Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Good morning all.

I flipped the Phase II girls yesterday (on their Day 42) so I just need to document their appearance on their Flip + 1.
S2 9-15-23 F1.jpg

Sour G (on Grow Dots) is back left. Fat Bastard 1 in the front (on Roots Organic nutrients). Fat Bastard 2 (on Grow Dots).

I want to see how long I can keep this trio in the 2x2 before it gets too crowded.

In the near future, I'm going to need to leave 3 plants in there for 40+ days again so I'm trying to get a rough idea of the total number of days 3 photoperiod plants can coexist in 4 sq. feet of space.


Thank you so much Absorber. And thanks for checking out my grow! :thanks:
Very Cool, GDB-"too tall" turned into a good thing....👍
Fingers crossed! :Rasta:
Gotta love that chunk! And a damn good thing you have two lights in there. :thumb:
Thanks Shed. The two light set-up has been nice. No milk crates required! :)


Thanks for looking in.

Good morning all.

I flipped the Phase II girls yesterday (on their Day 42) so I just need to document their appearance on their Flip + 1.
S2 9-15-23 F1.jpg

Sour G (on Grow Dots) is back left. Fat Bastard 1 in the front (on Roots Organic nutrients). Fat Bastard 2 (on Grow Dots).

I want to see how long I can keep this trio in the 2x2 before it gets too crowded.

In the near future, I'm going to need to leave 3 plants in there for 40+ days again so I'm trying to get a rough idea of the total number of days 3 photoperiod plants can coexist in 4 sq. feet of space.


Thank you so much Absorber. And thanks for checking out my grow! :thanks:

Fingers crossed! :Rasta:

Thanks Shed. The two light set-up has been nice. No milk crates required! :)


Thanks for looking in.

healthy looking plants there GDB green & thick
Hello all.

I got my first GJOTM prize!

The @VIVOSUN heat mat/thermostat combo came in. Thanks Vivosun and thanks 420!

And Herbies sent me message with the tracking number for the seeds they're sending. I don't know what strains they will send. So I'll be getting a prize and a surprise!


healthy looking plants there GDB green & thick
Thanks con. I'm looking forward to watching your new babies flourish! :Rasta:
They're living the lush life in there! It's going to be a jungle any day now.
IKR. I adjusted some of the tie-downs on the Sour G this morning (pipe cleaners looped thru grommets :)). After doing that I determined that if I did the same to the 2 FBs I'd likely have to remove the plants within the next 2 days.

So I left the FBs alone for now. I'll get to them tonight though. And depending on how things turn out, I may be moving the plants outta' there tomorrow!

And Sour G loves to grow little bits at every lower node, so don't be shy about taking that stuff off on the regular. You may have a small argument with your LazyMeter® but he'll thank you come trim time!
Thanks for that tidbit Shed. :thanks:
Hello all.

I got my first GJOTM prize!

The @VIVOSUN heat mat/thermostat combo came in. Thanks Vivosun and thanks 420!

And Herbies sent me message with the tracking number for the seeds they're sending. I don't know what strains they will send. So I'll be getting a prize and a surprise!


Thanks con. I'm looking forward to watching your new babies flourish! :Rasta:

IKR. I adjusted some of the tie-downs on the Sour G this morning (pipe cleaners looped thru grommets :)). After doing that I determined that if I did the same to the 2 FBs I'd likely have to remove the plants within the next 2 days.

So I left the FBs alone for now. I'll get to them tonight though. And depending on how things turn out, I may be moving the plants outta' there tomorrow!

Thanks for that tidbit Shed. :thanks:
GJOTM awesome congrates
Are you saying time flies funny?
Hello all.

It's Flip + 42 for the Serenity group and not much is going on.

Other than providing water and rotating the plants I'm merely a passive observer.

The buds are fattening but ho hum. That's not something one can really "see" from day to day.

I ain't complaining, just explaining.
Serenity 9-12-23 F42 tent.jpg

Pistils are just beginning to change colors on the Slurricane and the Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner, so there's that.

