Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

unruliHighya GDB,

Those buds are fattening up very nicely! It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling!! They both look very nice!! In the 2 X 2, will the colas stretch enough to make you proud at harvest time? That would be my only concern flipping this early. Your ladies, your choice! I'll follow regardless, just to see how they finish!! Happy Smokin'

Ps. Not complaining, just explaining.
Thanks Bode.

I appreciate your concerns but I think the Phase II plants will get big enough for me. I don't like 'em too large. Plus, I'm reacting to the unruliness of the Forbidden Fruit that I flipped on her Day 44. She grew more than expected and I'll not chance a repeat of that!

Thanks for stopping by. Always a pleasure!
All 6 are looking real good, GDB!
In the 2x2, The Phase II girls are on their Day 40. I still plan on flipping them Thursday
Good plan- it should help in keeping them a manageable size...even so, It's still going to get pretty tight in that 2x2...:oops: but, you've got a 4x4 to move them into, right?
So you have to thank @Carcass.
So giving her all the buds on this plant when they grow out? lol
Word on the street is she's got some buds of her own...🤪
All 6 are looking real good, GDB!

Good plan- it should help in keeping them a manageable size...even so, It's still going to get pretty tight in that 2x2...:oops: but, you've got a 4x4 to move them into, right?

Word on the street is she's got some buds of her own...🤪
They'll be moved out of there when I flip them Carcass, or soon thereafter. (Hmm, I hadn't thought of flipping them in the 2x2. That gives me some lazy days before I have to get the 5x5 ready. Thanks!)

Word on the street has her being a him! :laugh:
Hello all!

It's Day 41 for the Phase II girls and this is their Flip eve!

I'm kinda' excited about this group and look forward to seeing what they do. The 2 Fat Bastards (front & back right) seem bushier than most plants I've dealt with before. I guess that's the result of using more CarcassSticks® than I usually do. The Sour G looks like a sparser plant but I think she's going to flourish too!

S2 9-13-23 D41.jpg


So thanks to the ongoing seed give-aways, for my next cycle I get to skip the torment of deciding on which of my seeds to grow!

I'll be participating in both the @SeedsMan Black Sugar grow and the @Canuk Seeds grow. From Canuk I'll be growing a Purple Punch Elite, a Cement Shoes Elite and a G13.

A big shout out to both of those sponsors for this wonderful opportunity!

I estimate another 40 days (give or take) for the Serenity group currently in the 4x4. And I can move the Phase II girls to my 5x5 tent whenever I want. So when I receive the Canuk seeds I can start them in vacant 2x2. They can spend enough time in there for the 4x4 group to finish and then I'll move the Canuks into the 4x4. Then I can grow a smallish Black Sugar in the 2x2.

That's a "plan!" Those of you who have followed my grows know that I excel at planning. It's the "execution" part that gives me problems. :)


That's all from me today.

As usual, I really appreciate any time you spend here!

Such nice training I thought Carcass had gotten a tent! I like the plan so I guess :goodluck: with the execution?
Thanks Shed. I merely observe and copy and observe. :)
Loads of bud sites already, and you're just gettin' started!👍
Huh? I thought I was about done. There's more!? :laugh:
Hello all.

It's Flip + 42 for the Serenity group and not much is going on.

Other than providing water and rotating the plants I'm merely a passive observer.

The buds are fattening but ho hum. That's not something one can really "see" from day to day.

I ain't complaining, just explaining.
Serenity 9-12-23 F42 tent.jpg

Pistils are just beginning to change colors on the Slurricane and the Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner, so there's that.

Slur 9-12-23 F42.jpg

GPxBB 9-12-23 F42.jpg


In the 2x2, The Phase II girls are on their Day 40. I still plan on flipping them Thursday (unless I change my mind :)).

S2 9-12-23 D40.jpg


That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in.


WOW, the leaves of Slur and GBXBB look darker green and much bigger than others. Really beautiful!
Good morning all.

It's Flip + 44 for the Serenity group and I've found something that's fun to watch!

Serenity 9-14-23 F44.jpg

I didn't get a good shot of it this time, but those spears on the FF (rear) are filling in like gangbusters. They have the potential to be huge and heavy, with a few being more than a foot long!

For now, the GPxBB on the right is the clear leader in weight production. She has become a truly chunky girl.


The Phase II girls in the 2x2 get flipped today. Lights were set to go off at 10am today and come on at 10pm.


That's it for me.

Thanks for stopping by.

Good morning all.

It's Flip + 44 for the Serenity group and I've found something that's fun to watch!

Serenity 9-14-23 F44.jpg

I didn't get a good shot of it this time, but those spears on the FF (rear) are filling in like gangbusters. They have the potential to be huge and heavy, with a few being more than a foot long!

For now, the GPxBB on the right is the clear leader in weight production. She has become a truly chunky girl.


The Phase II girls in the 2x2 get flipped today. Lights were set to go off at 10am today and come on at 10pm.


That's it for me.

Thanks for stopping by.

:drool: beautiful :drool::thumb::high-five:
I didn't get a good shot of it this time, but those spears on the FF (rear) are filling in like gangbusters. They have the potential to be huge and heavy, with a few being more than a foot long!
Very Cool, GDB-"too tall" turned into a good thing....👍
WOW, the leaves of Slur and GBXBB look darker green and much bigger than others. Really beautiful!
The FF has been a lighter green from the outset!
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