Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Sweet plants! And your BSa did a bit better than my BSa spog®. :)

Ahh the days of pizza by the slice. Not a lot of those in Los Angeles, probably because the lack of foot traffic.

Box? Not just a napkin and a piece of grease-proof paper? :hmmmm: The real question is: did he fold it?
Ha! That spog could very well have been my plant. It's the luck of the draw when it comes to seeds!

Yeah, they have little triangular boxes now. If I owned the store I'd ask the youngsters if they even wanted a box. I'll bet a lot of them would say, "Nah, just hand it here." :)

EDIT: Yeah, he folded it into his face!
That's not my current tude. That's my sativa grow tude, whenever I get to do it! :)

BTW, I flipped the FF on her Day 44 and afterwards weighted down her branches when I saw what was going on. But she just laughed at me and called me impotent!
But rest assured, things are still serene here. I think I'll have a cup of jasmine tea! :meditate:
Jasmine is one of my fav's!
That's not my current tude. That's my sativa grow tude, whenever I get to do it! :)

BTW, I flipped the FF on her Day 44 and afterwards weighted down her branches when I saw what was going on. But she just laughed at me and called me impotent!
But rest assured, things are still serene here. I think I'll have a cup of jasmine tea! :meditate:
My Cherries D did that to me! I'm used to it. :rolleyes: I had a plan B in my pocket though and got 11.5 zips from her. So emasculating until it isn't!

Brooklyn Sunrise auto, finished in September 2020.

Sweet Brookie! Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
Getting old SUCKS //// 👴
The real question is: did he fold it?
My thought as well!
Hello all.

There's trouble brewing here (for me) on Flip + 39 for the Serenity girls.

The Forbidden Fruit (rear) is starting to lean.
Serenity 9-9-23 F39 lean.jpg

What's the problem you say? Just give her some support for when she really puts on some weight.

The problem is that I'm pretty inept when it comes to supporting plants. I have tried and failed numerous times to keep much shorter plants than this one erect.

I'll do the best I can. I'll tie some string around her and I'll tie branches to bamboo stakes and I'll do pretty much whatever anyone else suggests that makes sense to me. But I'm rattled. After all, she indeed does have a lot more weight to add.

Thanks for looking in.

Oh my dayzzzzz!

That there is grow excellence!

Oiiii Black, im trying (and failing) to get a quadline up and running. My latest attempt was a total failure. Really pretty looking plant, has four arms which are a twisted mess, giving her a completely unquadlined look.

Im going to try and quadline an auto.
Beautiful plant you had there now you've given me something to achieve
I'll do the best I can. I'll tie some string around her and I'll tie branches to bamboo stakes and I'll do pretty much whatever anyone else suggests that makes sense to me. But I'm rattled. After all, she indeed does have a lot more weight to add.
This is what we do! Practice in the field! I have confidence in you!
I'll tie some string around her
That was going to be my suggestion- should help keep her from getting too wide...
Sometimes they'll start leaning to one side behind the string-
just put a skewer beside them to stop the lean..
The string should hold the shorter branches, and Shed's maypole idea should do it for those tall ones..

Sounds easy from here... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh we have lots of pizza places, but I only know of 2 that sell by the slice! I guess no one is going to take a slice to eat in their car. :)

Here's another approach: Tie a pole to the trunk in the middle and tie your branches to that, kinda like a maypole!
Thanks Shed. The maypole approach will be a good fit for this one (I think)! :thanks:
That was going to be my suggestion- should help keep her from getting too wide...
Sometimes they'll start leaning to one side behind the string-
just put a skewer beside them to stop the lean..
The string should hold the shorter branches, and Shed's maypole idea should do it for those tall ones..

Sounds easy from here... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sounds easy from here too! Thanks Carcass. :)
Good Sunday evening (at least here)!

I woke up too late to get a look at the Serenity group this morning. Last night I tied a string around the Forbidden Fruit in order to address her beginning to lean. I really wanted to see if it helped but no dice. I was a sleepy head! 😴


Anyway, considering what happened with the FF going buck wild in the primary Serenity group I'm trying really hard to keep the Phase II girls under control. It's Day 38 for them and I still plan on flipping them on Thursday, their Day 42. I think this is as many CarcassSticks® as I've ever used in a single grow! :)

S2 9-10-23 D38.jpg

That's the Sour G in the front and the 2 Fat Bastards in the rear.

