Viparspectra Redux: GDB's Serenity Grow

Good evening all.

I flipped my group yesterday on their day 43. I like to post a pic of them on Flip Day 1 just to have it for the record.

Serenity 8-3-23 F1.jpg

The Slurricane (middle) is on her 31st day of Grow Dots and looks like she's enjoying herself. But I'll be keeping an eye out for yellowing leaves because the Dots will fade over time and need help (I think).

The little Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner and the Forbidden Fruit (right) are both on Prescription Blend, still getting the veg dosage along with Myco+ (3-0-3).


Thanks for looking in.

That Grandaddy Purple/Banner gots my attention brother. She's got the build of an athlete 💪💪💪
I'd bet I can make a few predictions on how she's gonna run. LoL
Good evening all.

I flipped my group yesterday on their day 43. I like to post a pic of them on Flip Day 1 just to have it for the record.

Serenity 8-3-23 F1.jpg

The Slurricane (middle) is on her 31st day of Grow Dots and looks like she's enjoying herself. But I'll be keeping an eye out for yellowing leaves because the Dots will fade over time and need help (I think).

The little Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner and the Forbidden Fruit (right) are both on Prescription Blend, still getting the veg dosage along with Myco+ (3-0-3).


Thanks for looking in.


Congrats on FlipDay1, i also just flipped, its good to talk on here, my wife has to get tired of my plant rantings Lol
That Grandaddy Purple/Banner gots my attention brother. She's got the build of an athlete 💪💪💪
I'd bet I can make a few predictions on how she's gonna run. LoL
Please do! What's in your crystal ball Preston? :Rasta:
Congrats on FlipDay1, i also just flipped, its good to talk on here, my wife has to get tired of my plant rantings Lol
I'll listen to you 70s and I'm good at faking it when I get tired of listening! :)
Hello all.

Flip day 3 for the group.
Serenity 8-4-23 F3.jpg

Hello all and Happy Sunday!

It's Flip + 5 for the group and I see them starting to stretch. The little GPxBB (left) has gone from 8 inches in height to 10 inches.
Serenity 7-6-23 F5.jpg


I lost another of my new babies so now I'm down to 4 plants for the second phase of this grow. The Sour G#2, the one whose cotyledon got ripped off during membrane removal, didn't have enough to pull through. After a few days of trying she withered up and died.

So I'm left with a Sour G, two Fat Bastards and an itty-bitty Cosmic Lights.
S2 7-6-23 D1 Labels.jpg

Four is better than 3, 2, 1 or none! :Rasta:

Thanks for stopping by and have yourself a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!

Dang it!

They finally all look thrilled to be in your care. :welldone:
Thanks Shed. I know I'm thrilled to have them!
Agreed, they are looking so healthy and happy.
Thanks Carmen. I'm growing them the "old-fashioned" way! :)
Looking like a future plant of the month. 🤙
I haven't had much luck with the photo contests Preston but I'm always willing to consider trying (at least until I see some entry that blows me away, which usually occurs quite early in the contest)!:Rasta:
Do they ever! :green_heart:
Thanks Stone. :thanks:

我昨天在他们的第 43 天翻转了我的小组。我喜欢在翻转第 1 天发布他们的照片,只是为了记录一下。

Serenity 8-3-23 F1.jpg

Slurricane(中)已进入 Grow Dots 活动的第 31 天,看起来她玩得很开心。但我会留意泛黄的叶子,因为点会随着时间的推移而褪色并需要帮助(我认为)。

小 Grandaddy Purple x Bruce Banner 和 Forbidden Fruit(右)均采用处方混合配方,仍然与 Myco+ (3-0-3) 一起使用蔬菜剂量。



Look nice.


Cosmic 8-3-23 F2.jpg

Wow, a new baby came out.
Hello all.

No, I'm not going to post a pic of these plants every day for the duration of this grow. That being said, it's fun to watch these girls quickly taking up just a little more space on the daily. They're stretching now and where they end up is anyone's guess!

Flip Day 6.
Serenity 8-7-23 F6.jpg

Thanks for looking.

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