ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

You might get a little of that anxiety you're seeking from the PE with the early harvest (other than the anxiety she already causedšŸ˜)
So is this "anxiety" folks refer to really just a matter of not getting that "sit your ass down" feeling?:hmmmm:
Am I a bush?.. a vine?.. which way is up, anyway?
I thought I was taller...
LMAO. Exactly! :laugh:
Hey GDB disspite the rot issue still a nice haul & the others have some huge buds, very impressive grow
Thanks so much con!
What a beautiful tent you have left and such a graceful flop at the end there. Congrats GDB.
Thanks Carmen. I've always thought if you're going to flop do it gracefully! :)
As previously mentioned, you do have some gorgeous buds/colas left. I love the looks and smells of the ladies at this stage! I hope there'll be no more of that nasty stuff. Like you said - We don't need any more drama! Looking good in both tents! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. No More Drama! :thanks:
Guess you got away with it in terms of any of that rot spreading to other plants?
Only time will tell Jon. That is certainly my hope!
Well that had some Anxiety in it Glad its over one down more two come LOOKING GOOD IN HERE
IKR. I didn't think my plants would take my journal title literally during the grow!:)


Here's a quick Monday Bud Update.

It's Flip + 76 for the group (+60 for the Crescendo).

Crescendo: she only has a few branches were any stacking has occurred. Most of her buds are of the individual popcorn type.
Crescendo bud 4-17-23 F60.JPG

Gush Mints: she just keeps throwing out white pistils almost as if she's just getting started.
GM bud 4-17-23 F76.JPG

Reeze McFlurry: on the 3rd day of her drought her look is frosty!
RM bud 4-17-23 F76.JPG

Purple Star Killer: she has taken a surprising turn to becoming quite a looker.
PSK bud 4-17-23 F76.JPG

And last, here's a shot of the droughting one in full "what the hell are you doing to me" mode. I'm not sure I'm going to let this go on for 6 days.
RM day 3 drought 4-17-23.jpg

As always, thanks for looking in.

Highya GDB,

Probably why she's so frosty. She's taking the drought pretty hard. Would be fun to compare the frost at the beginning and end of the drought. At any rate, she's gorgeous! Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

Probably why she's so frosty. She's taking the drought pretty hard. Would be fun to compare the frost at the beginning and end of the drought. At any rate, she's gorgeous! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode.

I have a pic from the 1st day of her drought and she was already pretty frosty.
RM bud 4-13-23 F72.JPG

I can't honestly say she's any more frosty now, but I can say with confidence that's she's no less frosty due to the drought. :Rasta:
The drought is more about leaf angle than it is time, although there is a need for that as well to trigger the plant response. Maybe try to extend things with a few very light waterings? I think there are a few growers that do that. The original study went 11 days, but not all of my plants can go that long. If I get the 50% leaf droop after at least a week, I usually call it close enough.

And I'm not convinced that you get ā€Šmore trichomes with a drought, but the ones you do already have certainly get longer and more potent. The longer ones fall all over each other in what @Krissi Carbone calls coralling, an apt description when looked at under a scope.
Hello all.

I have a few scope shots of the droughting Reeze McFlurry:

RM trich 4-17-23 (1).jpg

RM trich 4-17-23 (2).jpg

RM trich 4-17-23 (3).jpg

RM trich 4-17-23 (4).jpg

RM trich 4-17-23 (5).jpg

RM trich 4-17-23 (6).jpg

Real close to harvest! Lots of amber trichomes! Is she getting the chop soon? Happy Smokin'
And I'm not convinced that you get ā€Šmore trichomes with a drought, but the ones you do already have certainly get longer and more potent.
That's sort of what I thought, too- the Reeze McFlurry looks like she's proving it.!

Nice trichome pics, GDB..šŸ‘
Hello all.

I'm just posting a quick tent pic of the Anxiety group on their Flip + 77 (+61 for the Crescendo).
I wanted to post this to show the droughting Reeze McFlurry (front right).
ANX tent 4-18-23 F77-61.jpg

When I saw her the morning the first thing that came to mind was Cousin Itt of the Addams Family.
cousin itt.jpg

I caved this evening and gave her a liter of water. I'm not sure what I'll do now but I'm inclined to end this before I really screw it up. :)

When I saw her the morning the first thing that came to mind was Cousin Itt of the Addams Family.
I'm just posting a quick tent pic of the Anxiety group on their Flip + 77 (+61 for the Crescendo).
:woohoo:Those girls are looking great, especially the Gush Mints clone under XS1500 PRO! Fortunately, the mold did not affect the other plants that, appreciate everything you do for them.
If I get the 50% leaf droop after at least a week, I usually call it close enough.
Thanks Azimuth. I needed to hear this!
Real close to harvest! Lots of amber trichomes! Is she getting the chop soon? Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. Yes, she will be coming down soon!
That's sort of what I thought, too- the Reeze McFlurry looks like she's proving it.!

Nice trichome pics, GDB
Thanks Carcass!
Those girls are looking great, especially the Gush Mints clone under XS1500 PRO! Fortunately, the mold did not affect the other plants that, appreciate everything you do for them.
Thanks Valerie. :thanks:


And since Valerie was nice enough to mention the GM clone, here's she is this morning on Flip + 41:
GM clone 4-19-23 F41.jpg

GM clone1 4-19-23 F41.jpg

And last, my little Crescendo clone is getting close to the point where I will flip her. I don't want this plant to get really tall like her mom is.
Crescendo clone 4-19-23 D35.jpg

Thanks for looking in.

Other than a Tad bit of anxiety (he can sometimes get a little stressed) over the mold (good catch, excellent harvest, loads left!) things are still looking copacetic in there! Also, the bent, folded, and mutilated clone took it like a champ, though I can't see flipping it all that soon!

I found another afflicted bud near the top of the PE clone.
Excellent set of eyes and out that goes.
I didn't find any more questionable stuff on her.
In fact, I think I may use a lot of her to make cobs.
I'm feeling a little anxiety about making cobs from a plant that had some moldy bits but I may be totally wrong about that.
Other than a Tad bit of anxiety (he can sometimes get a little stressed) over the mold (good catch, excellent harvest, loads left!) things are still looking copacetic in there! Also, the bent, folded, and mutilated clone took it like a champ, though I can't see flipping it all that soon!

Excellent set of eyes and out that goes.


I'm feeling a little anxiety about making cobs from a plant that had some moldy bits but I may be totally wrong about that.
I bet you could get the cob lab tested for mycotoxins. They run those tests here on request.
I bet you could get the cob lab tested for mycotoxins. They run those tests here on request.
I am only guessing but I think as long as the bud used had any/all mould cut out first then it should be ok, as mould spores are everywhere anyway. As cobs are tightly rolled and/or vac sealed too, they become fairly anerobic and then the 'fermenting' stage would I think knock out any mould spores, but hey I'm just thinking aloud, and I've been testing buds earlier so probably talking rubbish.
Hello all.

The Reeze McFlurry looks done to me. She'll be coming down today or tomorrow!

RM_scope 4-2-23 (1).jpg

RM_scope 4-2-23 (2).jpg

RM_scope 4-2-23 (3).jpg

Plenty frosty. A great harvest is just around the corner! Happy 420! :cheer:
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