Almost time to cue the band!

Thanks for looking in.

I think this is as many CarcassSticks® as I've ever used in a single grow! :)
:thumb: Phase 2 girls are looking great, GDB-
You may need quite a few more before you're done- I've used up to 40 on one plant before...depending on the branching..
but, they're cheap and easy to make, so the more the merrier- I've got about 100 made up- 2 plants will use up most of them during the training part of the grow..:oops:
Good evening/morning all.

So I got a look at the Forbidden Fruit tonight and I was happy with what I saw.

Not only was her green improving but my single string tie had held her in position, just slightly leaning. I went about applying the maypole(s) method that Shed suggested. I had to use two bamboo stakes in the middle of the pot rather than one just because that's how it turned out.

I attached 2 branches to the stakes and may do more if needed later.

FF 9-10-230F40 maypoles.jpg

Since I had to take the other 2 plants out of the tent I took a few solo pics.

Slurricane from the top:
Slur 9-10-23 F40.jpg

Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner (She's the beefiest one in the tent. Pistils coming in great!):
GxB 9-10-23 F40.jpg

I fed them all tonight. The FF got 2L of PB. The other 2 got 1L of PB + .5L of organic calmag @5ml per gallon.

I also did a little defol on the inner parts of each plant. There were too many leaves in there!

And all back in the tent. I think I'm nearly halfway there!
Sereniity 9-10-23 F40 eye level.jpg

It's so nice having these 2 lights that I can hang at different heights! Much love @ViparSpectra!


:thumb: Phase 2 girls are looking great, GDB-
You may need quite a few more before you're done- I've used up to 40 on one plant before...depending on the branching..
but, they're cheap and easy to make, so the more the merrier- I've got about 100 made up- 2 plants will use up most of them during the training part of the grow..:oops:

Thanks Carcass. I'm just realizing how to properly use your sticks. My FF has been a big eye-opener for me! 👀


Thanks for your time.

Good evening/morning all.

So I got a look at the Forbidden Fruit tonight and I was happy with what I saw.

Not only was her green improving but my single string tie had held her in position, just slightly leaning. I went about applying the maypole(s) method that Shed suggested. I had to use two bamboo stakes in the middle of the pot rather than one just because that's how it turned out.

I attached 2 branches to the stakes and may do more if needed later.

FF 9-10-230F40 maypoles.jpg

Since I had to take the other 2 plants out of the tent I took a few solo pics.

Slurricane from the top:
Slur 9-10-23 F40.jpg

Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner (She's the beefiest one in the tent. Pistils coming in great!):
GxB 9-10-23 F40.jpg

I fed them all tonight. The FF got 2L of PB. The other 2 got 1L of PB + .5L of organic calmag @5ml per gallon.

I also did a little defol on the inner parts of each plant. There were too many leaves in there!

And all back in the tent. I think I'm nearly halfway there!
Sereniity 9-10-23 F40 eye level.jpg

It's so nice having these 2 lights that I can hang at different heights! Much love @ViparSpectra!


Thanks Carcass. I'm just realizing how to properly use your sticks. My FF has been a big eye-opener for me! 👀


Thanks for your time.

Looking good 👍
:thumb: Phase 2 girls are looking great, GDB-
You may need quite a few more before you're done- I've used up to 40 on one plant before...depending on the branching..
but, they're cheap and easy to make, so the more the merrier- I've got about 100 made up- 2 plants will use up most of them during the training part of the grow..:oops:
I'm getting it Carcass! :yahoo:

I went back and looked at the Phase II girls after midnight and I saw many more branches that needed sticks!

I think I might have placed about 12 more in the 2 Fat Bastards (rear).
S2 9-11-23 D39 more sticks.jpg

It takes me a while to figure things out, but even slow trains arrive at the station at some point!

This is fun. The indoor weed world owes you a debt of gratitude for sticking it to us! :)

So happy for you, Your method worked and she is growing the way you wanted her to
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