ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Those sound like some SUPER GUMMIES! Like, don't try to leap any tall buildings or anything :rofl: Your ladies still look great.
Sorry to hear about the broken branches. Super gummies! 😎

Nice job on the supercrop. The tent looks great.
Thanks Stinker.

No broken branches, but "sprained" to the point where they could no longer hold themselves up. Trying to pry that plant through was one of the dumbest things I've done lately. Glad I had a good excuse! :)
Those sound like some SUPER GUMMIES! Like, don't try to leap any tall buildings or anything :rofl: Your ladies still look great.
Thanks BudMan.

The problem was the constant sampling while making them! :)
We're on the same page.... I also made gummies today...not super gummies, just regulars, but strong enough for me...:lot-o-toke:
I ended up getting twisted from sampling/testing the gummies. And "twisted" might be putting it mildly. These gummies really are "super!"
Now, I just wash the residue down the sink- the first time I made gummies, I ate the stuff, and, like you,
got reeeaaalll high...not quite too high, but almost...😁
Highya GDB,

Great looking colas on those ladies! I'm hoping she'll be fat and sassy when she's done! Happy Smokin'
Hello all.

It's Flip + 35 for the Anxiety group and things got a little out of hand last night.:straightface:

Backstory: I made some of my "super gummies" yesterday. (Basically, they're made with infused oil and decarbed rosin mixed. For this batch I used 4.7g of rosin and 1/3 cup of oil.) I ended up getting twisted from sampling/testing the gummies. And "twisted" might be putting it mildly. These gummies really are "super!"

So now I'm thinking about stuff that I probably shouldn't be thinking about.

I decide to change the positions of the plants in the tent. Why? Because I made some super gummies!

I ended up trying to move the Pineapple Express clone from the right side of the tent to the left, but I didn't move another plant out of the way to make enough clearance space. I moved it anyway. When I was done, several of the PE's branches were hanging near the floor. Yikes. Didn't mean to do that!

I had to spend the next 40 minutes trying to prop the plant back up. It hasn't been easy. I beat her up bad and I've still got a bud staring straight at me. :straightface:

PE cllone 5-7-23 F35.jpg

The Crescendo (Flip + 19) is still stretching. She went up too high. When she got to about 5 inches from the @ViparSpectra KS5000 I had to bend her. The alternative of raising the light was quickly vetoed by my Lazy-Meter. That would have meant having to elevate all the other plants who are happy with the light right where it is.
ANX 3-7-23 F35-19 bend marked.jpg

Of course, I'm using a GDBClip® to hold her down!:)
ANX 3-7-23 F35-19 clip.jpg

Here's a side-by-side of the Gush Mints (left) and the Reeze McFlurry.

Both of these have been vigorous (and problem-free) growers!
GM RM 3-7-23 F35.jpg

Last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone in solitary confinement.

GM clone 3-7-23 D45.JPG

As always, thank you for looking in!

MMMM . . . . Super Gummies.
Ladies are looking good GDB!
We're on the same page.... I also made gummies today...not super gummies, just regulars, but strong enough for me...:lot-o-toke:

Now, I just wash the residue down the sink- the first time I made gummies, I ate the stuff, and, like you,
got reeeaaalll high...not quite too high, but almost...😁
I, on the other hand, almost washed myself down the sink.
That accidental supercrop ain't no thing and that was 40 minutes of you staying out of trouble, so it's probably a win win! Still a happy looking tent, and the GM clone took to the training like a champ. :thumb:
Thanks Shed. :thanks:
Hello all.

It's Flip + 37 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 21 for the Crescendo).

Things are getting bushy in the tent.

Here's through the side door:
ANX tent side 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

And here's through the front door:
ANX tent front 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

I flushed the curly-leafed Purple Star Killer last week and now her new leaves are coming in un-curled.
PSK 5-9-23 F37.jpg

And the Crescendo finally has her little fuzzy, white hats.
Crescendo 5-9-23 F21.jpg

All of these girls will get a liter of organic calmag today.


Meanwhile in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone is on her day 46. She's been growing like a weed under the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.

The next time she sees darkness she'll be seeing it for 12 hours. I'm going to flip her today.
ANX  GM clone 3-9-23 D47.jpg

That's all I've got for today.

