ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Looks like the PSK is going to stay all green till the end, you don't see that very often...šŸ‘

I hope the Gush Mints clone is about done do you, I imagine... šŸ¤”
Nooo! All those leaves are going to turn purple! :laugh:

I think (hope) the clone is done stretching. If not, I'll likely need to turn the light down a notch.
Highya GDB,

Reese McFlurry is a gorgeous plant!! Stunning mass of buds!! Leaf tips are burnt. At least she had enough to eat! I thought a lady plant wasn't big and mature enough unless the tips were burnt. They all look great! I'd be proud to show those ladies around!! Happy Smokin'
That Gush is blushing nicely! What a sweet looking plant!
Thanks Stone! She's a fat one. :Rasta:
That RM isn't so much a spear as a club!
Thanks Shed. Thick as a brick! :Rasta:
true this
Bursting with good staked! Just the way we like em!
Thanks Valerie! :thanks:
Reese McFlurry is a gorgeous plant!! Stunning mass of buds!! Leaf tips are burnt. At least she had enough to eat! I thought a lady plant wasn't big and mature enough unless the tips were burnt. They all look great! I'd be proud to show those ladies around!! Happy Smokin'
Thank you Bode! Tip burn FTW! :)
Hey GDB I thought you would have took down one by now I lost contact there a couple 3 days . Still looking Big and Juice in there !!! :bigtoke:
Thanks Smoke! I'm still patiently (sort of) waiting. :straightface:


Here's a quick update on where things are. Let's see...

It's Flip + 67 for the Anxiety group (and + 51 for the Crescendo). This stage of my grows is usually when I start losing control of things and this grow is no different. Everything is starting to lean and tilt every which way. I'm trying to keep them upright but I'm just not that good at it.
ANX tent1 4-8-23 F67-51.jpg

Front left: Reeze McFlurry
Front right: Crescendo
Back left: Pineapple Express clone
Back right: Gush Mints
Middle: Purple Start Killer

All of these but the Crescendo were raised on Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrients. The Crescendo was started on Grow Dots but they have now been supplemented with RO nutrients, as well.

In a new development, the pistils are changing colors on the...

GM bud 4-8-23 F67.jpg

and the PE clone:
PE clone bud 4-8-23 F67.jpg


The Crescendo clone is moving up her bamboo stick on her day 23.
Crescendo clone D23.jpg

She's being raised on @Prescription Blend nutrients and when a space becomes available in the 4x4 she'll be moved in there (flipped). I hope that can happen before she gets too tall!


And last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone (Flip + 30) remains the apple of my eye! To these old peepers she's just pretty.
Gush Mints clone 4-8-23 F30.jpg

She's also getting @Prescription Blend nutes.

That's today's news.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

You need some yellow string... šŸ˜

These old peepers agree!
Thanks Carcass!

Funny you should mention the yellow string. The tent was in disarray so I tried to neaten things up a bit today. A few well-placed bamboo sticks helped get the PSK and RM upright. But for the Crescendo, which was starting to splay all over the place, I used my tan string to try and tame her. :)

Here's the result. (Crescendo is front left.)
ANX tent upright 4-8-23 .jpg

Hey, GDB- How are the leaves on the Crescendo doing with the RO Nutes? (hard to tell from the pic)

The Purpinator (0-2-4) did what I hoped it'd do, my plants are on the mend...
I'm still having trouble believing I actually fixed something! ( I usually just make it worse..šŸ¤Ŗ)

Hey, GDB- How are the leaves on the Crescendo doing with the RO Nutes? (hard to tell from the pic)

The Purpinator (0-2-4) did what I hoped it'd do, my plants are on the mend...
I'm still having trouble believing I actually fixed something! ( I usually just make it worse..šŸ¤Ŗ)
The leaf problem isn't spreading so she may be on the mend, as well.

