ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Hello growers.

I love watching the herd thin out!
ANX tent 5-3-23 F92-76-7.jpg

Gush Mints - left rear (flip 92)
Cresendo - right rear (flip 76)
Crescendo clone - front (flip 7)

While the Crescendo is running 16 days behind the GM it remains to be seen which one will be ready next.

GM trichs:
GM trich 5-3-23 F92 (3).jpg

GM trich 5-3-23 F92 (2).jpg

GM trich 5-3-23 F92 (1).jpg

Crescendo trichs:
Crescwndo trch 5-3-23 F76 (4).jpg

Crescwndo trch 5-3-23 F76 (3).jpg

Crescwndo trch 5-3-23 F76 (5).jpg

There's not a lot of difference in their current states. Indeed, the Crescendo may be a tad bit further along than the GM. I need to get Tad to have a look at these pics.


Thanks for the feedback:

Good Job on another fine harvest GDB

Congrats on the harvest, GDB!

Congrats on a real nice harvest, GDB💚

Congratulations on something exciting happening in the tent. :bravo: Those trics are incredible!

Congrats on the harvest!

Congrads on the harvests GDB ! :dude-knocking::lot-o-toke:

Proper chunky buds mate. :yummy: Lovely. Congrats on another great harvest.

Thank you all so much!

As always, thanks for checking out my little grow!

Wow. You got some HUGE colas. Everywhere! Awesome work. I have a couple questions…

All you do to dry is brown bag the buds on the stem and toss them in the fridge? That’s it? How long does that take? Why in the fridge? Help me out here?

Also - all that amber. I know you like your indicas and likely your amber, but is that how much you usually allow? Or is that a lot for you? And do you have a sense for how the amber develops/increases during or as a result of droughting? Does it make the amber come quicker? When you drought do you often end up with that much (a ton in my world) amber?

Sorry for the peppering of questions, but I figured you can handle it - you know I’m an ass like that. Lol! Thanks for your help/input!
Thanks Jon.

I mostly dry in the fridge for convenience. I don't have a suitable room/tent to dry in during this time of year. The air in my house is quite dry and I don't want to invest in a large humidifier.

Plus, it's easy! Just chuck 'em in the fridge and between 7-10 days later they should be ready to come out. I use a Wood (Weed) Moisture Meter to check the moisture retention in the uppermost, fattest colas, figuring they're I the ones I most want to get right. When the meter indicates about 10% moisture retention in those buds I take them out and put them in either a sealable tupperware bowl or a slow-cooker bag to be burped down to the proper RH. Oh, and I do jostle the bags around daily during the drying period in order to change the positions of the buds in the bag(s).

It's almost set it and forget it, and there's no way I dry them out too quickly using this approach.

Regarding the amount of amber, that was not intended. That plant was "sneaky." :)

I have not droughted enough plants - nor made the necessary examinations - to say whether amber develops/increases as a result of a drought. What I have seen from droughting, however, is trichomes seemingly melding together.
Congratulations on your harvest GDB!:welldone:
I'd chop them pretty soon for that anxiety inducing high. 😂
You're not the first to say that Vet. When I take weed down early with very little if any amber I get what I consider "high-energy" weed. It makes me want to do things and stay busy. But I don't associate "high-energy" with "anxiety." To me, they're not the same thing at all.

I think of anxiety as more like what happens when I eat one of my "super gummies" (made with infused oil and decarbed rosin). About an hour after taking one of those I start seeing shit move out of the corner of my eyes, but there is nothing moving. It happens over and over again until the effect begins to wane. It was eerie at first, but now that I know it's coming I've gotten used to it, so even that doesn't cause me to feel any real "anxiety" now, though it may have done so at first.

Still, some high-energy weed would be fun so I may take these 2 plants a little earlier than I normally do! :Rasta:
You're not the first to say that Vet. When I take weed down early with very little if any amber I get what I consider "high-energy" weed. It makes me want to do things and stay busy. But I don't associate "high-energy" with "anxiety." To me, they're not the same thing at all.

I think of anxiety as more like what happens when I eat one of my "super gummies" (made with infused oil and decarbed rosin). About an hour after taking one of those I start seeing shit move out of the corner of my eyes, but there is nothing moving. It happens over and over again until the effect begins to wane. It was eerie at first, but now that I know it's coming I've gotten used to it, so even that doesn't cause me to feel any real "anxiety" now, though it may have done so at first.

