Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Good morning folks.

For those of you who thought that I halfway know what I'm doing with the plants, boy have I got a story for you! It's a classic tale of the perils of tokin' and growing. I'll get to that shortly but first a few pics.

Phase II girls on their Day 28. It looks like the Sour G (back right) is finally on the move.
S2 8-31-23 D28.jpg

And here's the Serenity group on their Flip + 30.
Serenity 8-31-23 F30 tent.jpg

Slurricane - front left
Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner - front right
Forbidden Fruit - rear


I cannot explain what I'm about to tell you other than to say that what I've done clearly tops my brain fart list.

When I started these plants, the Slurricane got loaded with 10 tsps of Grow Dots and the FF and GPxBB were put on a diet of Prescription Blend nutrients. But on August 17th (I checked my notes) I somehow convinced myself that the FF was the one on Grow Dots and the other two were on PB. And that's how I've been feeding them since that date. I shit you not!:straightface:

While this is a HUGE error it's also a teachable moment.

For one, the FF's health remains good. I likely slowed her development since she's been getting only plain water (and some Recharge) for 14 days rather than the PB she had been growing on. Her pistil production lags behind the other 2 plants, but otherwise she seems okay.

Also, the Slurricane has been on the Dots for over 8 weeks and they are likely expired. When that happens plants usually begin to yellow. But there's not a spec of yellow on the Slur. In fact, I don't believe she's dropped a single leaf! So I may have tripped upon a way to deal with the expiring Dots by using PB. Granted, it's not the most economical thing to do. But, hey, it seems to be working!

So I'll get the FF back on Prescription Blend beginning with tonight's feed. And I'll continue feeding the Slur PB, as well. Of course the GPxBB, the only plant that's been properly fed for the entire grow, will continue getting PB also.

Pluck a duck, can I mess up a wet dream or what?

Other than that I have nothing to report. :laugh:


Thanks for looking in!

:love: Stoner :love: Good finding out!
Big congrats on your GJOTM win! :green_heart:
Well hopefully you will/ have found out something that will help out after a little mishap , Plants looking good / are you getting some tip burn on the one in the front ?
If you mean that front bottom leaf on the front plant, I don't think it's tip burn Smoke. I think it's a sign of hunger. (Meaning me taking too long to start giving her enough water.)
Congrats on GJOTM win! Just started reading this journal today, but I’m gonna go back & soak it all in…
Thanks Thirvnrob. Come back at your leisure. I'll be here for a minute. :)
Kudos on a well deserved win, GDB-👍

I didn't doubt it for a minute!
Thanks so much Carcass. I had all kind of doubts and I'm floored! :)
Good morning.

Now that I've got things sorted out its wait and see time. It's Flip + 32 for the bunch.

The Forbidden Fruit clearly has a ways to go to get her color back in order.
FF 9-2-23 F32.jpg

I think she's a little more faded than she was yesterday, though I think some of that could be the effect of the camera's flash. Last night she took 3.8L of feed before run-off occurred. She got the Prescription Blend flowering dosage (but with only 4ml of Big Data). I'll give her a few more days and if she doesn't improve I'll increase PB's Core B for her feed only.

Her tentmates are progressing nicely:
Serenity 9-2-13 F32.jpg

The Phase II group is on their Day 30, striving for their opportunity to be in the spotlight!
S2 9-2-23 D30.jpg


Congratulations on the well deserved win GDB.
Thanks you Stinker!
You got “big” from Stone and (begrudgingly 😂) Shed - so you know, I wanted you to feel really special!
Congratulations my friend way to grow👍
Thanks Mello!


That's it for today.

As always, thank you for your time.

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