Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Is it still stretching? What I typically do is once the buds are set, bend the tallest branches just below the tops of the slowest. As the buds develop they will stand upright and you will have tops along the entire branch. If you preform this too early it will just cause more branching. Key is at the end of stretch. Also try to twist the branch so the nodes/bracts are parallel to the ground. These are apical dominant plants. Each branch wants to be the tallest, given the opportunity one or 2 will race. Sometimes a slight bend down will slow the leaders down. Absolutely no reason you can’t run a sativa in a 4x4 alone or even with other plants. Like I said above, it is all about apical dominance and training.
To get a proper expression of the plant it needs to have some internode spacing and show it’s vigor though stretch and it’s full life cycle really.
Is it still stretching? What I typically do is once the buds are set, bend the tallest branches just below the tops of the slowest. As the buds develop they will stand upright and you will have tops along the entire branch. If you preform this too early it will just cause more branching. Key is at the end of stretch. Also try to twist the branch so the nodes/bracts are parallel to the ground. These are apical dominant plants. Each branch wants to be the tallest, given the opportunity one or 2 will race. Sometimes a slight bend down will slow the leaders down. Absolutely no reason you can’t run a sativa in a 4x4 alone or even with other plants. Like I said above, it is all about apical dominance and training.
To get a proper expression of the plant it needs to have some internode spacing and show it’s vigor though stretch and it’s full life cycle really.
Thanks for you input Slap!

She's done stretching and she's past the point where I would bend her more. In summary, she is what she is! :)
Hello growers!

It's Day 35 for the Phase II girls and they continue their quest for top billing in this grow!

I liked the size I achieved with the primary Serenity group (well, 2 of them anyway) by flipping them on their Day 44. With these I may go a bit earlier and flip them on their day 42, next Thursday.

S2 9-7-23 D35.jpg

Fat Bastards in the rear, Sour G in the front.

I might leave the Sour G in veg for an additional week. A few days ago I topped her again and I want to give her some time to adjust. I topped her at the two red circles below:
Sour G 9-5-23 D33 circled.jpg

I'm trying to get a little bit more juice from this grape! :)


And on a totally unrelated matter...


I was out and about yesterday afternoon around the time schools let out. I'm waiting at a red light and a bunch of middle schoolers are at the bus stop waiting on a bus.

There's a nearby corner store that sells pizza slices and one of the young men had just purchased one.

I watched as he remove it from the box and down it in three bites and about 20 seconds!

It stirred feelings of nostalgia in me because I used to be able to do that. Now I mostly sip soups and suck mashed potatoes!

On those rare occasions when I do eat pizza, I eat it so slowly that I usually have to re-heat my slice in the microwave before I'm done with it. :)

Youth is a wonderful thing. But I wouldn't trade places with any of today's young. They are going to have a real challenge growing up with things as they are now. 😧


And that's all I've got for today.

You already know the deal, any time you spend here is greatly appreciated!


Brooklyn Sunrise auto, finished in September 2020.

Anything that looks hungry should get a bit more of what makes it happy, and I have no doubt that you could wrangle a single sativa in a 4x4 with no trouble at all a bit of help from the good folks here!

I'd start by losing the weights as a training method. Any training method that allows a plant to call you impotent should be cast aside in favor of something a bit more potent. :thumb:
And while we are on the subject of impotence…

Did you hear about the impotent lizard?
Poor dude had ereptile dysfunction.


Brooklyn Sunrise auto, finished in September 2020.

Oh my dayzzzzz!

That there is grow excellence!

Oiiii Black, im trying (and failing) to get a quadline up and running. My latest attempt was a total failure. Really pretty looking plant, has four arms which are a twisted mess, giving her a completely unquadlined look.

Im going to try and quadline an auto.
Cool! I'll be watching that one to see what she does- I've considered doing it, but I haven't gotten around to it yet...

More tops = more juice!
Thanks Carcass.

If you want some insight now just look at the Slurricane! I went back to the post where I documented when I topped it and noticed you may not have seen it. That post is HERE.

I like how she responded. I hope the Sour G follows suit! :Rasta:
Thanks, GDB- I did miss that one...
by the looks of the Slurricane, there's no downside to it!
Good morning all.

It's Flip + 38 for the Serenity Group today.

I see slight improvement to the green of the Forbidden Fruit (rear). I gave her a single liter of feed yesterday morning containing only water and organic calmag @ 5ml per gallon. (They typically get fed at lights-on, which is 10pm, so this 9:30am feed surely got her attention!) Then last night she got her regular feed to run-off with PB having slightly increased Core B.

The others (Slurricane, left. Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner, right) are steady.
Serenity 9-8-23 F38 tent.jpg

Slur 9-8-23 F38.jpg

GxB 9-8-23 F38.jpg

FF 9-8-23 F38.jpg

That's all I've got.

Thanks for your time.

Buds are stacking Nicely , And the other 3 are nice and green with there big wide ass leaves .. I think if nothing else growing a sativa will give some more experience in training / and i know what you mean , looking here makes it look easy then go to the plant and for get what you just seen ... Getting old SUCKS //// 👴
Getting old ain't for punks! :)
Oh my dayzzzzz!

That there is grow excellence!

Oiiii Black, im trying (and failing) to get a quadline up and running. My latest attempt was a total failure. Really pretty looking plant, has four arms which are a twisted mess, giving her a completely unquadlined look.

Im going to try and quadline an auto.
Thanks Trala.

I got lucky with that plant. She pretty much trained herself! :)
Sweet plants! And your BSa did a bit better than my BSa spog®. :)

There's a nearby corner store that sells pizza slices and one of the young men had just purchased one.
Ahh the days of pizza by the slice. Not a lot of those in Los Angeles, probably because the lack of foot traffic.
I watched as he remove it from the box and down it in three bites and about 20 seconds!
Box? Not just a napkin and a piece of grease-proof paper? :hmmmm: The real question is: did he fold it?
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