ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Looking fire in there brother. I somehow managed to get a room all to myself as a reward for letting the mother AND sister in law live in our tiny house with us for the whole pandemic. Not enough outlets for my tent in the mancave though :lot-o-toke:.
Looking fire in there brother. I somehow managed to get a room all to myself as a reward for letting the mother AND sister in law live in our tiny house with us for the whole pandemic. Not enough outlets for my tent in the mancave though :lot-o-toke:.
Thanks Braddah! That's a steep price for just a room! :laugh:

BTW, I had to get a few new, dedicated circuits installed in order to pull this off and it's still not ideal.
Good morning all and Happy Sunday! (And happy Monday to @StoneOtter.)

ANX tent 4-2-23 F61-45.jpg
It's Flip + 61 for the Anxiety group (and + 45 for the Crescendo) and, happily there's still not much to report!

I continue to experience problems with the Crescendo (front right). The rust on her leaves seems to be worsening and the dose of epsom salts did not address what I thought was a mag deficiency. Now I'm getting frustrated. Why? Because I've gone from thinking mag deficiency to mag lockout. I want to do a slurry test on the soil, but before doing so I need to calibrate my pH meter. A few months back I brought some good-sized bottles of the calibration solutions and the storage solution for my Apera pH meter. But I can't friggin' remember where I put them! I've been looking everywhere for them (everywhere, of course, except where they are). I'm too frugal to buy another set knowing there's some already here somewhere, so now I'm feeling stuck. :straightface:

But the Reeze McFlurry (front left) is not stuck, and she is approaching her day of reckoning:
RM bud 4-2-23 F61.JPG


The Crescendo clone is on her day 17 and praying a lot. With this one, I'm going to jam a bamboo stick in the middle of the pot, attach the plant to it and just let her grow up. She'll get no training whatsoever.
Crescendo clone 4-2-23 D17.jpg


The 2x2 girl, the Gush Mints clone is on her Flip + 24 and she continues her quest to reach the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro!
GM clone tent 4-2-23 F24.jpg

Here's a pic of her out of the tent:
GM clone 4-2-23 F24.JPG

And that's my Sunday offering!

I wish all a safe and prosperous week ahead and Happy Growing!

Close enough to the end to not lose sleep over it I'd say. They look great. I wasted money on a bottle of pH buffer yesterday. Turns out my pH pen reads it the same as the bottle that's been open over a year and has bits floating in it. 🤣 Seems my new meter was calibrated to 6.86 in a 7.0 solution at factory I reckon. My crusty old meter read the buffer solution at 7.01. I shouldn't have doubted old faithful. Lol
Fine looking ladies, GDB!

But I can't friggin' remember where I put them! I've been looking everywhere for them
I bought 2 little bags of Grow Dots in January so I'd have 'em here when I need 'em...
and I'm sure you can guess the rest...🤪
Fine looking ladies, GDB!

I bought 2 little bags of Grow Dots in January so I'd have 'em here when I need 'em...
and I'm sure you can guess the rest...🤪
Thanks Carcass.

My inability to find what I know I have here is grinding on my nerves to the point where I don't even know why I'm seeking anxiety! :)

And, as with all misplaced objects, it will be found in the absolute last place I look. :straightface:
Do you think a flush would help?
TBH I can't remember what you're feeding it but flushing would get the epsom salts out. Though...
I continue to experience problems with the Crescendo (front right). The rust on her leaves seems to be worsening and the dose of epsom salts did not address what I thought was a mag deficiency. Now I'm getting frustrated. Why? Because I've gone from thinking mag deficiency to mag lockout. I want to do a slurry test on the soil, but before doing so I need to calibrate my pH meter. A few months back I brought some good-sized bottles of the calibration solutions and the storage solution for my Apera pH meter. But I can't friggin' remember where I put them! I've been looking everywhere for them (everywhere, of course, except where they are). I'm too frugal to buy another set knowing there's some already here somewhere, so now I'm feeling stuck.
...I'm not sure you have that much time left to bother trying to turn it around like Vet mentioned. I definitely think it's too late to start trying to adjust the pH of the soil if it's out of whack.
Hope you find the cause of the leaves, and if you can't, I hope you don't get too anxious because the flowers look beautiful and don't seem to be affected by it.:yummy:
Thanks Carcass.

