Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Hello all.

No, I'm not going to post a pic of these plants every day for the duration of this grow. That being said, it's fun to watch these girls quickly taking up just a little more space on the daily. They're stretching now and where they end up is anyone's guess!

Flip Day 6.
Serenity 8-7-23 F6.jpg

Thanks for looking.

See what I'm saying? I gotta quit look'n at them.
They're stretching now and where they end up is anyone's guess!
I hope they stretch evenly for you, but it seems there's (almost) always one that wants to be too tall..:oops:
Highya GDB,

It's nice to see a little bigger ladies each day! Love the little one with both green colors, and the new tips poking up from under the canopy! Very nice job! Happy Smokin'
She is a big one Jon but I suspect the other 2 plants are going to try and catch her!
That's me back in early July talking about how the Slurricane was much larger than the other 2 plants but how I thought the others would try to catch up with her.

Back then they looked like this (Slur on the left):

Well at lights-on last night the deed had been done. The Forbidden Fruit (right)is now the same height as the Slur (rear)!
Serenity 8-8-23 F7 eye level.jpg

I don't believe this parity is going to last. In fact, the Slur has really not done much since the switch to 12/12, while the other two wasted no time in beginning their stretch. At some point the Slur will realize she's been flipped and (hopefully) will put on a show of her own. But in the mean time she has an equal.
Serenity 8-8-23 F7.jpg

The Slur remains fully green on Grow Dots and Recharge. I'll continue watching for the first sign of any unusual change in color at which point I'll supplement with Terpinator. She drinks about 2.5L every other day.

The GPxBB and the FF just got their first dose of PB flower and I discontinued using the Myco+ as it's only recommended for the veg phase. The FF drinks about 2L every other day and the GPxBB drinks about 1.5L every other day.

They all seem to love basking under the lights that I'm unable to fully discuss yet. (I'm in the same boat as @StoneOtter.) As you can see here, the light in the front is hung at an angle in order to accommodate the shortness of the GPxBB on the left.

Serenity 8-8-23 F7 lites.jpg


In the 2x2, the newest babies are coming along slowly.
S2 babes 8-8-23 D5.jpg

Well, most of them are. The tiny Cosmic Lights is being held back by, of all things, one of her cotyledons! Initially, both cotelydons were angled up and around the plant, kinda' hugging on her. Now one of the cots has loosened it's grip but the other continues to hold fast. I've never seen anything like it!
S2 Cosmic coty 88-8-23 D5.JPG

I usually call Day 1 once the second sets of leaves make an appearance. This time I forgot to do that and I'm not going back to figure out when I should have. So I'm designating today as their Day 5. I know it's arbitrary but, hey, if you want pinpoint precision then you're in the wrong thread! :)

That little extra reach is a nice look! Flowers soon on those beauties!
Thanks Stone! I'll wait! :Rasta:
See what I'm saying? I gotta quit look'n at them.
That's a plain old nice thing to say, POG! :)
I hope they stretch evenly for you, but it seems there's (almost) always one that wants to be too ta:oops:
Or, as in this instance, one that wants to be too short! :Rasta:
Looks like all systems Go!
Thanks Mello! (When are you going to send me the link to your grow or put a link in your signature?)
It's nice to see a little bigger ladies each day! Love the little one with both green colors, and the new tips poking up from under the canopy! Very nice job! Happy Smokin'
Thanks so much Bode. Happy Smokin' to you too! :ganjamon:
Won't be long before we're looking back at that pic and wondering when they got so big!
How long Shed? Make a Bold prediction! :laugh:


As always, thanks for stopping by.

Hello all.

Just an aside.

A friend of mine is growing 3 CBD Critical Cures in his back yard. He sent me a pic this morning. The plants along with a vintage Hog, taken from above.

Pretty cool.
All 7️⃣ look great, GDB!
I'd be tempted to snip that odd cotyledon off!
This time I forgot to do that and I'm not going back to figure out when I should have.
I usually take notes about stuff like that..this time not so much, so I had to go back in my journal to figure out when both of mine started hasn't been that long ago, but it's been longer than my memory, apparently..🤔
The plants along with a vintage Hog, taken from above.
Your friend's got some quadline skills!
Hello all.

Yes, this is my second update of this day, but things are happening that I want to keep track of. My lights are set to off at 10am and on at 10pm. At this stage of the grow there can be some notable change in 12 short hours. I promise I'll reduce the frequency of my posts soon. Believe me. :)

At lights on this evening I could tell that the Slur had finally received the "You've Been Flipped" memo. She now has that "look."
Slur 8-8-23 F7 evening.jpg

I'm going to go out on the limb and make a Bold prediction! She's about to show her tentmates which way is up.:rolleyes:
Serenity 8-8-23  F7 evening.jpg

Given my prediction record she'll probably stretch 1 inch, but we'll see! :)

Take me at my word. I will not be posting tomorrow. ⚡

Thanks for your attention.

