ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Hello all.

I've just got a tent pic of the Anxiety group today. This pic was taken through the side door of the tent on their Flip + 58 (+ 42 for the Crescendo, back right).

ANX tent 3-30-23 F58-42.jpg

The Reeze McFlurry (front right in pic) is leaving the other plants in a flurry of dust!

Speaking of flurries of dust, it's been a while since I've gone out on a limb with one of my bold predictions.

On this day I say that I believe the RM will be the first in the tent to finish! (The silence is deafening!)

In other news, I up-potted the tallest of the Crescendo clones. She's now in a 2 gallon pot, where she will finish. I'll flip her within the next few weeks.
Cresc clone uppot 3-30-23 D14.jpg

I cold-blooded murdered the smaller of the Crescendo clones when trying to get her out of her solo cup! She had too many roots coming out of the bottom and I should have cut the cup off rather than try to pull her out. :straightface:

As always, thanks for stopping by.

Heck looks like you got all you need in there GBD TV, Weed, Wine, Chairs LOL But letting your wife in the Man cave IDK ? :volcano-smiley:
Yeah, the worst part is always late at night, when she falls asleep in her chair and starts snoring. Drives me nuts! :Rasta:
So nice to finally get full room shots of your grow/hangout space, :thanks: Your chair looks really comfy!

Oh, plants nice too. :thumb:
Thanks Shed.

My chair is comfy. But Mrs. GDB's chair is comfier! I sit there for most of the day while she's away. But when she comes home she smacks me and makes me move.

BTW, she also has heated seats in her truck, but I don't have them in mine. I'm getting the short end! :)
Thanks Rhino.

Why do you have wheels on your box?
It's 7 feet tall and 6 feet wide, if it didn't have wheels I'd never be able to move it around. The projects in my shop range from plasma cutting to vinyl upholstery and space is limited, so nothing can be truly stationery.
RM is rocking! Imagine her harvest will be bountiful! The other plants are also close to crazy too!

Thank you for sharing your space, it may seem small and full of things, but it is all things you like to do, I personally think it is happiness. . .:Rasta:
RM is rocking! Imagine her harvest will be bountiful! The other plants are also close to crazy too!

Thank you for sharing your space, it may seem small and full of things, but it is all things you like to do, I personally think it is happiness. . .:Rasta:
Thanks for the kind words Valerie!

I love my space but I could use a bit more room! :Rasta:
Hello all!

It's Flip + 59 for the Anxiety group (and + 43 for the Crescendo) and today I've got a few solo pics.

It was water to run-off day so all of the plants got taken out of the tent except the Crescendo. She's having issues and was fed last night. On this day she only got a liter of water.

I'll start with the Pineapple Express clone. She's a little taller than I like them and so, as usual, I'm having a hard time keeping her upright. Other than that, she's doing well.
PE clone 3-31-23 F59.jpg

Purple Star Killer. The curly-leafed one is doing okay. I'm thinking (way too late in the game) that she is actually a light feeder and did not like the amounts of nutes she was given.
PSK top 3-31-23 F59.JPG

She's a sticky, stinky thing:
PSK bud 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Reeze McFlurry. Chonky!
RM 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Gush Mints. Extra chonky!
GM 3-31-23 F59.jpg

GM top 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Crescendo with the bronzing leaves. I tried treating her with epsom salts for what I thought was a mag deficiency. Guess I was wrong about that. She's been on Grow Dots since Jan 13th and I think they're done. I began giving her Roots Organics (RO) nutrients on March 13, beginning with a dose of Grow. Last night she got an RO bloom top feed.
Crescendo rust 3-31-23 F43.jpg

Here they are, all back in there enclosure:
ANX tent 3-31-23 F59-43.jpg

And last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone is on her Flip + 22. I upped her @Prescription Blend to the mid-range bloom dosage, which increases one of their components (Big Data) from 5ml per gallon to 6ml per g.
GM Clone 3-31-23 F22.jpg

This grow is a pleasant surprise. Usually by now my fan leaves would be starting to look a little rough, but these seem to be hanging in there a little longer. Perhaps my plants are just healthier due to the @ViparSpectra lights. I'd like to believe that's the case!

