ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

What are you gonna do with all those buds GDB?? Fill a swimming pool and dive in like Scrooge McDuck??? Awesome grow big dog, you're killin it right now.
Damn. Trim jail ought to be fun. So much bud! So wow, the Crescendo is really bulking up fast it seems! And she’s a colorful one too! I can’t wait to start up again and grow her! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but WOW, what a grow. Kudos.
And that varies from restaurant to restaurant! If you decide to wait you can try some bud-spreading per @Amy Gardner
And from palate to palate! My medium rare is Mrs. GDB's "raw." :)
Wow! Love those bud/cola pics! Really fat buds on the Gush Mints! They're all looking so gorgeous! 60+ here today! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. :thanks:
I don't know what's happening GDB, I tried multiple times to load your frost pics. But I just know that they're looking wonderful! How do I know that, because I get high on weed that let's me see even if my computer isn't cooperating!
I want some of that weed! :laugh:
Sweet looking buds on the Crescendo, those black leaves make it look exotic!
Thanks Carcass. She fought through!
Those are some seriously big buds.
Thanks OldStyle! I'm surprised by the size of the GM buds. Although I don't know why I'm surprised since I've never grown one before. :hmmmm:
Fat buds and pretty colours GDB
Thanks Ms. Carmen!
Crescendo sure is a happy looking budder!
Thanks Stone! I'm looking pretty happy too!:)
What are you gonna do with all those buds GDB?? Fill a swimming pool and dive in like Scrooge McDuck??? Awesome grow big dog, you're killin it right now.
Thanks Rhino! I'll find something to do with them. :Rasta:
Damn. Trim jail ought to be fun. So much bud! So wow, the Crescendo is really bulking up fast it seems! And she’s a colorful one too! I can’t wait to start up again and grow her! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but WOW, what a grow. Kudos.
Thanks Jon. And thank you for alerting me to this strain!

I'd love to see you grow another one. :Rasta:



Just a quickie today. I wanted to document how the Purple Star Killer looks on her drought day 3.
PSK drought #3 4-29-23.JPG

She's holding up better than the plants in my last attempt. The Grandaddy Blacks I droughted looked like hell by their day 2. They were much bigger, heartier plants though. They were also in 3 gallon pots but likely had more extensive root balls than this PSK. Hence, they slopped up the water in the soil much quicker than the PSK seems to be doing. I'm just guessing but it makes sense to me.

As always, thanks for looking in and thanks for the feedback!

She's holding up better than the plants in my last attempt.
She sure is- does that mean she might go a few more days,
or is 4 days the max that you drought them?
What are you gonna do with all those buds GDB?? Fill a swimming pool and dive in like Scrooge McDuck??? Awesome grow big dog, you're killin it right now.
I would! BUD PARTY! 🏊‍♂️
And from palate to palate! My medium rare is Mrs. GDB's "raw." :)
I have the hardest time cooking meats for Mrs Otter. Same issue, doesn't matter what I do mine ends up like a shoe and she's yaking gently hinting that hers is raw. We married into a tough crew to culinarily please!
She sure is- does that mean she might go a few more days,
or is 4 days the max that you drought them?
I'll let her go longer if possible but not much longer. And that has nothing to do with the science. I just want her out of there! :Rasta:
I would! BUD PARTY! 🏊‍♂️

I have the hardest time cooking meats for Mrs Otter. Same issue, doesn't matter what I do mine ends up like a shoe and she's yaking gently hinting that hers is raw. We married into a tough crew to culinarily please!
Stop cooking yours and leave hers cooking. Hell, burn the shit out of it if that's what she likes! :)
What are you gonna do with all those buds GDB?? Fill a swimming pool and dive in like Scrooge McDuck??? Awesome grow big dog, you're killin it right now.
I would! BUD PARTY! 🏊‍♂️
And from palate to palate! My medium rare is Mrs. GDB's "raw." :)
I have the hardest time cooking meats for Mrs Otter. Same issue, doesn't matter what I do mine ends up like a shoe and she's yaking gently hinting that hers is raw. We married into a tough crew to culinarily please!
Stop cooking yours and leave hers cooking. Hell, burn the shit out of it if that's what she likes! :)
That's conventional and when I do it something happens to foil my tries! Oh you think she'd like well done and a bit burnt? Nooooow! <said in 3 syllables. Remember, she's my wife now. Hehe, I joke about these small things because she's so awesome in every other way! Tomorrow is our 41st anniversary!
I would! BUD PARTY! 🏊‍♂️

I have the hardest time cooking meats for Mrs Otter. Same issue, doesn't matter what I do mine ends up like a shoe and she's yaking gently hinting that hers is raw. We married into a tough crew to culinarily please!

That's conventional and when I do it something happens to foil my tries! Oh you think she'd like well done and a bit burnt? Nooooow! <said in 3 syllables. Remember, she's my wife now. Hehe, I joke about these small things because she's so awesome in every other way! Tomorrow is our 41st anniversary!
Happy 41st Anniversary to you two! :party:
Hello all and Happy Sunday!

I like to post on Sunday mornings, even when -- like today -- I have nothing to report!

So this week I offer a solo pic of the Gush Mints on her flip + 89. She of the fat buds!
GM 4-30-23 F89.jpg
Wishing everyone a great week!

I'm digging the foxtails in there and the purple leaves on the non-purple-named plant! Those GMs really know how to bulk up that's for sure, both momma and baby. And I can't wait to see the Crescendo clone take over the tent in the end! :slide:
Thanks Shed. I don't know how much "taking over" that clone can accomplish in a 2 gallon pot! :Rasta:
Damn got behind ,, Budd pics were Nice ! I can see your grow bulking up too Looks great! I am sure your ready to start the process and Have you had a tester lately ! :blunt:
Thanks Smoke. I have not had any testers. I'm developing self-control! (That's a lie. I've just been so preoccupied with my Purple Tahoe!) :Rasta:
Just you some point you're going to feel bad for it and upcan!
That's a bold prediction Shed (and probably an accurate one)!
Hello all.

The Purple Star Killer is on her 5th day of droughting and I'm calling it over. I watered her this morning. She took 2.4 Liters before run-off.

PSK drought 5 5-1-23.JPG

For sure I've got amber:

PSK trichs drought 5 5-1-23 (5).jpg

PSK trichs drought 5 5-1-23 (4).jpg

PSK trichs drought 5 5-1-23 (3).jpg

PSK trichs drought 5 5-1-23 (2).jpg

PSK trichs drought 5 5-1-23 (1).jpg

So her days are numbered.

Thanks for the visit.

Way to get rid of all of those pesky fan leaves ;) She looks fantastic!
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