ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Highya GDB,

Gorgeous Gush Mints buds! Very pleasing to look at! I'm sure they smell as good as they look!! Hopefully the GM clone sill look like that, or even better! Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

Gorgeous Gush Mints buds! Very pleasing to look at! I'm sure they smell as good as they look!! Hopefully the GM clone sill look like that, or even better! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode.

I haven't grown that many clones but the few that I have grown outperformed their moms! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

Here's a Flip + 52 update (+36 for the Crescendo).

Not much to report! The @Viparsectra is keeping them happy. :yahoo:
ANX tent 3-24-23 F52-36.jpg

It's starting to get a little more colorful in there. Glad to see that!

I gave the Crescendo a dose of epsom salts (@ 1 tblsp per gal) last night for what might be a mag deficiency. It was a 1L feed-night and all the other plants just got tap water.


Speaking of the Crescendo, she's living confirmation of why I've avoided sativas. She's too damn tall!

I guess I just like short bushy plants rather that the tall supermodel types.

I've got 4 weights attached to the main trying to hold it down. It's working, sort of. :straightface:
Crescendo 3-24-23 F36.jpg

Here's a solo pic of the Reeze McFlurry just because:
RM 3-24-23 F52.JPG


And last, the Plant of Solitude in the 2x2. The Gush Mints clone continues to impress me with her growth. This morning I reconfigured how the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro is hung so that I could raise it higher. I don't think it was going to take long for her to reach the light!
GM clone 3-24-23 F15.jpg

That's all for this day.

BTW, if anyone is interesting in one of my (long absent) smoke reports, there's a new one HERE.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hey GDB the garden is looking wonderful! The link to the smoke report seems to not work for me.
I fixed it Stunger. It was the Pineapple Express! :ganjamon:
Looking great in there GDB.

Love the McFlurry. Beautiful.
Speaking of the Crescendo, she's living confirmation of why I've avoided sativas. She's too damn tall!
I found one that I'm going to try.
It's as close to landrace as possible. It's called Jamaican Dream and is supposed to be a four ft tall 100% sativa that finishes in seven weeks.

Sounds crazy but I have to try it. Should be in my next grow which I'll sprout in a few months.

Tents look great! 1 tbsp of Epsom salt is a lot of magnesium, so I think it should probably be one and done. :)
One and done was the "plan." :)
Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

It's Flip + 54 for the Anxiety group (and + 38 for the Crescendo - front left). and once again I have little to report! Yay!

All of the girls are just kind of sitting around doing whatever it is that they do at this point. They're mostly nudging me to begin twiddling but I refuse to cooperate. I will not twiddle!
ANX tent 3-26-23 F54-38.jpg

The Reeze McFlurry is the only one showing me some McMovement!
RM bud 3-26-23 F58.JPG

One of my two Crescendo clones is nearly twice the height of the other. I think I'm going to like the short one the best! :Rasta:
Crescendo clones 3-25-23 D9.jpg

And lastly, in the 2x2 I raised the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro to as high as I can get it. It's a short tent, so that puts the light about 13 inches above the plant. I still haven't turned it up to 100% power. (It's at 75%.)

The Gush Mints clone is on Flip + 17. I'm looking forward to finishing her in this tent under that light!
GM clone 5-25-23 F16.JPG

That's a wrap for this day.

Thank you for stopping by and please have a wonderful Sunday on purpose!

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