about it. I have some little 1oz ones for my personal stuff and that zip isn't letting anything out

But don't they look nice full’o weed whatever the size!

Those are the child-proof bags you're talking about. Much better material and zipper construction, IMO. Those are the only ones I buy now.
I bought a few QP bags recently and they changed the zipper for sure.
Just need to be careful when you open em as I'm sure if you're not paying attention you could rip em.
Not really sure why, but they have a velvet texture and have a touch indicator on it to get you to feel them.
Probably some weird ASMR thing. Anyone want to feel my bag?


No. Feel your own bag! :laugh:
Good weight GDB , , where is the other journal at again ? Thanks
Thanks Smoke.

I've got a couple of clones growing HERE.

I have another journal going for the @Canuk Seeds grow but I'm about to close that one out because I couldn't get any of the seeds to germinate.
They have improved the zips Since I got my 1st bags. With the new ones I just use the zips and don’t have to heat seal them. I think grove bag people said heat sealing adds 5% to your terps vs just using the ziplock.
I never liked the idea of heat-sealing them. :straightface:
I never liked the heat seal because they’re not that cheap and my wife kept forgetting to heat seal at the top - she’d do right next to the zip so one shot not a couple 😂

These are cool, this is a limited edition one, they’ve done a few, I have plain lime green standard ones too. I think what @Regrowth is talking about is the blue bit, almost like a double seal. I’ve felt like I’m going to split it as well. I sorta learnt (from watching my wife stop me from breaking it 🤣) run your finger nail to break the bit that’s not blue.

That’s my favourite bag of weed in the world btw. Bonsai solo grow Strawberry AK. It deserves a limited edition cure bag!

I never liked the heat seal because they’re not that cheap and my wife kept forgetting to heat seal at the top - she’d do right next to the zip so one shot not a couple 😂

These are cool, this is a limited edition one, they’ve done a few, I have plain lime green standard ones too. I think what @Regrowth is talking about is the blue bit, almost like a double seal. I’ve felt like I’m going to split it as well. I sorta learnt (from watching my wife stop me from breaking it 🤣) run your finger nail to break the bit that’s not blue.

That’s my favourite bag of weed in the world btw. Bonsai solo grow Strawberry AK. It deserves a limited edition cure bag!

You grip the blue edge and pull apart. Tuck the blue edge back down when you close it.
Hello all.

Last night when I looked in on the girls the Sour G had developed a bunch of yellowing leaves. Neither of the FBs has a single yellow leaf.

I'm nearly certain this is due to the expiration of my Grow Dots. The Dotted plants have been on the Dots for 72 days.

This yellowing fits my "theory" about how the Dots work. From prior use I've concluded that they run out at about the 65 day mark. And when they're done, they're done. There's nothing left for the plant. So essentially, the Sour G has been on a water-only diet for maybe 7 days or so.

So why is the other Dotted plant, the Fat Bastard#2 not showing any yellow leaves. That's a question I have too, and I don't know the answer. But I do have a "theory." (I'm full of theories. Or, at the very least, I'm full of something! :))

The SG is much further developed than the FBs. Her buds are turning hard and she has plenty of orange hairs (and has had for a while). The pistils on the FBs, while plentiful, have just begun changing colors and their colas do not yet resemble real "buds."

Could the SG be lots more efficient at sucking the nutrients out of the soil, causing the Dots to diminish more quickly and completely, while the FB has been a little slower on the uptake and perhaps has left a few more goodies in the soil even at 72 day mark? Who knows?

Anyway, I gave the SG a dose of Strive Nutrients. It'll be a good test to see how these new (to me) nutrients perform. And since I believe the FB#2 will begin yellowing soon, I gave her a dose of Strive as well.

The FB#1 is being raised on Roots Organics dry nutrients. Since being flipped she had been getting a tsp. each of their Bloom and Foundation once per week. Last night I doubled up on the Bloom (2 tsps) and replaced the Foundation with their Bloom Booster at a very low rate. (Their instructions say to add 1tsp of the Booster per gallon of soil and the plant is in a 5 gallon pot. Chicken Little gave her 1 tsp of Booster. :) )

When I went down to the basement last night I forgot my camera and was too lazy to climb the 2 flights of stairs to retrieve it. Then this morning I got up to late to get a pic before the lights went out at 10am.

I'll try to get some pics at lights-on tonight.

That's it for today.

As always, thanks for you interest.

Hello all.

Last night when I looked in on the girls the Sour G had developed a bunch of yellowing leaves. Neither of the FBs has a single yellow leaf.

I'm nearly certain this is due to the expiration of my Grow Dots. The Dotted plants have been on the Dots for 72 days.

This yellowing fits my "theory" about how the Dots work. From prior use I've concluded that they run out at about the 65 day mark. And when they're done, they're done. There's nothing left for the plant. So essentially, the Sour G has been on a water-only diet for maybe 7 days or so.

So why is the other Dotted plant, the Fat Bastard#2 not showing any yellow leaves. That's a question I have too, and I don't know the answer. But I do have a "theory." (I'm full of theories. Or, at the very least, I'm full of something! :))

The SG is much further developed than the FBs. Her buds are turning hard and she has plenty of orange hairs (and has had for a while). The pistils on the FBs, while plentiful, have just begun changing colors and their colas do not yet resemble real "buds."

Could the SG be lots more efficient at sucking the nutrients out of the soil, causing the Dots to diminish more quickly and completely, while the FB has been a little slower on the uptake and perhaps has left a few more goodies in the soil even at 72 day mark? Who knows?

Anyway, I gave the SG a dose of Strive Nutrients. It'll be a good test to see how these new (to me) nutrients perform. And since I believe the FB#2 will begin yellowing soon, I gave her a dose of Strive as well.