Slur 9-12-23 F42.jpg

GPxBB 9-12-23 F42.jpg


In the 2x2, The Phase II girls are on their Day 40. I still plan on flipping them Thursday (unless I change my mind :)).

S2 9-12-23 D40.jpg


That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Plants are looking awesome bro good job on that Sour G!
The @VIVOSUN heat mat/thermostat combo
Sweet!- I use a square one of those to heat the box at night (apx,20"x20")

I guess I didn't follow the contests last month, If I did, I'd of known you won GJOTM...
So, a belated congrats on a well deserved win, GDB! :thumb:
Hello all.

It's Flip + 46 for the Serenity group and I've got a few pics.

I'll start with the tent shot. They all seem to be fairly content.

The Forbidden Fruit in the rear has lost a few yellowed leaves but she looks better to me than she did last week.

The Slurricane that's front left is fairly low-key. She doesn't really draw any attention to herself but she's been fairly steady.

The Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner is a chunky girl. And she's the most advanced, her pistils having changed colors more than the others.
Serenity 9-16-23 F46 tent.jpg


Slur 9-16-23 F46.JPG

Slur bud.JPG


GPxBB 9-16-23 F46.JPG

GxB bud 9-13-23 F46.jpg

And last the FF, the one that I really didn't feel like taking out of the tent. Too much of a hassle. I doubt that I'll take her out again until she's done. It's not that she's a really large plant at slightly over 3 feet tall, she's just larger than I want to deal with. I look at those buds forming and get over it! :)

FFa 9-16-23 F46.JPG


Still in the 2x2, the Phase II plants still have ample room to grow. But I don't see it lasting more than another week, at most.

Trying to train the Fat Bastards (rear) ala @Carcass is getting to be a little much for my Lazy-Meter. Lots of sticks and examination required. Every time I reach for another CarcassStick® it raises hell! "I'm tired of all these damn sticks. Let me tell you what you should do with the rest of them!"

I pay him no attention. :)
S2 9-16-23 F2.jpg

The Sour G in front has got my attention! I think I'm gonna' like her.


GJOTM awesome congrates
Thanks con. :thanks:
Are you saying time flies funny?
I guess. 🤪
Like a helicopter or something?
Maybe! 🤪
Plants are looking awesome bro good job on that Sour G!
Thank you Marcus. This one I have doesn't seem to be too sensitive to light.
It's getting mature.
I hope we all are Valerie! :)
So, a belated congrats on a well deserved win, GDB! :thumb:
Thanks Carcass. :thanks:


Thanks for your time.

:thumb: Phase 2 girls are looking great, GDB-
You may need quite a few more before you're done- I've used up to 40 on one plant before...depending on the branching..
but, they're cheap and easy to make, so the more the merrier- I've got about 100 made up- 2 plants will use up most of them during the training part of the grow..:oops:
@Carcass where can I learn about these sticks?
@Carcass where can I learn about these sticks?
Just a skewer with a small hook attached. The hook in the pic is plant wire.

They're used to hold down branches in order to (try) and create a somewhat level canopy.

The inventor, @Carcass, has raised the use of them to an art form!

@Carcass where can I learn about these sticks?
Thanks for asking, @Thirvnrob !
Here's the how-to post:

That's just how I do it, but there's more than one way to make them, as GDB has shown!
The inventor, @Carcass, has raised the use of them to an art form!
Thanks so much for the kind words, GDB!

If things go right, you should end up with something like this... (same plant today, all growed up. :)) ...
Thanks for asking, @Thirvnrob !
Here's the how-to post:

That's just how I do it, but there's more than one way to make them, as GDB has shown!

Thanks so much for the kind words, GDB!

If things go right, you should end up with something like this... (same plant today, all growed up. :))
Thanks for the reply!
You're welcome, Rob👍

I made an improvement on them a few months ago- not a big thing, but it makes them even easier to use:
Hook mod.jpg
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