My inability to find what I know I have here is grinding on my nerves to the point where I don't even know why I'm seeking anxiety! :)

And, as with all misplaced objects, it will be found in the absolute last place I look. :straightface:
This is a universal issue I'm thinking! I have so many things on the "where's that list" I can't remember!
Crescendo is a weirdo. Such happy buds and most of her leaves.
They're look well GDB, I hope you find a solution to the mag issue, or failing that I hope her buds get large and sticky regardless of her leaves!
Thanks Stunger. See latest update below.
TBH I can't remember what you're feeding it but flushing would get the epsom salts out. Though...
Thanks Shed. See latest update below.
...I'm not sure you have that much time left to bother trying to turn it around like Vet mentioned. I definitely think it's too late to start trying to adjust the pH of the soil if it's out of whack.
See latest update below.
Hope you find the cause of the leaves, and if you can't, I hope you don't get too anxious because the flowers look beautiful and don't seem to be affected by it
Thanks Valerie. See latest update below.
This is a universal issue I'm thinking! I have so many things on the "where's that list" I can't remember!
Crescendo is a weirdo. Such happy buds and most of her leaves.


And now for the update:

It's Flip + 63 for the Anxiety group (and + 47 for the Crescendo).

Most of the plants seem content but the Crescendo (front right) with her rusty leaves continues to worsen.
ANX tent 4-4-23 F63-47.jpg

You may recall that I took a few cuts from the Crescendo. One of them I sent to an early grave but the other was up-potted to a 2 gallon pot 5 days ago. I put her into brand new Lush soil in order to give me time to decide how I wanted to grow her.
Crescendo clone 4-4-23 D19.jpg

I decided on @Prescription Blend for her, and I just started feeding her. She was given a veg dose of @Prescription Blend last night.

But look, already she's beginning to show the same rustiness that her momma has.
Cresc clone rust 4-4-23.JPG

So @StoneOtter may be onto something when he says "Crescendo is a weirdo."

As a result of the development on the clone, I'm not sure that anything I did (or didn't do) caused the rust on the momma Crescendo.


Last, in the 2x2, the Gush Mints clone is on her Flip + 26 and continues her quest to reach the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.
GM clone 4-4-23 F26.jpg

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Damn, that Gush Mints is a beautiful plant!
already she's beginning to show the same rustiness that her momma has.
Well, technically, she is the same age as Mom, so she could be needing the same thing Mom needs
We just need to figure out what that is...(I say "we" because both my plants are doing that same thing)
Damn, that Gush Mints is a beautiful plant!

Well, technically, she is the same age as Mom, so she could be needing the same thing Mom needs
We just need to figure out what that is...(I say "we" because both my plants are doing that same thing)
That's a valid point that I had not considered. But still, what's with the Crescendo? :straightface:
Hello all.

I've been trying to be patient. The Reeze McFlurry has been teasing me with her progression. And even though I know she's not ready I could no longer resist the urge to scope her!

I see what I expected to see. Lots of clear, some cloudy and a teensy emerging bit of amber.

RM_004 4-4-23.jpg

RM_003 4-4-23.jpg

RM_002 4-4-23.jpg

RM_001 4-4-23.jpg

She's getting there and I stand by my bold prediction that she'll be the first to finish!:)

Thanks for your time.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 65 for the Anxiety group (and + 49 for the Crescendo) and it's looking like I'll be here at least through the end of the month and likely longer than that. I need a "twiddle" emoji!
ANX tent 4-6-23 F65-49.jpg

Today is water to run-off with nutrients day. I lowered the dosage of the Roots Organics Terp Tea Bloom. I had been bubbling up 3 gallons of water with 3 tablespoons of the TT Bloom. I reduced that to 3 gallons of water with 2 tablespoons of the TT Bloom. I think I may have been overdoing it with the nutrients during this grow. It's been a learning experience and I look forward to doing another grow with these nutes to see if I can get it done a little better.

It's also beginning to look like the Crescendo (front right) will be finishing second after the Reeze McFlurry (front left). The remaining plants still have mostly white pistils (although the Pineapple Express clone is beginning to get some orange ones).

Crescendo bud:
Crescendo bud 4-6-23 F49.jpg

But the RM is definitely going to be the first to go.
RM bud 4-6-23 F65.jpg

Here's a side by side pic of the RM and Purple Star Killer:
RM and PSK 4-6-23 F65.jpg

A spear from the PSK:
PSK spear 4-6-23 F65.jpg

A spear from the RM:
RM spear 4-6-23 F65.jpg

And here's a solo pic of the Gush Mints:
GM 4-6-23 F65.JPG


In the 2x2, the Gush Mints clone has moved up to within 9 inches of the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro. Eleven days ago she was 13 inches beneath the light.
GM clone 4-6-23 F28.jpg

And that's a wrap.

As always, thanks for your interest.

Looks like the PSK is going to stay all green till the end, you don't see that very often...👍

I hope the Gush Mints clone is about done do you, I imagine... 🤔
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