The FB#1 is being raised on Roots Organics dry nutrients. Since being flipped she had been getting a tsp. each of their Bloom and Foundation. Last night I doubled up on the Bloom (2 tsps) and replaced the Foundation with their Bloom Booster at a very low rate. (Their instructions say to add 1tsp of the Booster per gallon of soil and the plant is in a 5 gallon pot. Chicken Little gave her 1 tsp of Booster. :) )

When I went down to the basement last night I forgot my camera and was to lazy to climb the 2 flights of stairs to retrieve it. Then this morning I got up to late to get a pic before the lights went out at 10am.

I'll try to get some pics at lights-on tonight.

That's it for today.

As always, thanks for you interest.

Like your thinking on the dots. I’ve not used but read about them for SIP/Soil grows and they sell like little pellet Thai version for cheap at the big box store. Wanna give them a try. They’re not going to last forever, right?
Sweet harvest weight GDB! And I'm interested in seeing if you can inject some color back in the Sour G with the Strive nutes.
Thanks Shed.

I too look forward to seeing what the Strive will do for her.

The 2 clones that I have in the Stack Grow are being raised exclusively on Strive and they seem quite happy for now.

Interestingly, Strive recommends not using any other supplements with their nutes, not even CalMag.
Hello all.

Last night when I looked in on the girls the Sour G had developed a bunch of yellowing leaves. Neither of the FBs has a single yellow leaf.

I'm nearly certain this is due to the expiration of my Grow Dots. The Dotted plants have been on the Dots for 72 days.

This yellowing fits my "theory" about how the Dots work. From prior use I've concluded that they run out at about the 65 day mark. And when they're done, they're done. There's nothing left for the plant. So essentially, the Sour G has been on a water-only diet for maybe 7 days or so.

So why is the other Dotted plant, the Fat Bastard#2 not showing any yellow leaves. That's a question I have too, and I don't know the answer. But I do have a "theory." (I'm full of theories. Or, at the very least, I'm full of something! :))

The SG is much further developed than the FBs. Her buds are turning hard and she has plenty of orange hairs (and has had for a while). The pistils on the FBs, while plentiful, have just begun changing colors and their colas do not yet resemble real "buds."

Could the SG be lots more efficient at sucking the nutrients out of the soil, causing the Dots to diminish more quickly and completely, while the FB has been a little slower on the uptake and perhaps has left a few more goodies in the soil even at 72 day mark? Who knows?

Anyway, I gave the SG a dose of Strive Nutrients. It'll be a good test to see how these new (to me) nutrients perform. And since I believe the FB#2 will begin yellowing soon, I gave her a dose of Strive as well.

The FB#1 is being raised on Roots Organics dry nutrients. Since being flipped she had been getting a tsp. each of their Bloom and Foundation. Last night I doubled up on the Bloom (2 tsps) and replaced the Foundation with their Bloom Booster at a very low rate. (Their instructions say to add 1tsp of the Booster per gallon of soil and the plant is in a 5 gallon pot. Chicken Little gave her 1 tsp of Booster. :) )

When I went down to the basement last night I forgot my camera and was to lazy to climb the 2 flights of stairs to retrieve it. Then this morning I got up to late to get a pic before the lights went out at 10am.

I'll try to get some pics at lights-on tonight.

That's it for today.

As always, thanks for you interest.

You and carcass both are seeing the same thing I’ve been experiencing. I have adding Geo Flora Bloom top dress, but it was to close to the end by then, lots of scabby leaves. I’m going to check out dude grows site. They have a lot of dot users hanging out there.
I never liked the heat seal because they’re not that cheap and my wife kept forgetting to heat seal at the top - she’d do right next to the zip so one shot not a couple 😂

These are cool, this is a limited edition one, they’ve done a few, I have plain lime green standard ones too. I think what @Regrowth is talking about is the blue bit, almost like a double seal. I’ve felt like I’m going to split it as well. I sorta learnt (from watching my wife stop me from breaking it 🤣) run your finger nail to break the bit that’s not blue.

That’s my favourite bag of weed in the world btw. Bonsai solo grow Strawberry AK. It deserves a limited edition cure bag!

I like that bag Nick!

TerpLoc has sent me a few samples over time too! :)

TerpLoc samples.jpg
You and carcass both are seeing the same thing I’ve been experiencing. I have adding Geo Flora Bloom top dress, but it was to close to the end by then, lots of scabby leaves. I’m going to check out dude grows site. They have a lot of dot users hanging out there.
I truly believe you can avoid the yellowing if you act soon enough, but when is soon enough? I say around 60 days.

But, hell, they usually produce some great 60-day old plants with just watering only. That's like a little growcation! :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by D!
Like your thinking on the dots. I’ve not used but read about them for SIP/Soil grows and they sell like little pellet Thai version for cheap at the big box store. Wanna give them a try. They’re not going to last forever, right?
No Nick, they're not going to last forever! :Rasta:
The Dotted plants have been on the Dots for 72 days.
I too look forward to seeing what the Strive will do for her.
As do I ! I haven't figured it out yet, hopefully this brings us one step closer...I was just going to add more Dots at day 60 or so, but if the Strive works, I can shelf the more Dots @DeeBoy pointed out to me in my journal- the Dots would supply a lot of un-needed Nitrogen at the wrong time...
As do I ! I haven't figured it out yet, hopefully this brings us one step closer...I was just going to add more Dots at day 60 or so, but if the Strive works, I can shelf the more Dots @DeeBoy pointed out to me in my journal- the Dots would supply a lot of un-needed Nitrogen at the wrong time...
I agree with Dee. But my main concern would be that due to the way the nutrients are released, the plant would not get the P & K it needs at that time.

Regarding the un-needed N. Will it do any harm to the plant? Or would it be just a waste of N?
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