ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Highya GDB,

I'm with ITS, in that #3 is a truth, and 1, 2, and 4 are made up. As for the red petioles, it usually indicates a phosphorus deficiency. I've seen that a lot this past year. Adding extra phosphorus doesn't seem to turn the petioles to green again. It happened on my outdoor grow. I added more phosphorus and didn't seem to help. Yeild was good, plants weren't stunted, so I'm guessing it was genetic. Krissy had a lot of that. She also added extra phosphorus, and didn't turn the petioles green again. About the yellowing leaves, it's too early for the leaves to be dying back. Might be a little nitrogen deficiency? Good luck figuring out the claw thing. I've seen it before, but don't know what caused it. Youe ladies are big and very nice looking. Great biomass, a nice green and very happy looking. Happy Smokin'
Hello all.

If Flip + 30 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 12 for the Crescendo) and the @ViparSpectra KS5000 continues to make them shine!

I decided to ignore the purple petioles on the Pineapple Express clone and just focus on the fact that I'm also getting a little early leaf fading. So I agree with what @Bode said about the girls needing more N.

This is not that surprising when I consider that I'm still riding a learning curve when it comes to these Roots Organic (RO) dry nutrients. And the RO feeding instructions are vague at best and do not really specify how much of their components should be given to plants at a point in time. In addition, the feeding instructions on their website specify use of 10-20 gallon pots while the instructions on their bags give dosages for using 1-10 gallon pots. (I've been back and forth with RO about this fact and they have assured me they're in the process of revising their feeding schedule.)

Long story short, I believe the first time I fed them with the RO Terp Tea Bloom, I underfed them. The TT Bloom is rated 3-7-4 (NPK) so under-usage would likely negatively affect the plant.

So on their last feed, which I did yesterday (a day earlier than planned), I significantly increased the dosage of the TT Bloom used in the solution. I hope to see improvements soon!

There's not much going on other than that.

The Crescendo (middle) stretched up to the point where I had to remove one of her risers to get her further from the light. I'll need to remove her last riser within a few days if she keeps stretching.
ANX tent 3-2-23 F30-14.jpg

Thanks for your time.

Things look pretty darn good in there, GDB!
I significantly increased the dosage of the TT Bloom used in the solution.
Be careful with that bloom stuff...I quit using bloom boosters because it's sooo easy to do considerable damage with them...(toasty leaves, etc..)
The ones I used weren't organic, though, so yours may be more forgiving..
Things look pretty darn good in there, GDB!

Be careful with that bloom stuff...I quit using bloom boosters because it's sooo easy to do considerable damage with them...(toasty leaves, etc..)
The ones I used weren't organic, though, so yours may be more forgiving..
Thanks Carcass.

The Terp Tea Bloom in not technically their "booster." It's another form of their Bloom nutes that has been "micronized." This process is said to make the nutrients available to the plants more quickly than their granular Bloom nutes.

According to the manufacturer: Our Terp Tea’s are “Micronized” this process breaks down the fert to fine particles and removes water, concentrating the nutrients and organism making them faster acting than granular fertilizer.

There is a booster, but it comes in yet another bag and is called Terp Tea Bloom Booster. And yes, I think I did some damage to the leaves of the Pineapple Express from my last run using the Booster.
Hello all.

If Flip + 30 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 12 for the Crescendo) and the @ViparSpectra KS5000 continues to make them shine!

I decided to ignore the purple petioles on the Pineapple Express clone and just focus on the fact that I'm also getting a little early leaf fading. So I agree with what @Bode said about the girls needing more N.

This is not that surprising when I consider that I'm still riding a learning curve when it comes to these Roots Organic (RO) dry nutrients. And the RO feeding instructions are vague at best and do not really specify how much of their components should be given to plants at a point in time. In addition, the feeding instructions on their website specify use of 10-20 gallon pots while the instructions on their bags give dosages for using 1-10 gallon pots. (I've been back and forth with RO about this fact and they have assured me they're in the process of revising their feeding schedule.)

Long story short, I believe the first time I fed them with the RO Terp Tea Bloom, I underfed them. The TT Bloom is rated 3-7-4 (NPK) so under-usage would likely negatively affect the plant.

So on their last feed, which I did yesterday (a day earlier than planned), I significantly increased the dosage of the TT Bloom used in the solution. I hope to see improvements soon!

There's not much going on other than that.

