ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Ha! Wait a sec- are you saying my growspace is a mess?
Or, my mess is a growspace...
actually,either one works..😉
Ha! Wait a sec- are you saying my growspace is a mess?
Or, my mess is a growspace...
actually,either one works..😉
I didn't mean to imply your space is a mess, just that Grow Dots don't grow legs and walk away! :)
Hello all!

It's Flip + 69 for the Anxiety group (and + 53 for the Crescendo). There isn't much to say or show. My tent at this stage puts me in mind of of still-life painting. Nothing seems to change from day to day. I take a pic and get basically the same portrait that I got when I snapped the last one.

Anyhow, all of the girls except the Crescendo (front right) got a big dose of Recharge last night.
ANX tent 4-10-23 F69-53.jpg

The Crescendo leaves are coming in okay but then rusting within a week or so. Whatever is causing it doesn't seem to be affecting bud production yet. Last night I gave her a dose of Terpinator @ 10ml per gallon.
Crescendo leaves 4-10-23 F53.jpg


I took a few scope shots of the Reeze McFlurry this morning. Just wishful thinking. :straightface:
RM_scope 4-10-23 F69.jpg

RM_scope1 4-10-23 F69.jpg

RM_scope2 4-10-23 F69.jpg


The Crescendo clone is growing up fast! Since my last update (this past Saturday) she has nearly climbed to the top of her stick.
Crescendo clone 4-10-23 D25.jpg


And last, in the 2x2 tent the Gush Mints clone stopped stretching at 9 inches underneath the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro. She really seems to be enjoying the light and now it's time for her to show just how much she's enjoying it.

I almost achieved a level canopy but I let a single branch get away!
GM clone1 4-10-23 F32.jpg

GM cl pistils 4-10-23 F32.JPG

That's today's news(?)

I'm already plotting my next grow. I'm planning on slowing down some and will limit my next grow to 4 plants. Three in the 4x4 and likely one in the 2x2. I'll be doing a retry on a few seeds that failed to germinate for this grow, a Fat Bastard and a Forbidden Fruit. And I'll grow a Sour G from seeds I got from the SoCal seed fairy. I'm leaning heavily toward a Blackberry Moonrock for the 4th but I'm not absolutely certain about it yet.

So you may ask, "Grand Daddy Black why are you plotting your next grow when you can barely contain yourself long enough for this one to finish?"

My answer: That's a damn good question! :)

The new group is going to be fun to watch GDB! This Anxiety group is maturing so nicely! They look all fist sized from here! Yum!
Thanks Stone. The new group will be all new to me and that's what I like! :)
Ok all caught up. That is one beautiful tent with a fantastic variety of buds. Awesome job as always. So the rusting leaves on that Crescendo. Hmm. If it were me I’d be thinking it’s a CalMag deficiency. I find some strains under LED just crank through it. I tend to up it slowly though flower. If you’re feeding, say, 5ml/gallon, maybe up it to 7ml? Also, you’re in soil? I’d give it with every watering for a week and see what happens. Just my two cents. But as you say, the buds seem unaffected so far.
The exception that proves the rule!

How about trying one of those in a SIP? Any interest?
Do you get a check from the secret SIP society every time you successfully convert someone?

Do you get a check from the secret SIP society every time you successfully convert someone?

Then it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?

And hey, I think everyone owes it to themselves to try one of these systems at least once, they can make that much of a difference for less effort.
Anxiety group brings fat buds! The new group must be fun too! ;)
Ok all caught up. That is one beautiful tent with a fantastic variety of buds. Awesome job as always. So the rusting leaves on that Crescendo. Hmm. If it were me I’d be thinking it’s a CalMag deficiency. I find some strains under LED just crank through it. I tend to up it slowly though flower. If you’re feeding, say, 5ml/gallon, maybe up it to 7ml? Also, you’re in soil? I’d give it with every watering for a week and see what happens. Just my two cents. But as you say, the buds seem unaffected so far.
Worth a shot at this point Jon. I'll give calmag a go.
1 You're gonna need a longer stick...

2 You sure about that?

3 Close enough!
She's looking mighty pretty today, GDB..❤️
1 I've heard that before. :straightface:

2 No, not really. :straightface:

3 Thanks Carcass! I'm getting closer to your standard! :Rasta:
Then it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?

And hey, I think everyone owes it to themselves to try one of these systems at least once, they can make that much of a difference for less effort.
If I try SIP it will be in the winter. :Rasta:
The wait at the end is the hardest part, lots of bad stuff that can happen and you just want them to FINISH! At the same time, why not dream about your next grow. There's not much else to do ;)
The wait at the end is the hardest part, lots of bad stuff that can happen and you just want them to FINISH! At the same time, why not dream about your next grow. There's not much else to do ;)
I never thought of it like that but you're right BudMan. Part of what makes the wait so hard is that "lots of bad stuff" can happen! Now if anything goes wrong with these girls you'll be the first person I think of. :laugh:
It is stressful until 62% in the jar or bag is made mold free! If you're not petrified til then you're not human! I am every time! I just got over it an hour ago when mine went 63%! I can relax a little now. Whew!
Take a deep breath Stone! :laugh:
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