Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow


Pretty or not nothing beats the satisfaction of growing your own, I'm sure your weed tastes very good & is effective
Thanks con. DIY rules! :Rasta:
Highya GDB,

I agree with con about growing your own! Your 3 ladies with pompoms look very nice and healthy! They look so good! Will be fun to try that smoke!! Your two fat bastards look very healthy and ready for uppot! Sour-G just grows kind of weird from what I've read. Hope for the best!! It's always special, though, when you find a new strain and get "zooted" like that! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode.

My first time growing a Sour G so I'll have to wait and see. (Oh, same with the FBs!)

And, yes, always nice to try (and like) something new! :Rasta:
It's pretty stuff, that's for sure!
I couldn't trim weed that close if I tried...
But, until I grow some weed that's so ugly it won't get me high, I'm going with the "looks don't matter" thing... 😁
Yeah Carcass, it looks nice.

But I'm with you on the looks don't matter stance. Hell, I can grind a bit and stuff a pipe with my eyes closed! 😑
I'm glad you've finally got some pistils on the Forbidden Fruit so you can get back to a bit of serenity again. The babies are looking well-rooted and ready to stop being called babies, and the Collins nugs look they've been vacuum packed for a few months!
The only thing that affected my serenity Shed is the thought of you driving in that impending dangerous weather. Glad you got that done without incident.

Vacuum packed? You think that's how they get them so tight?
Good morning grow gang!

The height competition between the Slur and the FF is officially over. The FF has been declared the winner!


Last night I decided to try and level out the canopies on the FF (and the GPxBB). In doing so, I reduced the height of the FF back down to where the Slur now stands. So, game over. It's no longer a fair comparison.

Both the FF and the GPxBB where put on weight training, which simply means I attached a weighted object to select branches to pull them down. I didn't bother the Slur because I like her the way she is.

I use plant anchors for weights. I'll either use them as a single or a double based on the strength of the branch I need to pull down.

Here's a before pic showing the branches that I targeted for the weights. The goal was to pull those branches down even with the stuff that's growing out of the middles.

Serenity1 8-10-23 weight targets.jpg

After they were applied, the FF was back down to the level of the Slur (although it's hard to tell from this pic). I also put one of those plant bendy things on a single branch that had shot above the others in the middle of the FF. The Slur is now front left.
Serenity 8-10-23 F9 weights.jpg

That was around 10:30 last night. By 10 this morning they had already started to rise again, but the canopies were a "little" more level.
Serenity 8-11-23 F10.jpg

If all goes as planned I will let these go from here, with only some defoliation and minor weight adjustments awaiting them down the road.


As always, nice to have you stop by.

Beautiful ladies!
Hello all.

Here's today's pic of my cheerleading squad forming. Get your pom poms girls!

Serenity 8-14-23 F13.jpg

Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner:
GPxBB 8-14-26 F13.jpg

Forbidden Fruit:
FF 8-14-23 F13.jpg

The FF is bringing up the rear as far as pom pom production, but that might be a good thing!

Thanks for stopping by.

What a mass of green!! They look very happy. Very nice job!
Good day group!

Around midnight I had all the girls out to be watered to run-off and I took the opportunity to get some solo pics.

They're on their Flip + 16.

First up is my shorty, the Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner. She was but 8 inches tall when I flipped her and she's now 16 inches in height.
GPxBB 8-17-23 F16.JPG

GPxBB 8-17-23 F16 above.JPG


Next the Slurricane. She shot up early in life but then didn't do much stretching after being flipped. She was 11 inches tall when flipped and is 18 inches in height now.
Slur 8-17-23 F16.JPG

Slur 8-17-23 F16 above.JPG


And last is the Forbidden Fruit. She is the stretchy one. She was 9 inches when I flipped her and she now stands at 25 inches. Also, I think this one continues to stretch! She has yet to produce any pom poms.
FF 8-1117-23 F16.JPG

FF 8-17-23 F16 above.JPG


All back in the tent:
Serenity 8-17-23 F16 tent.jpg


In the 2x2, the Phase II girls are on their day 14. I recently increased the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro from 25 to 50 percent and they seem to love it!

I often say my plants get off to slow starts but much of the reason for this, I believe, is on me. I'm too wimpy with my babies in the beginning. I'm always concerned about giving them too much water too soon and too much light too soon. I think I hold them back. Their response to the increased lighting was nearly immediate!
S2 8-17-23 D14.jpg


Thanks Bode! Always a pleasure to have you stop by. And I like candy too! :)


Last, I've been reading on @Krissi Carbone's thread about the horrors of some caterpillars "attacks." These tales have been amusing but I wouldn't say they were horrific.

This recounting of an August 9th wildlife incident was truly HORRIFIC!


As always, thanks for your visit.

The flowers are like many little suns.
the Collins nugs look they've been vacuum packed for a few months!
I saw some nugs on Saturday looked and felt amazing, best I've seen here. The smoke at a tested 28% was OK, didn't feel like 30% stronger than usual. But yeah definitely vacuum packed, on closer inspection the tiniest leaves were just squished into itself. Felt better after that!

Good day gang!

When I opened the Serenity tent this morning something looked "different." At first I couldn't quite figure it out but after staring at them for a minute I had it, the plants were taller!

I thought the stretch was done for these girls but I was wrong. They've all had height measurements taken within the last 8 days or so. I measured them again this morning, comparing their last reading to where they are now.

Forbidden Fruit - up from 28 to 30 inches.
Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner - up from 16 to 18 inches
Slurricane - up from 18 to 20 inches

So I scratched my bald spot and then went about raising my lights a bit to maintain the approximate 15 inches between them and the tops of the plants.

I should mention that once I saw pistils emerging from the FF I cranked up my lights from 80 to 100 percent. I did that on the 19th. I'm not certain how much that move may be in play but it's noteworthy, IMO.

Serenity 8-21-23 F20 tent.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

I probably will buy weed at a dispensary again, usually when im in Canada 🇨🇦 but i agree with everyone’s sentiment, there is nothing like jars of buds i grew. Plus, i love handing out samples to people who visit us, its like my old italian relatives who would always send you home with tomatoes cause they grew so many Lol.

That bud looks nice, i bet the high is nice, but our weed rocks !!!!!
Now they decide to stretch evenly...coulda used a little of that 2 or 3 weeks ago!

They look like some of your best plants yet, GDB!
I probably will buy weed at a dispensary again, usually when im in Canada 🇨🇦 but i agree with everyone’s sentiment, there is nothing like jars of buds i grew. Plus, i love handing out samples to people who visit us, its like my old italian relatives who would always send you home with tomatoes cause they grew so many Lol.

That bud looks nice, i bet the high is nice, but our weed rocks !!!!!
Yeah 70s! Our weed rocks and we roll! :Rasta:
You get 2 inches and you get 2 inches...

I don't think it's a coincidence. I think if these lights had been turned up sooner it would have happened sooner. 🧐
Now they decide to stretch evenly...coulda used a little of that 2 or 3 weeks ago!

They look like some of your best plants yet, GDB!
I think it's on me for leaving the lights turned down for too long. I was waiting on the FF to show pistils before turning them up to full power. Live and learn.

Regarding your very kind words about their place in the pecking order, let's wait for the Fat Lady to sing! :)
I think it's on me for leaving the lights turned down for too long. I was waiting on the FF to show pistils before turning them up to full power. Live and learn.
Interesting. I don't know the power of the lights you're using, but I can tell you that my second Gelato plant has lived under the full strength of my XS1500 Pros since it was a seedling, because it was getting the same light the other two were getting. It is the healthiest plant of the three.
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