The Crescendo (middle) stretched up to the point where I had to remove one of her risers to get her further from the light. I'll need to remove her last riser within a few days if she keeps stretching.
ANX tent 3-2-23 F30-14.jpg

Thanks for your time.

looking good & getting thick
When in doubt, flush that joker with a couple gallons of water and reset the game.
I planted all my vegetables in soil I had intended to grow weed in, it was hotter than a jalapeño and started burning them immediately. A heavy flush (done slowly to not drown the babies) fixed things right up, now my tomatoes leaves are uncurled and happy green again.
Hello all.

It's flip + 22 for the Anxiety bunch and they're cruising.

ANX tent 2-22-23 F22-6.jpg

But take a close look at the top leaves on the Purple Star Killer (front left).
PSK curls 2-22-23 F22.jpg

They've been curled like that for at least the last 2 weeks and it's only been the top leaves.

I've tried moving her away from the light and closer to the light but neither had any effect. I tried cutting back on her Nitrogen uptake -- no change.

Could there be some critters in the soil mucking with her? Anyone have any ideas?

For my own sanity, for now I've concluded that it's a genetic thing. Maybe those leaves are the "Star" in Purple Star Killer.

Thanks for looking in.

Looks to me like you’re on the right track with reducing the N. I had that a while back - looked exactly the same. I did what you’re doing - reduced the N (and the CalMag because mine has iron added and I thought N and Fe were the reasons) and it fixed her up. But it took like a week. Two cents for what it’s worth!
Looks to me like you’re on the right track with reducing the N. I had that a while back - looked exactly the same. I did what you’re doing - reduced the N (and the CalMag because mine has iron added and I thought N and Fe were the reasons) and it fixed her up. But it took like a week. Two cents for what it’s worth!
I'm increasing the N Jon!
When in doubt, flush that joker with a couple gallons of water and reset the game.
I planted all my vegetables in soil I had intended to grow weed in, it was hotter than a jalapeño and started burning them immediately. A heavy flush (done slowly to not drown the babies) fixed things right up, now my tomatoes leaves are uncurled and happy green again.
I think I will Rhino! Hell, it sure couldn't hurt anything. :Rasta:
It's Flip + 31 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 15 for the tag-along Crescendo).

Here's a quick update on a development.

The Crescendo is about to start producing some goodies:
Crescendo buds coming 3-3-23 F15.jpg

And it's official, the Reeze McFlurry is now the star of the grow! I've been hyping the Gush Mints from the outset due to her strong beginning, but Reeze has walked her down. The GM, though still impressive, is not stacking like this one is!
RM 3-3-23 F31.JPG

Here's a tent pic through the side:
ANX tent side 3-3-23 F31.jpg

All of the girls got 1L of Recharge today.

I haven't talked much about how I go about watering at the stage of the grow. For those who might be interested here goes:

During the veg stage of growth I pretty much adhere to a wet/dry cycle for the plants but once they get flipped I no longer let them dry out. In fact, I try not to let them even get close to drying out.

The nutrients I'm using call for once-a-week feeds, either by soil drench or top-feed. That weekly feed is always to run-off. Then I've got six days to play with.

Day1 - water all to run-off with nutrients
Day2 - each gets 1L
Day3 - each gets 1L
Day4 - water all to run-of with plain water
Day5 - each gets 1L
Day6 - each gets 1L
Day7 - water all to run-off with nutrients

So my "weekly" nutrient feeds actually occur every 6 days instead of 7.

I use those 1L days in an unscheduled but not completely arbitrary way to get other desired elements into the plants. Some days it's a Liter of silica. Other days, a Liter of Calmag. Other days, a Liter of Recharge (like today). And most days it's just a Liter of plain water. (I try to do the Calmag and Recharge monthly and the silica bi-weekly.)

They seem to like this pattern but I bet they'd like it better if I could get dialed in on these nutrients!

Thanks for your time.

Highya GDB,

Love those colas! And all the bud sites! Sugar plums dancing etc... Happy Smokin'
They seem to like this pattern but I bet they'd like it better if I could get dialed in on these nutrients!
They're a patient bunch...
You must be getting close, because they all look pretty happy to me.👍
Man GDB I look at your garden and it’s the standard for me when I consider the nutrients and strains you use!
I know you’re still working towards it but man you have your feeding schedule down pat!

I might call RO and tell them to just copy and paste your schedule and push it out already!
I doubt they come up with anything as simple and straightforward as yours!

Damn the garden looks good!

You’re using the entire dry line from rootsRight?
Highya GDB,

Love those colas! And all the bud sites! Sugar plums dancing etc... Happy Smokin'
Thanks so much Bode!

If I ever see a sugar plum dancing I'll know I've found my strain! :)
They're a patient bunch...
You must be getting close, because they all look pretty happy to me.👍
Thanks Mr. C.

As you well know, plants often tend to be patient...until they're not! :)
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