Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

things go right, you should end up with something like this... (same plant today, all growed up. :)) ...
With the accompanying picture that’s the understatement of the year 🤣

Wow Carcass! Lovely Duper, as ever!
:ciao: Hey Stone!

You outdoor growers up North and that weather were putting a strain on my serenity. I was on pins and needles as Lee moved nearby.

It's weird how one can get so invested in the grows of others!
Hell, at my age, I'm lucky to get anything done at all, let alone take credit for it...
All the more reason you deserve recognition, accomplishing what you do while on your last leg.
It's a good think yer able to ignore that lazy meter. Your training is looking so good.
Thanks Carmen.

Had I not learned to ignore that thing I'd only be growing one plant at a a 2 gallon pot!
There’s that Bill Gates attributed quote/philosophy:
I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.
True that - faced with a next day deadline after a month lead time and done nothing you get mad creative and focussed to make that deadline!
That FF may be big by current standards, but the size and shape remind me a lot of your earlier plants. Beauties all though!

Nice work slapping down that LazyMeter® on the 2x2 training. :thumb:
Thanks Shed.

Plants this tall in a small pot are accidents waiting to happen in my mitts. If I'm not concentrating and using all of my ample muscle supply, I pick them up and they drastically tilt to the side. (Though this hasn't actually happened. :) )
True that - faced with a next day deadline after a month lead time and done nothing you get mad creative and focussed to make that deadline!
Or call in sick.
GDB!!! I love how you love your plants so much and somehow still manage to find a way to make every single post humorous! It's like hey if you want to see some rocking plants and laugh your ass off, just come on over to the Redux grow! I'm about to cancel my therapy session for this week and just hang out here in awe and laugh!
GDB!!! I love how you love your plants so much and somehow still manage to find a way to make every single post humorous! It's like hey if you want to see some rocking plants and laugh your ass off, just come on over to the Redux grow! I'm about to cancel my therapy session for this week and just hang out here in awe and laugh!
Very kind of you Krissi. I think it's nice to bring a little levity to the goings ons. :thanks:
Good evening/morning all.

Another day of serenity comes to an end and the girls are steadily progressing on their Flip + 48. The Forbidden Fruit (rear) continues to puzzle me with her light yellow leaves. I think I'll give her some Calmag with N on her next feed.
Serenity 9-18-23 tent.jpg


In the 2x2, the Phase II plants are still managing to coexist on their Flip + 4. But I think I'll be moving them to more spacious surroundings tomorrow or the next day.

S2 9-18-23 F4 tent.jpg

Their canopy looks fairly good, for now.
S2 9-18-23 F4 canopy.jpg

That's all I've got.

I appreciate your time spent here!

Highya GDB,

Great looking ladies!! Very nice chunky buds! The smaller tent looks so impressive with all that training. Canopy looks so nice in there. Can't wait to see how big the colas get! Happy Smokin'
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