ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

In my Ed McMahon voice, "How good is it?" :)
It's making me check my ego. I need a second opinion. It's not normal to get this high after smoking all I have! I think it's.........a fathers thing.....I've been thrilled by my creations before when they were achievements for me but average for the world if you know what I mean? I'll just say it's a good indica leaner that may have side effects of visual hallucinations combined with music sounding the best ever! Did I mention the homemade brownie I just devoured? Oh baby!
It's making me check my ego. I need a second opinion. It's not normal to get this high after smoking all I have! I think it's.........a fathers thing.....I've been thrilled by my creations before when they were achievements for me but average for the world if you know what I mean? I'll just say it's a good indica leaner that may have side effects of visual hallucinations combined with music sounding the best ever! Did I mention the homemade brownie I just devoured? Oh baby!
That sounds awesome! :ganjamon:
Highya SO,

Was that the Cheeries Dubalee? What a great sounding strain!! Happy Smokin'
It's making me check my ego. I need a second opinion. It's not normal to get this high after smoking all I have! I think it's.........a fathers thing.....I've been thrilled by my creations before when they were achievements for me but average for the world if you know what I mean? I'll just say it's a good indica leaner that may have side effects of visual hallucinations combined with music sounding the best ever! Did I mention the homemade brownie I just devoured? Oh baby!
Any time I grow something that has that minor psychedelic thing going on it makes me feel the same way. I always think my weed is great but I never use me as the judge. We’re too close. I get good reviews but nothing that’s ever made me believe anything I grow is “special.” But then, once in a while, I grow something that blows even me away, as you seem to have been in this case. That’s when I allow myself to feel accomplished. I feel you brother!
Thanks Stone! She's a fat one. :Rasta:

Thanks Shed. Thick as a brick! :Rasta:


Thanks Valerie! :thanks:

Thank you Bode! Tip burn FTW! :)

Thanks Smoke! I'm still patiently (sort of) waiting. :straightface:


Here's a quick update on where things are. Let's see...

It's Flip + 67 for the Anxiety group (and + 51 for the Crescendo). This stage of my grows is usually when I start losing control of things and this grow is no different. Everything is starting to lean and tilt every which way. I'm trying to keep them upright but I'm just not that good at it.
ANX tent1 4-8-23 F67-51.jpg

Front left: Reeze McFlurry
Front right: Crescendo
Back left: Pineapple Express clone
Back right: Gush Mints
Middle: Purple Start Killer

All of these but the Crescendo were raised on Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrients. The Crescendo was started on Grow Dots but they have now been supplemented with RO nutrients, as well.

In a new development, the pistils are changing colors on the...

GM bud 4-8-23 F67.jpg

and the PE clone:
PE clone bud 4-8-23 F67.jpg


The Crescendo clone is moving up her bamboo stick on her day 23.
Crescendo clone D23.jpg

She's being raised on @Prescription Blend nutrients and when a space becomes available in the 4x4 she'll be moved in there (flipped). I hope that can happen before she gets too tall!


And last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone (Flip + 30) remains the apple of my eye! To these old peepers she's just pretty.
Gush Mints clone 4-8-23 F30.jpg

She's also getting @Prescription Blend nutes.

That's today's news.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

Do you think the Crescendo will be anywhere close to or in the 30s? I know it’s impossible to tell yet, but is it super frosty or whatever? Possible to request a closeup?
Do you think the Crescendo will be anywhere close to or in the 30s? I know it’s impossible to tell yet, but is it super frosty or whatever? Possible to request a closeup?
I have my doubts Jon. The rusty leaves are likely having some kind of effect on her development.

And if you're familiar with the accuracy of my past predictions you would not even have asked me that question! :laugh:

Here's your close-up:

Crescendo bud 4-12-23 F55.JPG
I have my doubts Jon. The rusty leaves are likely having some kind of effect on her development.

And if you're familiar with the accuracy of my past predictions you would not even have asked me that question! :laugh:

Here's your close-up:

Crescendo bud 4-12-23 F55.JPG
Ha! That’s exactly why I wanted a closer look - so I could disagree with you. :rofl: She has the look ofevery high thc plant I’ve grown. Awesome. And the rust affecting the buds…maybe, but I would argue no, not yet. I look at your emerging pistils. They’re long and glistening and the picture of health, and they’re everywhere. You already have a bunch of color going on. The whole thing is a frost factory. You may get there!! I guess we can’t test (can you?), but you’ll know if it’s in the 30s.
Ha! That’s exactly why I wanted a closer look - so I could disagree with you. :rofl: She has the look ofevery high thc plant I’ve grown. Awesome. And the rust affecting the buds…maybe, but I would argue no, not yet. I look at your emerging pistils. They’re long and glistening and the picture of health, and they’re everywhere. You already have a bunch of color going on. The whole thing is a frost factory. You may get there!! I guess we can’t test (can you?), but you’ll know if it’s in the 30s.
I welcome your optimistic disagreement Jon! :)
Highya SO,

Was that the Cheeries Dubalee? What a great sounding strain!! Happy Smokin'
Yes, and it finishes in 50 to 55 days! End of September I'd guess. We can meet up if you like some.
Any time I grow something that has that minor psychedelic thing going on it makes me feel the same way. I always think my weed is great but I never use me as the judge. We’re too close. I get good reviews but nothing that’s ever made me believe anything I grow is “special.” But then, once in a while, I grow something that blows even me away, as you seem to have been in this case. That’s when I allow myself to feel accomplished. I feel you brother!
I've chucked a couple before. There's something about this one. Ms O hasn't mentioned anything yet. It could still be me. Oh she just brought me the jay from yesterday! I gotta go get Zooted as GDB would say! Later!
Highya SO,

