ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Such a striking view into the tent GDB, and such lovely frosty colas too. Well done!
Thanks Stunger. It certainly helps to be surrounded by so many knowledgeable growers!:thanks:
Hello all.

I've got a lights-out flash pic of the Gush Mints clone (flip 20) today because she is getting all the special attention these days! :)

GM clone 3-29-23 F20.JPG


I'm not generally an envious person. I tend to appreciate the possessions others might have rather than envy them.

However, when I see the way some of the folks here on 420 are set up to grow I tend to go a little green.

My grow space is tight and often takes some clever maneuvering to grow several plants at once. I've got everything jammed into my "man cave," and that includes a big TV, a stereo system, a bookcase (mostly stocked with plant stuff), a CD collection, a couple of guitars, a small amp, two large chairs and two large ottomans. Then there's the grow tent and two footlockers full of weed, one of which also serves as a seedling/cloning station and the other of which serves as a plant-watering station. In addition, there are gallon jugs and bags of nutrients all over the floor. The room is only 9 feet by 14 feet. Things are as tight as a cheap pair of socks.

Here's a shot of the doorway to the room. When I water plants to run-off I take them out of the tent and put them on the "watering station" footlocker to make it easier to get rid of the run-off. That's "my chair" to the left of the tent. The chair in the foreground is for the Mrs.
grow space.JPG

I'm not complaining, just sharing. There's a lot of good about this set-up too. For one, I'm always there (or mostly always there.) And that air conditioner next to the tent really comes in handy during my summer grows, especially since it can blow right into the side door of the tent. And, if you can get to a chair it's quite comfortable!

But it's still a hot mess. Past the tent area provides no additional room to "move around," because of the clutter. Here you can see my cloning/seedling station footlocker in front of the TV. A lot of my nutrients are on the floor on the right side of my chair, concealed from view.
grow space1.JPG

Mrs. GDB puts up with this mess, though she has her limits. Last week, in fact, I was forced to dust off my TV stand at gunpoint! (Just kidding.:))

Thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the tour!

Hello again growers.

Not only am I a little bored but I'm also kind of zooted, so I've spent a little time prepping a second post for this day.

At this stage of the grow I'm mostly looking at pistils. To me, they tell a tale.

So It's another edition of "Views From The Tops."

The Anxiety group:

Reeze McFlurry - she the most far along by "along" shot:
RM bud 3-28-23 F56.JPG

Purple Star Killer - the most sticky and, I believe, the most stinky:
PSK bud 3-28-23 F56.JPG

Pineapple Express clone - she got tall and is taking her time:
PE clone bud 3-28-23 F56.JPG

Gush Mints - nice firm buds but still mostly white pistils:
GM bud 3-28-23 F 56.JPG

Crescendo - the tent youngster:
Cresc bud 3-28-23 F56.JPG

I rearranged the plants...again. I'm obsessing and won't even say where I moved what. I also raised the @ViparSpectra KS5000 about four inches. Again, obsessed.
ANX tent evening 3-28-23 F56.jpg

Thanks for your interest.

Hehe, I'd be obsessed too with all that beautiful bud in there!
Thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the tour!
What a glorious space!
Hello all.

I've got a lights-out flash pic of the Gush Mints clone (flip 20) today because she is getting all the special attention these days! :)

GM clone 3-29-23 F20.JPG


I'm not generally an envious person. I tend to appreciate the possessions others might have rather than envy them.

However, when I see the way some of the folks here on 420 are set up to grow I tend to go a little green.

My grow space is tight and often takes some clever maneuvering to grow several plants at once. I've got everything jammed into my "man cave," and that includes a big TV, a stereo system, a bookcase (mostly stocked with plant stuff), a CD collection, a couple of guitars, a small amp, two large chairs and two large ottomans. Then there's the grow tent and two footlockers full of weed, one of which also serves as a seedling/cloning station and the other of which serves as a plant-watering station. In addition, there are gallon jugs and bags of nutrients all over the floor. The room is only 9 feet by 14 feet. Things are as tight as a cheap pair of socks.

Here's a shot of the doorway to the room. When I water plants to run-off I take them out of the tent and put them on the "watering station" footlocker to make it easier to get rid of the run-off. That's "my chair" to the left of the tent. The chair in the foreground is for the Mrs.
grow space.JPG

I'm not complaining, just sharing. There's a lot of good about this set-up too. For one, I'm always there (or mostly always there.) And that air conditioner next to the tent really comes in handy during my summer grows, especially since it can blow right into the side door of the tent. And, if you can get to a chair it's quite comfortable!

But it's still a hot mess. Past the tent area provides no additional room to "move around," because of the clutter. Here you can see my cloning/seedling station footlocker in front of the TV. A lot of my nutrients are on the floor on the right side of my chair, concealed from view.
grow space1.JPG

Mrs. GDB puts up with this mess, though she has her limits. Last week, in fact, I was forced to dust off my TV stand at gunpoint! (Just kidding.:))

Thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the tour!

what man don't like a tight fit Lol! nothing wrong with your set up looks cozy
Damn those plants look good.
I wish I could hang out with my girls in a comfy chair. My girls are inside a tent, in a huge plywood box on wheels, in the shop.
If I hang out in there I feel obligated to work on something...
Hi @Carcass you have an amazing Volkswagen there too those cars are divine. ;).
Thanks, Kanno!
I've had that ol' girl since I was your age- got it for $750 and a case of beer back in '88, and we towed a boat to the lake with it for about 20 years, and it was my wife's daily driver for 30 years or so -It's worth a bit more than that now,
But Mrs.C. would sell me before she'd let me sell that bus... 🙂
I think Carcass had been looking for that! :laugh:
Ha! I was sort of wondering if anyone would notice it...😉
Hehe, I'd be obsessed too with all that beautiful bud in there!

What a glorious space!
Thanks Stone. Although "glorious" is not a word I'd use to describe it! :)
what man don't like a tight fit Lol! nothing wrong with your set up looks cozy
Cozy it is Con! And tight. :)
Plants are looking great! Hey GDB, what is your favorite strain or strains you’ve grown so far?
Thanks Dee!

That's a tough question! I can't name a single strain that stands above all the rest. My top three may be Grandaddy Purple, Black Cherry Punch and Cosmic Lights, but I'm not even sure of that! :Rasta:
Damn those plants look good.
I wish I could hang out with my girls in a comfy chair. My girls are inside a tent, in a huge plywood box on wheels, in the shop.
If I hang out in there I feel obligated to work on something...
Thanks Rhino.

Why do you have wheels on your box?
I'm kind of in the same boat. My tent is outside in my shed. It also is home to my tools, chest freezer, workout equipment and what ever else my wife doesn't want in the house. I basically have a straight path from the entrence door to the tent. One day I hope to have a spare bedroom or at least a dedicated grow shed.
Valleygrown, do you include yourself as one of the things your wife doesn't want in the house? :)
Thanks, Kanno!
I've had that ol' girl since I was your age- got it for $750 and a case of beer back in '88, and we towed a boat to the lake with it for about 20 years, and it was my wife's daily driver for 30 years or so -It's worth a bit more than that now,
But Mrs.C. would sell me before she'd let me sell that bus... 🙂

Ha! I was sort of wondering if anyone would notice it...😉
I missed it at first! 👀
You both have triple+ my space! Two people can hardly ogle them at the same time here! :green_heart: Be still my green heart!
I do have enough room for multiple oglers so I'm thankful for that! :)
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