Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Highya GDB,

All your young'uns look great. FB's have great color and look very happy in there. Sour-G would be bigger, if she didn't have a difficult start. But, she looks great now!! In your other tent, Forbidden Fruit looks like she wants to give you colas full of great buds! Your other two look very happy as well. Tentful of bud factories!! What we all dream of!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! Always a positive slant from you. That's righteous.

That Sour G has the time to become all that she can be, if she has the will to do it! :)
Looking great in there GDB. I just started smoking on my Forbidden Fruit and it is wonderful. A burst of euphoria followed by deep relaxation. A very nice evening smoke, and she sure packs a punch! I still need to squish some...
Looking great in there GDB. I just started smoking on my Forbidden Fruit and it is wonderful. A burst of euphoria followed by deep relaxation. A very nice evening smoke, and she sure packs a punch! I still need to squish some...
Thanks BudMan. That sounds promising!

Can you post a pic of one of her dried buds? (Either here or on your thread.):Rasta:
Good morning folks.

For those of you who thought that I halfway know what I'm doing with the plants, boy have I got a story for you! It's a classic tale of the perils of tokin' and growing. I'll get to that shortly but first a few pics.

Phase II girls on their Day 28. It looks like the Sour G (back right) is finally on the move.
S2 8-31-23 D28.jpg

And here's the Serenity group on their Flip + 30.
Serenity 8-31-23 F30 tent.jpg

Slurricane - front left
Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner - front right
Forbidden Fruit - rear


I cannot explain what I'm about to tell you other than to say that what I've done clearly tops my brain fart list.

When I started these plants, the Slurricane got loaded with 10 tsps of Grow Dots and the FF and GPxBB were put on a diet of Prescription Blend nutrients. But on August 17th (I checked my notes) I somehow convinced myself that the FF was the one on Grow Dots and the other two were on PB. And that's how I've been feeding them since that date. I shit you not!:straightface:

While this is a HUGE error it's also a teachable moment.

For one, the FF's health remains good. I likely slowed her development since she's been getting only plain water (and some Recharge) for 14 days rather than the PB she had been growing on. Her pistil production lags behind the other 2 plants, but otherwise she seems okay.

Also, the Slurricane has been on the Dots for over 8 weeks and they are likely expired. When that happens plants usually begin to yellow. But there's not a spec of yellow on the Slur. In fact, I don't believe she's dropped a single leaf! So I may have tripped upon a way to deal with the expiring Dots by using PB. Granted, it's not the most economical thing to do. But, hey, it seems to be working!

So I'll get the FF back on Prescription Blend beginning with tonight's feed. And I'll continue feeding the Slur PB, as well. Of course the GPxBB, the only plant that's been properly fed for the entire grow, will continue getting PB also.

Pluck a duck, can I mess up a wet dream or what?

Other than that I have nothing to report. :laugh:


Thanks for looking in!

So I may have tripped upon a way to deal with the expiring Dots by using PB. Granted, it's not the most economical thing to do. But, hey, it seems to be working!
At least you caught yourself and noted the correct feeding schedule. Sounds promising. I look forward to finding out later if you can replicate the success. Will you try?
While this is a HUGE error
Or, a happy accident...even the "no food for 14 days" FF looks great- the Recharge might do more than we thought it did...🤔
So I may have tripped upon a way to deal with the expiring Dots by using PB.
If you don't mind me asking...which PB did you give the Slur? (Core A, Core B, Big Data, etc)

I was eyeing some Core B yesterday- I think it's the next ingredient on my de-yellowing quest...:rolleyes:
At least you caught yourself and noted the correct feeding schedule. Sounds promising. I look forward to finding out later if you can replicate the success. Will you try?
Thanks Carmen. I think I'll always need something to help get a Grow Dot plant to the finish line, but I won't be using PB for that again. It's a valued commodity now since no more is available. I'll likely try amending with Terpinator the next time the need exists. That's what I was "planning" to use on this Slurricane.
Or, a happy accident...even the "no food for 14 days" FF looks great- the Recharge might do more than we thought it did...🤔
Ha! Sometimes I feel like I'm a "happy accident!"

I only figured this out because I was thinking about how many days the "FF" had been on the Dots. When I looked back on my notes I saw that it was the Slurricane that was on the Dots and had been for 57 days!
If you don't mind me asking...which PB did you give the Slur? (Core A, Core B, Big Data, etc)
She's been getting the full suite at the flowering dose!

5 ml Bio-Si
10 Core A
10 Core B
4 Big Data (I'm holding the Big Data at 4ml for the duration of the grow)
5 Kelp-Ful
5 Precursor 1

I'm thinking that the flowering dose of any nutrient brand would probably work.

She ain't complaining, that's for sure!

This whole thing is a bit embarrassing, to say the least. 🫣
She's been getting the full suite at the flowering dose!
Thanks, GDB- I may have to crack open the other 5 bottles!
(I already use the BioSi)
This whole thing is a bit embarrassing, to say the least. 🫣
Nah! We learned something from it, nothing to be embarrassed about...
I can definitely relate, because my "keeping track of stuff" ability sure isn't what it used to be...😬
Thanks, GDB- I may have to crack open the other 5 bottles!
(I already use the BioSi)

Nah! We learned something from it, nothing to be embarrassed about...
I can definitely relate, because my "keeping track of stuff" ability sure isn't what it used to be...😬
I keep meticulous notes on nearly everything I do during a grow in order to "keep track of stuff."

They're very helpful when you read them! :)
I likely slowed her development since she's been getting only plain water (and some Recharge) for 14 days rather than the PB she had been growing on. Her pistil production lags behind the other 2 plants, but otherwise she seems okay.
As long as we're speculating, I going out on a limb to say that as long as you don't see any deficiencies you didn't stall her, and that lagging pistil production is genetic!

Either way, good catch. ⚾
As long as we're speculating, I going out on a limb to say that as long as you don't see any deficiencies you didn't stall her, and that lagging pistil production is genetic!

Either way, good catch. ⚾
I love when you willing to go out on a limb Shed!

I was looking at her this morning and I agree with your assessment. I don't think I stalled her, at least not much. She looks like this today:
FF 9-1-23 F31.jpg

Her color is a little off but I suspect that will change once she starts slurping on the Prescription Blend again. She got a liter of it last night.

Perhaps @LKABudMan, who recently harvested a FF, can send me a pic of how his plant looked around 30 days after flip.
Good morning all.

The Phase II girls are on the move, late as usual. I have a habit (that seems hard to break) of being overly cautious with my babies. I really hold back on the water for a bit too long, I think.

Last night on their Day 29, I gave them their first substantial watering. Each got 1L each of Mycos+ @ .25 tsp per gallon. I also started a little training on the group.
S2 9-1-23 D29.jpg

Due to my recent brain fart in the primary Serenity grow I'm going to label these pots. The 2 in the rear are on Grow Dots and the one in front is on Roots Organic dry nutrients. I'll get this right! :)

Thanks for looking.

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