Still, some high-energy weed would be fun so I may take these 2 plants a little earlier than I normally do! :Rasta:
Oh, so that's not the ghost of my dog I fleetingly see in the corner of my eye after elevating? Shoot! I was close to patting her! ;)
Oh, so that's not the ghost of my dog I fleetingly see in the corner of my eye after elevating? Shoot! I was close to patting her! ;)
I want some of what you're smoking! :laugh:
Hello all.

I've been scoping the plants on the daily because I know how sneaky they can be! When you begin to see a little bit of amber it's best to keep an eye on them if you don't want a lot of amber. 👀

If I want some "high energy" weed, the Gush Mints is done.
GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (4).jpg

GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (3).jpg

GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (2).jpg

GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (1).jpg

GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (6).jpg

GM trich 5-4-23 F93 (5).jpg

Either this evening or tomorrow it's back to snip, snip, snip.:Rasta:

I'll let this serve as her obit pic:
Gush Mints 5-4-23 F 93.JPG

Thanks for you interest!


Dang, GDB- you hardly had time to scrape the scissor hash off the trimmers,
and it's already time to do it again!

The GM looks like she might put a little pep in your step...
Highya GDB,

Wow, the amber trichomes came on fast, just like you said! Surprising to see that fast. Do you have a harvest date? Gorgeous looking buds!! Happy Smokin'
Dang, GDB- you hardly had time to scrape the scissor hash off the trimmers,
and it's already time to do it again!

The GM looks like she might put a little pep in your step...
I'm reaching a level of acceptance regarding the rigors of the trim. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to. :)

I do hope the GM puts some pep in my step. I could use a little! :Rasta:
Highya GDB,

Wow, the amber trichomes came on fast, just like you said! Surprising to see that fast. Do you have a harvest date? Gorgeous looking buds!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! I tell ya, some of these plants can be sneaky. :Rasta:
Hello growers.

The herd continues to thin on Flip + 94 for the Crescendo (and + 9 for the clone).

The Gush Mints is MIA!

Last night I got tired of looking at all the ugly brown leaf tips on the Crescendo. I know neither why it happened nor why it stopped spreading. But the rusty parts of the leaves were totally useless except to serve as a minor eyesore. Having nothing better to do last night once the Golden State Warriors were clearly headed toward a blow-out of the Lakers in game 2, I went ahead and cut the rusty spots away.

And I starting bending the Crescendo clone. She's going into bud-set now. Earlier in her life I bent her one way (say, right). These bends were to the opposite direction.

IMG_6818ANX tent 5-5-23 F94-9.jpg

In the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone keeps trying to generate yellow leaves on her Flip + 56. I've been dosing her with calmag and it seems to be holding off the yellow, but there are still traces. I'm only giving her 10ml calmag per gallon and may need to increase that.
GM clone 5-5-23 F56.jpg

I'm about to chop the Gush Mints plant. I'll post some takedown pics later today!

Thanks for looking in!

The Gush Mints takedown is complete on her Flip . Now I've got her splayed on a table under a ceiling fan. She'll be paper-bagged and tossed in the fridge later this evening.

She was a pain to trim with so many of her fans deeply embedded into her fat colas. But with my "new attitude" towards trimming barely protested and the use of profanity was at a minimum! :)

Here's a pic after an initial trim:
Gush Mints END init trim.JPG

I got her in time. There's little amber present except on the sugar leaves, but she's still a sticky one:

Here's the array pic along with her skel:
Gush Mints END skel and array 5-5-23.JPG

She's got a bit of heavy plant matter on her!

What's next to the pot is a little lite-weight stuff that I should have eliminated long ago. I'm learning. Every time I take a plant down I'm refining my blueprint for how to grow them, what to leave on and what to remove. :Rasta:

Thanks for your time.

Getting lonely in that tent GDB, got any ideas for your next run? Gush mints got that greasy sparkle you want from a fresh harvest, looks like it'll be the dank! I'm gonna try alittle of that bag-n-fridge cure on my next run, I've been hearing alot of good things about the process.
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