Glad you were successful with your trouble-shooting! Is the Purpinator going to turn your plants purple? If so, I defs need to get some of that! :)
Ha! I don't think I'll see any purple! šŸ’œ
The reason I used Purpinator(0-2-4) instead of Terpinator(0-0-4) is that I figured they might also need a little phosphorous.

Purpinator is supposed to help in strains that are known to get a bit purple- it makes them "purpler"-or so they say..

I'm using it as a bloom booster, so as long as it doesn't turn them brown or yellow, I'm fine with it..:cheesygrinsmiley:

Good to hear the Crescendo's on the mend, too...Are you using the RO nutes at full strength on her?
Ha! I don't think I'll see any purple! šŸ’œ
The reason I used Purpinator(0-2-4) instead of Terpinator(0-0-4) is that I figured they might also need a little phosphorous.

Purpinator is supposed to help in strains that are known to get a bit purple- it makes them "purpler"-or so they say..

I'm using it as a bloom booster, so as long as it doesn't turn them brown or yellow, I'm fine with it..:cheesygrinsmiley:

Good to hear the Crescendo's on the mend, too...Are you using the RO nutes at full strength on her?
Well of course I'm going to try something similar, because I believe we are distant relatives! :)

I don't have any Purpinator, but I'm going to give the Crescendo some Terpinator. I spoke too soon when I said the might be on the mend. Her new growth comes in looking good but before long the rust spots appear.

Regarding the RO nutes, I don't even know what full strength is. :straightface:Their feeding directions are so vague that I have just been winging it. I recently reduced the dosage for all of the plants though.
I spoke too soon when I said the might be on the mend.
Rust spots could also mean a calcium def, but it's also a part of a K deficiency- I marked this leaf on Thursday, and I've been watching it since then- it hasn't gotten any worse in 4 days, in fact it's gotten a bit greener, and that's how I can tell the Purpinator is working- it took 5 days from first application before any improvements were seen, so, even in a SIP, it doesn't happen very fast...but it did happen.
So, your Crescendo may stop with the rusty spots by mid week, if she behaves like the ATF did..

In case you wonder, I've been using 15ml of Purpinator per gallon, with every watering- they say you can use up to 30ml, but that sounds a bit hot to me..

From this morning: Not pretty, but not dead, either..
Sick Leaf.jpg
Rust spots could also mean a calcium def, but it's also a part of a K deficiency- I marked this leaf on Thursday, and I've been watching it since then- it hasn't gotten any worse in 4 days, in fact it's gotten a bit greener, and that's how I can tell the Purpinator is working- it took 5 days from first application before any improvements were seen, so, even in a SIP, it doesn't happen very fast...but it did happen.
So, your Crescendo may stop with the rusty spots by mid week, if she behaves like the ATF did..

In case you wonder, I've been using 15ml of Purpinator per gallon, with every watering- they say you can use up to 30ml, but that sounds a bit hot to me..

From this morning: Not pretty, but not dead, either..
Sick Leaf.jpg
I started with 10ml per gallon because of my cautious nature. Probably won't do shit. :laugh:

What a cool idea marking a leaf! Just another trick I've learned from you. Is a "red" marker mandatory? I only have black and blue. :)
I started with 10ml per gallon because of my cautious nature. Probably won't do shit.
I started with 10ml also, but then I thought about it, and added another 5 for good measure before I watered the plant- didn't seem to hurt anything, so I stuck with 15...

What a cool idea marking a leaf!
Thanks, GDB!- I figured it's as good an indicator as any- just don't pick a leaf that's already mostly dead- pick one that's just starting to look bad, and watch it to see if it gets worse or stays the same as when you marked may even start to green back up a little after a week or so..
Is a "red" marker mandatory? I only have black and blue.
I used a black marker last time, so you'll probably be ok... šŸ¤Ŗ
I thought the instructions said to color coordinate the marker color with the suspected deficiency.
They do say that, but a little further down the page, it states "or whatever ya got laying around" šŸ˜
They do say that, but a little further down the page, it states "or whatever ya got laying around" šŸ˜
And as we all know, there's plenty of stuff laying around! :)
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