ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Thanks so much Carmen.

It indeed does help to know what's coming, and I will definitely try to improve my methods on clone! :Rasta:

Now breathe! :Rasta:
:meditate: breathing and watching yep yep
Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

Just here to post of few pics because, well, it's Sunday.

Here's the mother/daughter pair in the 4x4. The Crescendo on flip + 86, the clone on flip + 18.
AANX tent 5-14-23 F86-18.jpg

Since I now have bar lighting I'm going to get some yo-yos to help support the clone when the time comes.

I found the Gush Mints clone a little thirsty this morning and showing signs that she will soon need some support. Other than that she continues to enjoy her solitude. She's on flip + 65.
GM clone 5-14-23 F65.jpg

Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there. You suffer much pain in order to keep our planet populated!

Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

Just here to post of few pics because, well, it's Sunday.

Here's the mother/daughter pair in the 4x4. The Crescendo on flip + 86, the clone on flip + 18.
AANX tent 5-14-23 F86-18.jpg

Since I now have bar lighting I'm going to get some yo-yos to help support the clone when the time comes.

I found the Gush Mints clone a little thirsty this morning and showing signs that she will soon need some support. Other than that she continues to enjoy her solitude. She's on flip + 65.
GM clone 5-14-23 F65.jpg

Finally, Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there. You suffer much pain in order to keep our planet populated!

At first I was wondering why you flipped the clone so early…(never having grown from clone)….now I see - wow. They really spread out and take off the way you did it. The clone will end up almost the same as the plant behind it! So day 86 eh? What are you thinking for finish time?
At first I was wondering why you flipped the clone so early…(never having grown from clone)….now I see - wow. They really spread out and take off the way you did it. The clone will end up almost the same as the plant behind it! So day 86 eh? What are you thinking for finish time?
I think the big one is close Jon. However, as far as when she'll be done, well I'm lousy at making those kind of predictions. In fact, I'm a big 0'fer when it comes to correct predictions! I think the only way I can break that streak is to stop trying to predict. :)
I think the big one is close Jon. However, as far as when she'll be done, well I'm lousy at making those kind of predictions. In fact, I'm a big 0'fer when it comes to correct predictions! I think the only way I can break that streak is to stop trying to predict. :)
That makes two of us. She does look close though. Awesome colas. If they’re heavy enough to fall over I’m usually pretty happy. Lmao!
The plant will still be there later, but basketball waits for no man...🏀
That's funny, I DVR'd the last 10 minutes of Lakers Warriors and it waited about an hour for me!
It didn't wait for you. You waited for it. :)
Hello all.

I'm keeping a close eye on the trichs of the Crescendo (flip 87). I don't want more "sleepy" weed.

I think if I want to err on the safe side, she's just about there:

Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (7).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (5).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (4).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (3).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (2).jpg


Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (1).jpg
Hello all.

I'm keeping a close eye on the trichs of the Crescendo (flip 87). I don't want more "sleepy" weed.

I think if I want to err on the safe side, she's just about there:

Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (7).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (5).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (4).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (3).jpg
Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (2).jpg


Crescendo trich 5-15-23 F87 (1).jpg
Welcome to my world. I almost always harvest around this time. Highest thc = all white, no amber. Lol. Also the raciest.
Highya GDB,

I harvest about there as well!! Never been disappointed. Gorgeous trichome pics. That's what Chrissy was working on. Happy Smokin'
...yesterday. ;)
I’d give it one more day to let those half white/half clear trichomes finish filling up. There aren’t many and you’ll still be at way less than 5% amber. That’s just me. This is the hardest patience part for me. Lmao. Wow, we’re all invested in your harvest and stuff. This is so cool. Can’t wait to hear how you would grow it better next time so I can just start there next grow when I take my turn. Haha!
Well, he already has!

Also, if anxiety he seeks, half white half clear might be the ticket. 🎟️
It’s a good point. There’s a fine line when harvesting at what many consider “early.” Thus my suggestion. Past the anxious point, just gotta deal with the chest thing. I dig that though. Lol!
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