Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

How good is it to have all this information at the tips of our fingers!? What relief!

I use a rule I found here at the Mag. Veg in the bottom 1/3 of the tent. Flowering should be ok in the 2/3's left up top. That rule can be overcome by really crazy plants but that's where supercropping comes in. See the Shedster for the best in depth plant chiropractoring!
It's great having so much info. at hand Stone! I would be lost in the sauce without 420! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

It's Day 33 for the Phase II girls and they are growing greenly!:)

S2 9-5-23 D33.jpg

The Sour G is now in the front flanked by the 2 Fat Bastards.

The FB1 on the left got her first top-feed of Roots Organics dry nutes last night. The other 2 plants are getting plain water with Grow Dots providing their nutrition.

Thanks for looking in.

Good morning all and Happy Hump Day!

Let's have a look at the Serenity group on Flip + 36.

Forbidden Fruit. Starting to fill in and continues to be a lighter green. I'm not totally convinced that the light green is solely genetic. It may be partly genetic but there seems to be more going on.
FF 9-6-23 F36.jpg


Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner:
GxB 9-6-23 F36.jpg


Slur 9-6-23 F36 above.jpg

Tent shot:
Serernity 9-6-23 F36 tent.jpg

I'll remember this grow mostly for the manner in which the FF just did what she wanted to do. She had the shortest max. indoor height estimate of the three plants (all from the same breeder) yet here she stands, twice as tall as both the others.
Serenity 9-6-23 F36 eyelevel tent.jpg

This really gives me pause about trying a sativa. What if I had one to go crazy like this FF? What would/could I do?

Anyway, that's all I've got for today.

As always, your time is appreciated.

I think that FF is just wild looking with those 4 limbs reaching up above the rest of the plant !?!? I yo u grow a sativa / you can get plenty of advice to train her to keep the height down , I am sure
IKR. She completely got away from me!
What would/could I do?
For me its gone like this/

Get on with it plant, grow already.

Ooh thats great growth!

Wowee! She’s going! Amazing!

OK you can stop now. Belated extra staking

Wonder at their magnificence! They fall over

Daily staking and ropes until it looks like some S&M chamber in your tent.

Please please stop! Plants fall over again.

Acceptance, lie them down and let them finish weeks later than you allowed for.


But we’re not good at training to start with.
This really gives me pause about trying a sativa. What if I had one to go crazy like this FF? What would/could I do?
You'll do what it takes as you see what it needs. Easy peasy. We all have you! BTW that tude is for the last journal man. Check out the title up top!

If you think you're about to have a real grower, a short veg and tight lst is all you need. the rest will come.
You'll do what it takes as you see what it needs. Easy peasy. We all have you! BTW that tude is for the last journal man. Check out the title up top!

If you think you're about to have a real grower, a short veg and tight lst is all you need. the rest will come.
That's not my current tude. That's my sativa grow tude, whenever I get to do it! :)

BTW, I flipped the FF on her Day 44 and afterwards weighted down her branches when I saw what was going on. But she just laughed at me and called me impotent!
But rest assured, things are still serene here. I think I'll have a cup of jasmine tea! :meditate:
Highya GDB,

Those ladies look gorgeous! Their flowers so pretty!! Great job getting them this far. About holding them back - We all learn in different ways to become better, because our methods vary and to find out what works for them!! I learn a lot every year, trying new things. Next year is tio grow winter stash in 4 gal sip's, outdoors. I have a couple going this year, so will have a little experience. But, your ladies look very happy! Happy Smokin'
Anything that looks hungry should get a bit more of what makes it happy, and I have no doubt that you could wrangle a single sativa in a 4x4 with no trouble at all a bit of help from the good folks here!

I'd start by losing the weights as a training method. Any training method that allows a plant to call you impotent should be cast aside in favor of something a bit more potent. :thumb:
I'll remember this grow mostly for the manner in which the FF just did what she wanted to do.
Sometimes, they just won't go along with our plan...
Her "4 huge colas" idea was a pretty good one, though.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Highya GDB,

Those ladies look gorgeous! Their flowers so pretty!! Great job getting them this far. About holding them back - We all learn in different ways to become better, because our methods vary and to find out what works for them!! I learn a lot every year, trying new things. Next year is tio grow winter stash in 4 gal sip's, outdoors. I have a couple going this year, so will have a little experience. But, your ladies look very happy! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode.

I learn a lot here every week! But trying to pull the info back into the active memory bank can be a challenge. I just recalled the other day that I could have pinched those tall branches to slow them down a bit. It's too late now! :)

SIPs are all the rage! Go for it. :Rasta:
Anything that looks hungry should get a bit more of what makes it happy, and I have no doubt that you could wrangle a single sativa in a 4x4 with no trouble at all a bit of help from the good folks here!

I'd start by losing the weights as a training method. Any training method that allows a plant to call you impotent should be cast aside in favor of something a bit more potent. :thumb:
I get your subtle nudge Shed. ;)

I wanted to slap her but I wasn't raised that way. :straightface:
Sometimes, they just won't go along with our plan...
Her "4 huge colas" idea was a pretty good one, though.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I hear you Distant Relative.

Yeah, the 4 huge colas was my idea. ⚡
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