Thanks for your attention.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 37 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 21 for the Crescendo).

Things are getting bushy in the tent.

Here's through the side door:
ANX tent side 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

And here's through the front door:
ANX tent front 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

I flushed the curly-leafed Purple Star Killer last week and now her new leaves are coming in un-curled.
PSK 5-9-23 F37.jpg

And the Crescendo finally has her little fuzzy, white hats.
Crescendo 5-9-23 F21.jpg

All of these girls will get a liter of organic calmag today.


Meanwhile in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone is on her day 46. She's been growing like a weed under the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.

The next time she sees darkness she'll be seeing it for 12 hours. I'm going to flip her today.
ANX  GM clone 3-9-23 D47.jpg

That's all I've got for today.

Thanks for your attention.

they are all looking good, nice
Backstory: I made some of my "super gummies" yesterday. (Basically, they're made with infused oil and decarbed rosin mixed. For this batch I used 4.7g of rosin and 1/3 cup of oil.) I ended up getting twisted from sampling/testing the gummies. And "twisted" might be putting it mildly. These gummies really are "super!"

So now I'm thinking about stuff that I probably shouldn't be thinking about.

I decide to change the positions of the plants in the tent. Why? Because I made some super gummies!
HAha! We need a T-shirt for that GDB. We had one at the marina and a title went with it. Captian Low Water! It was given to the boater that got caught running aground and worn for the next gathering for cocktails, which is every night at a marina. With that shirt came tons of nut busting love!
Every now and then I must get that high! It's just fun! BTW that 4.7g is what I put in 1 cup of oil for caps. 1=good 2=better 3= getting there 4=now were talking 6=Better stay seated! 6+ not on this planet yet.
Hello all.

It's Flip + 37 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 21 for the Crescendo).

Things are getting bushy in the tent.

Here's through the side door:
ANX tent side 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

And here's through the front door:
ANX tent front 5-9-23 F37-21.jpg

I flushed the curly-leafed Purple Star Killer last week and now her new leaves are coming in un-curled.
PSK 5-9-23 F37.jpg

And the Crescendo finally has her little fuzzy, white hats.
Crescendo 5-9-23 F21.jpg

All of these girls will get a liter of organic calmag today.


Meanwhile in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone is on her day 46. She's been growing like a weed under the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro.

The next time she sees darkness she'll be seeing it for 12 hours. I'm going to flip her today.
ANX  GM clone 3-9-23 D47.jpg

That's all I've got for today.

Thanks for your attention.

Nice timing for a flush to make for some heavy feeding!
Highya GDB,

Nice looking ladies! The one (first pic, top right) has some huge gorgeous buds shaping up! Great job! Happy Smokin'
Well done on fixing the PSK- you'd never know she had curly leaves just a few days ago.!
The Crescendo is hard to spot in there- now that she's gotten her pom-poms, she blends right in with the other beauties...
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 38 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 22 for the Crescendo).

Today I've got some views from the tops.

First up is the Crescendo. This one stretched way up and has huge internodal spacing. She'll probably develop popcorn buds. I hope they're nice ones!
Crescendo top 3-10-23 F22.JPG

The Purple Star Killer has mostly stopped with the curling leaves and is beginning to stack a little better. She's not going to be a big producer either. But again, I'll be happy with a little bit of nice!
PSK 3-10-23 F38.JPG

The Pineapple Express clone is still in recovery from the beating I inflicted on her because of my "super gummies." I could kick myself for that. I hope she doesn't mind too much and gives me something nice!
PE clone top 3-10-23 F38.JPG

The Gush Mints is the thickest girl in the tent and has the widest trunk. Still, she's only trying to keep up with the ruler of the roost. What do I want from her: something nice!
GM 3-10-23 F38.JPG

Last is the Reeze McFlurry, the ruler of the roost. This one is stacking like a champ! She'll have the biggest buds and I hope they're nice.
RM 3-10-23 F38.JPG

All of the plants love the @ViparSpectra KS5000. Here's a tent pic for good measure:
ANX tent 3-10-23 F38-22.jpg

All of the plants got watered to run off with aged tap water today. I'm seeing some yellowing here and there. Tomorrow on their 1L day, I'm going to give them all a little fish meal.

Thanks for taking a peek.

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