Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Hello all.

Here's today's pic of my cheerleading squad forming. Get your pom poms girls!

Serenity 8-14-23 F13.jpg

Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner:
GPxBB 8-14-26 F13.jpg

Forbidden Fruit:
FF 8-14-23 F13.jpg

The FF is bringing up the rear as far as pom pom production, but that might be a good thing!

Thanks for stopping by.

Forgot again. Dang!

Love those stories! When I first started using infused olive oil, it was too easy to overconsume! Learned a lot, enjoyed most of it! Happy Smokin'
Fun mistakes to learn from, heh Bode! :)
Omlette you get away with that one... :straightface:
Huh? I thought that line went over easy.:cheesygrinsmiley:
GDB those pompoms are so pretty and that omlette looks like it must have been very tasty and potent! I'm hungry now lol.
It was more like tasty and very potent Carmen! But thanks! :thanks:
Wow GDB ,them ladies show up ,to show out ! Nice 👍
Thanks Mello. Appreciate the kind words!
That's what I'm talking about!! Consuming cannabis oil has to be my favorite way. Something about cooking with it makes it amazing. A chicken stir fry with a tablespoon of oil is highly recommended as well :)
Consuming the oil can fun, occasionally! :)
Flowering looks great, babies look healthy, and the omelette looks delish!
Thanks Shed. That egg was tasty, at least for as long as my brain could register the flavors! :laugh:
Lookin good in here GDB! Slurricane has officially captured my heart. She’s so pretty :battingeyelashes:
Thanks HH! That's heartening news. :)
Good morning all.

The phase II plants are on day 12. They've gotten off to a slow start, as my seeds typically do, but they look healthy.

I hope to get these up-potted before the end of the month.
S2 8-15-23 D12.jpg

That's a Sour G left, along with 2 Fat Bastards.


The Serenity group is on Flip + 14. They haven't changed much since yesterday's pic. Nonetheless, here's a pic from a different angle, through the side door of the tent.

Serenity 8-15-23 F14.jpg


They look fabulous all geared up and ready.
Thanks Carmen. I'm the same, "geared up and ready!":Rasta:
You come down from the omlet yet?
LMAO Stone! I certainly hope I have! :)


As always, thanks for looking in.

Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

The Serenity group is on Flip + 15 this morning and I'm still waiting on the Forbidden Fruit (rear) to produce some pom poms.
Serenity 8-16-23 F15.jpg

However, the FF seems far more intent on regaining her dominance height-wise. She's now 4-5 inches clear of the Slurricane (front left).
Serenity 8-16-23 F15 eyelevel.jpg

Per the breeder, each of these plants is said to have an 8-10 week flowering period. Clearly, the FF is looking toward the 10 week period or more.

The breeder also says that the Slur and the Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner have max. indoor heights of 4.92 feet.
The FF, however, is cited as having a max. indoor height of only 3.94 feet. So while none of these plants is even close to 4 ft tall, the script on which should be the tallest has been flipped. This is especially true for the GPxBB who hardly grew a whiff and stands at 16 inches in height! And the Slur grew tall at the outset but then barely stretched at all after being switched to 12/12.


In the 2x2, the Phase II girls are on Day 13. Yesterday I turned the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro up from 25 to 50 percent.

S2 8-16-23 D13.jpg

S2a 8-16-23 D13.jpg

(BTW, that heat mat has been turned off for about a week. I just never bothered to take it out of the tent)

Hell that omelet even looks green LOL A whole afternoon of F@ing off , At least you didnt mess no plants up every thing is Nice in here .. Bud sites :woohoo::snowboating:
"A whole afternoon of F@ing off" LMAO.

Eggxactly! :)
Love the pom pom's. Those greens look magical. :thumb:
Thanks so much Stinker! :thanks:


Thanks for visiting!

Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

The Serenity group is on Flip + 15 this morning and I'm still waiting on the Forbidden Fruit (rear) to produce some pom poms.
Serenity 8-16-23 F15.jpg

However, the FF seems far more intent on regaining her dominance height-wise. She's now 4-5 inches clear of the Slurricane (front left).
Serenity 8-16-23 F15 eyelevel.jpg

Per the breeder, each of these plants is said to have an 8-10 week flowering period. Clearly, the FF is looking toward the 10 week period or more.

The breeder also says that the Slur and the Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner have max. indoor heights of 4.92 feet.
The FF, however, is cited as having a max. indoor height of only 3.94 feet. So while none of these plants is even close to 4 ft tall, the script on which should be the tallest has been flipped. This is especially true for the GPxBB who hardly grew a whiff and stands at 16 inches in height! And the Slur grew tall at the outset but then barely stretched at all after being switched to 12/12.


In the 2x2, the Phase II girls are on Day 13. Yesterday I turned the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro up from 25 to 50 percent.

S2 8-16-23 D13.jpg

S2a 8-16-23 D13.jpg

(BTW, that heat mat has been turned off for about a week. I just never bothered to take it out of the tent)


"A whole afternoon of F@ing off" LMAO.

Eggxactly! :)

Thanks so much Stinker! :thanks:


Thanks for visiting!

Everything is looking healthy there GDB green as green can be, nice
The nice thing about the FF taking its sweet time is that you won't be taking it down anywhere near the same time as either of the others. Always nice to get a break in between harvests.

All six are looking terrific and I'm sure you will be upcanning the sprouts by the end of the month, especially with the extra light they're now getting. 💡
Thanks Shed.

That was my thought too. The straggler will lead to a staggered harvest! :)
Those big girls are sure gettin' with it,
and the little ones aren't very far behind-
Always nice to get a break in between harvests.
Especially if they end up @ 4.92 feet tall... 📏😶‍🌫️
Better on those trim fingies!
Krissi I've come to terms with trimming by doing 2 things, growing fewer plants and growing smaller plants.

At times in the past I simply overdid it (all at once) and would complain mightily when the inevitable trim time was upon me. Who could I blame but myself?

Notice how this time I staggered the start of the sets of 3 plants? That's me now using my brain for something other than solving world problems! :)

Now I've reached a level of trim acceptance, mostly because I try to ensure the workload is not too heavy.

I still don't like trimming but I don't hate it like I used to and neither do my "fingies". :Rasta:
Those big girls are sure gettin' with it,
and the little ones aren't very far behind-

Especially if they end up @ 4.92 feet tall... 📏😶‍🌫️
Thanks Carcass!

If they all end up @ 4.92 feet tall that means somebody other than me grew 'em! :)
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