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello all!

It's Flip + 59 for the Anxiety group (and + 43 for the Crescendo) and today I've got a few solo pics.

It was water to run-off day so all of the plants got taken out of the tent except the Crescendo. She's having issues and was fed last night. On this day she only got a liter of water.

I'll start with the Pineapple Express clone. She's a little taller than I like them and so, as usual, I'm having a hard time keeping her upright. Other than that, she's doing well.
PE clone 3-31-23 F59.jpg

Purple Star Killer. The curly-leafed one is doing okay. I thinking (way too late in the game) that she is actually a light feeder and did not like the amounts of nutes she was given.
PSK top 3-31-23 F59.JPG

She's a sticky, stinky thing:
PSK bud 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Reeze McFlurry. Chonky!
RM 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Gush Mints. Extra chonky!
GM 3-31-23 F59.jpg

GM top 3-31-23 F59.JPG

Crescendo with the bronzing leaves. I tried treating her with epsom salts for what I thought was a mag deficiency. Guess I was wrong about that. She's been on Grow Dots since Jan 13th and I think they're done. I began giving her Roots Organics (RO) nutrients on March 13, beginning with a dose of Grow. Last night she got an RO bloom top feed.
Crescendo rust 3-31-23 F43.jpg

Here they are, all back in there enclosure:
ANX tent 3-31-23 F59-43.jpg

And last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone is on her Flip + 22. I upped her @Prescription Blend to the mid-range bloom dosage, which increases one of their components (Big Data) from 5ml per gallon to 6ml per g.
GM Clone 3-31-23 F22.jpg

This grow is a pleasant surprise. Usually by now my fan leaves would be starting to look a little rough, but these seem to be hanging in there a little longer. Perhaps my plants are just healthier due to the @ViparSpectra lights. I'd like to believe that's the case!

Thanks for stopping by.

they are all looking pretty dam good
Highya GDB,

So gorgeous!! Looking at all those buds you are growing is awesome!! I'd seriously say that big light had a lot to do with it!! And, of course your care and knowledge. When are you harvesting? Looks like there's still a lot of white pistils under all that frost. Great job!! Happy Smokin'
she is actually a light feeder and did not like the amounts of nutes she was given.
I think you're right- she looks great now, not a yellow (or even pale green) leaf to be seen..
A little dark maybe, but just keep her away from the nitrogen from here on in...

Perhaps my plants are just healthier due to the @ViparSpectra lights.
I'm sure they helped, but
I think you're just getting better at this stuff...
Thanks for looking in folks!:ciao:

they are all looking pretty dam good
Appreciated con. Thanks much.
So gorgeous!! Looking at all those buds you are growing is awesome!! I'd seriously say that big light had a lot to do with it!! And, of course your care and knowledge. When are you harvesting? Looks like there's still a lot of white pistils under all that frost. Great job!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks you Bode. I'm no good at predicting harvest dates. Correction, I'm lousy at predicting harvest dates! There are still lots of white pistils in play so no time soon, IMO.
I think you're right- she looks great now, not a yellow (or even pale green) leaf to be seen..
A little dark maybe, but just keep her away from the nitrogen from here on in...
I tried skipping some of her nute feeds earlier but that didn't seem to change anything. I may cut them out completely from this point forward.
I'm sure they helped, but
I think you're just getting better at this stuff...
Thanks Carcass! I'm trying to retain the good stuff I see so many here doing. :Rasta:
I agree with Carcass. :ganjamon:
He's a good one to agree with! :)
You obviously ordered yours with extra chonk!
And fried onions! :yummy:
Looks more like a Ca deficiency but with all that magnesium in there it could be tough to figure out in the time left.
Do you think a flush would help?
I think the Light has taking some of the work out with the plant growing faster and getting the light more into the plant all around , not to mention the Power too .. I know I gave a friend everything he needed to grow cept the lights he got some full spectrum ??? bull shit looked like spot lights for outside ! Anyway his plants had a lot of problems and I was checking the PH and telling him what fert.s to use when well he finally when to putting chicken shit on them thats when I told him I was done ! I don't know how to check CS fert.s ☹️
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