Your plant rooms are always such smooth sailing, even when issues pop up they are just glancing blows. That tent is filling up fast. Damn fine garden.
The veg period and the stretch are my favorite times of the grow. Once the buds move in, I get anxious, start watching the calendar and planning the next seed drop.
Hello all.

Let me get the not-so-good news out of the way first.

My beloved baby Cosmic Lights is fading fast. I'm almost certain she ain't gonna' make it. A few days back I released her from a restrictive cotyledon but it was likely too late. Her first 2 leaves stayed so tiny that they could not power the plant. Now those two little leaves are drying out and I believe her days are numbered.
Cosmic 8-10-23 D7.jpg

This morning, as a last resort, I squirted a little water into a clear solo cup and put it on top of the Cosmic. More humidity may slow her from drying up. I don't think it will help much but I'm trying it anyway.

I'll take comfort in the fact that I still have three survivors (2 Fat Bastards & a Sour G). And, as we all know, three is better than 2, 1 or none. :)
S2 babes 8-10-23 D7.jpg


On a lighter note, the race for dominance is on between the Slurricane and the Forbidden Fruit.

Over the past 2 days the Slur has risen a bit but not enough to keep pace with the FF, which has risen more than a bit! The FF is now about 2 inches taller than the Slur.

Serenity 8-10-23 F9.jpg

Slurricane: rear FF: front right GPxBB: front left
Serenity1 8-10-23 F9.jpg

Here are semi-solo pics of each:

Slurricane (a close second):
Slur 8-10-23 F9.jpg

GPxBB (not in the race):
GPxBB 8-10-23 F9.jpg

FF: (in the lead and also becoming somewhat of a space hog):
FF 8-10-23 F9.jpg

So that's where things are today.

I appreciate your interest.

Hello all.

Let me get the not-so-good news out of the way first.

My beloved baby Cosmic Lights is fading fast. I'm almost certain she ain't gonna' make it. A few days back I released her from a restrictive cotyledon but it was likely too late. Her first 2 leaves stayed so tiny that they could not power the plant. Now those two little leaves are drying out and I believe her days are numbered.
Cosmic 8-10-23 D7.jpg

This morning, as a last resort, I squirted a little water into a clear solo cup and put it on top of the Cosmic. More humidity may slow her from drying up. I don't think it will help much but I'm trying it anyway.

I'll take comfort in the fact that I still have three survivors (2 Fat Bastards & a Sour G). And, as we all know, three is better than 2, 1 or none. :)
S2 babes 8-10-23 D7.jpg


On a lighter note, the race for dominance is on between the Slurricane and the Forbidden Fruit.

Over the past 2 days the Slur has risen a bit but not enough to keep pace with the FF, which has risen more than a bit! The FF is now about 2 inches taller than the Slur.

Serenity 8-10-23 F9.jpg

Slurricane: rear FF: front right GPxBB: front left
Serenity1 8-10-23 F9.jpg

Here are semi-solo pics of each:

Slurricane (a close second):
Slur 8-10-23 F9.jpg

GPxBB (not in the race):
GPxBB 8-10-23 F9.jpg

FF: (in the lead and also becoming somewhat of a space hog):
FF 8-10-23 F9.jpg

So that's where things are today.

I appreciate your interest.

Hey don't give up on her just yet. As long as there is a grow point then she's got a chance. Back in April I had a THC Bomb come out helmet headed, and upon removal discovered that it only had one leaf. (probably why the shell was stuck on there so bad) It was indeed the sorriest, most pathetic looking seedling I have ever saw. Anyway, I limped it along and its 4 weeks into flower now. Your plants are pristine, I bet she makes it. I can't stand to lose one, especially something called "Cosmic Lights."
where did you get the comic seeds from , they not done good at all ! Everything else looks great and got a race to the top going on 🔝
"Comic seeds." Ha! No joke.

I got them a few years ago from New420Guy Seeds. They no longer carry them. I have one more left to try!
Hey don't give up on her just yet. As long as there is a grow point then she's got a chance. Back in April I had a THC Bomb come out helmet headed, and upon removal discovered that it only had one leaf. (probably why the shell was stuck on there so bad) It was indeed the sorriest, most pathetic looking seedling I have ever saw. Anyway, I limped it along and its 4 weeks into flower now. Your plants are pristine, I bet she makes it. I can't stand to lose one, especially something called "Cosmic Lights."
Thanks POG. I haven't completely given up yet! :)
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