Was that the Cheeries Dubalee? What a great sounding strain!! Happy Smokin'
Yes, and it finishes in 50 to 55 days! End of September I'd guess.
Any time I grow something that has that minor psychedelic thing going on it makes me feel the same way. I always think my weed is great but I never use me as the judge. We’re too close. I get good reviews but nothing that’s ever made me believe anything I grow is “special.” But then, once in a while, I grow something that blows even me away, as you seem to have been in this case. That’s when I allow myself to feel accomplished. I feel you brother!
I've chucked a couple before. There's something about this one. Ms O hasn't mentioned anything yet. It could still be me. Oh she just brought me the jay from yesterday! I gotta go get Zooted as GDB would say! Later!
Hello gang!

I've had a change of heart regarding my Crescendo clone. Letting it just grow straight up with no training may not be the best idea.

So I bent it. Actually I bent it twice. Once to the side and once to the right. And when she stretches some more I'm going to bend her to the right again!

Crescendo clone broken 4-12-23 .jpg


I have nothing but love for the GM clone in the 2x2 on her Flip + 34.
GM clone 4-12-23 F34.jpg


It's Flip + 71 for the Anxiety group (and + 56 for the Crescendo) and here's the tent pent of them.
ANX tent 4-12-23 F71-55.jpg


Last, I went to Costcos today for "staples." Toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water and nothing else!

I tell Mrs. GDB constantly what a scam it is that Costco lines the main aisle of their store with ever changing merchandise, designed to entice weak-minded shoppers (like me). Today they had this thing along the main aisle:

woozoo turns.jpg

It oscillates vertically and horizontally. Comes with a 5-year warranty. It was discounted $10 off of the $39 retail price.

Could I resist? No chance in hell:

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello gang!

I've had a change of heart regarding my Crescendo clone. Letting it just grow straight up with no training may not be the best idea.

So I bent it. Actually I bent it twice. Once to the side and once to the right. And when she stretches some more I'm going to bend her to the right again!

Crescendo clone broken 4-12-23 .jpg


I have nothing but love for the GM clone in the 2x2 on her Flip + 34.
GM clone 4-12-23 F34.jpg


It's Flip + 71 for the Anxiety group (and + 56 for the Crescendo) and here's the tent pent of them.
ANX tent 4-12-23 F71-55.jpg


Last, I went to Costcos today for "staples." Toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water and nothing else!

I tell Mrs. GDB constantly what a scam it is that Costco lines the main aisle of their store with ever changing merchandise, designed to entice weak-minded shoppers (like me). Today they had this thing along the main aisle:

woozoo turns.jpg

It oscillates vertically and horizontally. Comes with a 5-year warranty. It was discounted $10 off of the $39 retail price.

Could I resist? No chance in hell:

Thanks for stopping by.

the anxiety group is looking great those buds are getting huge
Man, that blows...

It blows well, too,- sweet fan, GDB !
Plants still mostly look great , but the Crescendo clone may need a day or two... 🙂
the anxiety group is looking great those buds are getting huge
Thanks con. As always, thanks for stopping by! :Rasta:
Man, that blows...

It blows well, too,- sweet fan, GDB !
Plants still mostly look great , but the Crescendo clone may need a day or two... 🙂
The fan is nice for the price C! The only thing I don't like about it is that it will only run for 4 hours at a time. Then you have to tell it to run for 4 more. That could (probably will) become a PITA, but I'll deal with it for now! :)

I hope the Crescendo needs a lot more time. I'm trying to keep her close to the soil. Those bends are certainly gonna' slow her roll! :Rasta:
It's making me check my ego. I need a second opinion. It's not normal to get this high after smoking all I have! I think it's.........a fathers thing.....I've been thrilled by my creations before when they were achievements for me but average for the world if you know what I mean? I'll just say it's a good indica leaner that may have side effects of visual hallucinations combined with music sounding the best ever! Did I mention the homemade brownie I just devoured? Oh baby!
Sounds like the good shit to me!
Hello gang!

I've had a change of heart regarding my Crescendo clone. Letting it just grow straight up with no training may not be the best idea.

So I bent it. Actually I bent it twice. Once to the side and once to the right. And when she stretches some more I'm going to bend her to the right again!

Crescendo clone broken 4-12-23 .jpg


I have nothing but love for the GM clone in the 2x2 on her Flip + 34.
GM clone 4-12-23 F34.jpg


It's Flip + 71 for the Anxiety group (and + 56 for the Crescendo) and here's the tent pent of them.
ANX tent 4-12-23 F71-55.jpg


Last, I went to Costcos today for "staples." Toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water and nothing else!

I tell Mrs. GDB constantly what a scam it is that Costco lines the main aisle of their store with ever changing merchandise, designed to entice weak-minded shoppers (like me). Today they had this thing along the main aisle:

woozoo turns.jpg

It oscillates vertically and horizontally. Comes with a 5-year warranty. It was discounted $10 off of the $39 retail price.

Could I resist? No chance in hell:

Thanks for stopping by.

I want one… All caught up! It looks like that Crescendo owed you money or something. Ouch!
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