ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

It's a family tradition
She really is a pretty one, GDB!

I dig that term..đź’š
Appreciated Carcass! :thanks:


Since I'm here, how about a little update.

When I was feeding the GM clone last night I realized that I hadn't done a defoil on her and she's on Flip + 59! Her mom did not do well with inadequate circulation and I'm risking the same fate for her.

So today I thinned her out a bit. I guess better late than never.:straightface:

GM clone 5-8-23 F59 (2).JPG

GM clone 5-8-23 F59 (3).JPG

GM clone 5-8-23 F59 (1).JPG

Being so late doing this meant I had to take off a few fairly established buds.
GM clone removal 5-8-23.jpg

It was not easy for me to do. But I reasoned that if I had done what I should have done, like, 30 or so days ago, they would not even exist today. So snip, snip. They would have developed into usable bud but I want the energy going to the stuff up top!

Thanks for looking in.

Gush Mints clone is bound to be better than its mom at harvest time :thumb: :thumb:
she's on Flip + 59
Nice defol, GDB! - it makes those fat buds look even fatter...:thedoubletake:
But I reasoned that if I had done what I should have done, like, 30 or so days ago, they would not even exist today.
I should of done the same thing, but I also didn' I figure they've made it this far, might as well just leave them on there..I'll definitely regret that decision in trim jail..sooo many little branches...:straightface:
Hello growers.

I've got so few plants left that I can provide a quick update on them all!

First up the mother and daughter duo in the 4x4 tent.

Crescendo (Flip 84) -- she's really pretty in person but I have a difficult time capturing that beauty in a pic.
Crescendo 5-11-23 F84.jpg

I've been scoping her on the regular to make sure she doesn't sneak up on me.
Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (1).jpg

Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (3).jpg

Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (2).jpg


And here is her daughter, the Crescendo clone on Flip + 15. With her, I'm trying for a "mini-Crescendo" (hence the 2 gallon pot).
Crescendo clone 5-11-23 F15.jpg


The Gush Mints clone in the 2x2 on her day Flip + 62. A few weeks ago she started looking -- for lack of a better word -- "unhappy." I don't know how to describe it, but one knows from seeing a plant on the daily when things are not quite right. At the time she was only 9 inches beneath the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro which was running at 100%. I think the light was a bit much for her so I turned it down to 75%. She's been looking a lot happier since.
GM clone 5-11-23 F62.jpg


Finally, I got around to doing my first smash of the Reeze McFlurry that I bagged up on May 6th, and she really gave up the goods. I'll be back with more pics on this later.

RM 1st smash.JPG

That's it for me today.

As always, thanks for taking a peek into my tents.

All the plants are looking great GDB but the Crescendo is to die for in my opinion.:welldone:She's pretty!:love:
she's really pretty in person but I have a difficult time capturing that beauty in a pic.
I think you did a pretty good job- she's a beauty from any angle!
I think the light was a bit much for her so I turned it down to 75%.
The GM definitely looks happy now!

I did the same with the ATF- she wasn't looking happy at 220 watts, but she's liking 190...
Hello growers.

I've got so few plants left that I can provide a quick update on them all!

First up the mother and daughter duo in the 4x4 tent.

Crescendo (Flip 84) -- she's really pretty in person but I have a difficult time capturing that beauty in a pic.
Crescendo 5-11-23 F84.jpg

I've been scoping her on the regular to make sure she doesn't sneak up on me.
Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (1).jpg

Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (3).jpg

Crescendo trich 5-10-23 F83 (2).jpg


And here is her daughter, the Crescendo clone on Flip + 15. With her, I'm trying for a "mini-Crescendo" (hence the 2 gallon pot).
Crescendo clone 5-11-23 F15.jpg


The Gush Mints clone in the 2x2 on her day Flip + 62. A few weeks ago she started looking -- for lack of a better word -- "unhappy." I don't know how to describe it, but one knows from seeing a plant on the daily when things are not quite right. At the time she was only 9 inches beneath the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro which was running at 100%. I think the light was a bit much for her so I turned it down to 75%. She's been looking a lot happier since.
GM clone 5-11-23 F62.jpg


Finally, I got around to doing my first smash of the Reeze McFlurry that I bagged up on May 6th, and she really gave up the goods. I'll be back with more pics on this later.

RM 1st smash.JPG

That's it for me today.

As always, thanks for taking a peek into my tents.

You're a good influence! I have to do that when I come in from power washing the shed! I better squish now before I lose my get up and go!
Hello all.

Yesterday I fully intended to post more about smashing the Reeze McFlurry but I ran into a little hiccup. Since I so appreciated my first smash of her I decided to try smoking some of it. Well, that turned out to be the end of my productive activities for the day. There's a smoke report HERE.

So this morning I'm looking at the Crescendo clone on her Flip + 16. As you may know, with this plant I'm trying to grow a "mini Crescendo," which is why I put her in a 2 gallon pot.

But I've been looking at the solo cup grows that @Cola Monster is currently doing and I now know that a 2 gallon pot is nowhere near restrictive enough to keep this plant down. And I suspect that the only thing truly "mini" about this grow will be the pot.

So I put her on a weight-training plan this morning. I've affixed plant anchors to 6 of her branches in order to pull them down and hold them down.
Cresc clone weights 5-12-23 F16.JPG

Since I have so much space in the tent now there's enough room for me to splay her.

Tent pic (Flip + 85 for the big Crescendo):
ANX tent 5-12-23 F85-16.jpg

The weights will be adjusted over time as required and I'm sure a few of them will need to be made heavier by tying 2 anchors together. We shall see.

Thanks for looking in.

Oops. I forgot my manners! :Rasta:

All the plants are looking great GDB but the Crescendo is to die for in my opinion.:welldone:She's pretty!:love:
Thanks Mr. Monster. I wish everyone could see her in person because she really is a looker and I'm a lousy photog! :)
I think you did a pretty good job- she's a beauty from any angle!
Thanks Carcass. Appreciated! :thanks:
The GM definitely looks happy now!

I did the same with the ATF- she wasn't looking happy at 220 watts, but she's liking 190...
I guess there's a learning curve with any new gear, and these @ViparSpectra lights are "different."
You're a good influence! I have to do that when I come in from power washing the shed! I better squish now before I lose my get up and go!
Have yourself a smashing good time Stone! :Rasta:
Is the last trichome pic with more amber from an original calyx? Because that looks done.
When I saw that pic I tried to figure out what section of the bud I had clicked on but I could not. I'm going to look at a different flower today.
GDB I fell in love with the Crescendo when we first realized that she was mad. She has such pretty flowers! Her other self is going to be a stunner particularly now that you know what you're in for. I am watching with bated breath!
GDB I fell in love with the Crescendo when we first realized that she was mad. She has such pretty flowers! Her other self is going to be a stunner particularly now that you know what you're in for. I am watching with bated breath!
Thanks so much Carmen.

It indeed does help to know what's coming, and I will definitely try to improve my methods on clone! :Rasta:

Now breathe! :Rasta:
I knew that Crescendo clone was going to take over the tent!
LMAO! She hasn't taken over anything yet Shed!

I guess whether she ever does or not depends on your definition of "taking over." :)
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