ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Thanks Stone. Your post prompted me to do a slurry test on the soil. I found it to be too alkaline with a pH of 7.5! Why/how these things happen I have no idea.

I've started treating her with vinegar @ 1tblsp per gallon of water. She got .5L last night and another .5L this morning. Now to watch and wait.
So your saying I was right? :passitleft: :laugh: Dang close again!

I never did anything but what I mentioned to soil to mess with ph. I found this with examples of ways to get it done. It's an interesting concept of ph not really face value. It's buffering of the soil to create ph we want. I don't know if vinegar is something that will do it. Are you following an example?
So your saying I was right? :passitleft: :laugh: Dang close again!

I never did anything but what I mentioned to soil to mess with ph. I found this with examples of ways to get it done. It's an interesting concept of ph not really face value. It's buffering of the soil to create ph we want. I don't know if vinegar is something that will do it. Are you following an example?
Not exactly! :laugh:

But your response was very helpful, as it helped me realize that I should test the soil! :thanks:

Dolomite lime would take my soil's pH in the wrong direction. It's already too alkaline. I need it to be a little bit more acidic and I've read that lemon juice or vinegar will do the trick.

I may not get any results because, as usual, I'm taking baby steps (with the vinegar). I'd be willing to bet I'm not using enough to move the pH. I'll find out sometime next week when I do another slurry test on the soil.
Going good GDB, light looks amazing too.
Grow well mate👍.
Thanks @Lowrider72, and thanks for stopping by my journal!

I see you only have completed grows in your signature. You taking a break at the moment?
Hey GDB! Getting caught up on your journal. Had an idea on your leaf curl plant. Is it by any chance in front of your fan in the tent? I've had similar looking leaves from "wind burn". Just throwing it out there! Everything is lookin to be a good harvest :Rasta:
Thanks Valley, but no, there's no fan blowing directly on her.
Nice to see them all get their time in the spotlight! They all deserve it. :)

Might take some time to lower the pH with 1Tbsp of vinegar/gallon at a time but it should work eventually. :goodluck:
Thanks Shed!
Good morning and Happy Sunday to all!

ANX tent 2-26-23 F26-10.jpg

I folded a few raises ago, but everything in the tent looks great!

I can't remember who's getting what to eat in there, so can you remind me which plant is on which nute or soil feeding?

How can you even type when it's so frigid there Shed? :laugh:

All except the Crescendo are getting Roots Organic dry nutrients. The Crescendo is on Grow Dots.
Hello growers.

It's February 28th and that means it's flip + 28 for the Anxiety group and it's time to play a new game: Three Lies And A Truth.

You decide which is which:

1. I've been getting DMs from folks all over the site requesting that I post a pic of the Anxiety tent through the side door.

2. At the same time, Admin. has contacted me and directed me to not post so much because my journal is generating too much network traffic.

3. Tomorrow will be the first day I can no longer calculate the flip date merely by relying on the day of the month.

4. There will be a huge prize package for the first user who identifies the "truth."

Now, while you strain your brains trying to figure out the answer, here's a pic of the Anxiety tent through the side door:
ANX tent side 2-28-23 F28-12.jpg

I remain concerned about the curly leaves of the Purple Star Killer. I upped the dosage of vinegar I'm giving her to 2 tablespoons per gallon but it doesn't seem to be changing a thing.
PSK still curly 2-28-23 F28.jpg

And now I have a new concern. The stems on the Pineapple Express clone have turned purple and she's getting some spotty & yellowing leaves. I think she may have a phosphorous deficiency. Anyone agree?
PE clone purple stems 2-28-23.jpg

In the 2x2, the Gush Mints clone has been up potted to a 3gal pot and continues to enjoy life slurping up @Prescription Blend nutrients!
GM clone 2-28-23 D38.jpg

I'll give her a week or so to settle in and then I'll be flipping her. My motto: "go small or go home."

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for your time.

err dammit I hate these guessing games…

they are all truths, no wait all lies, nope that’s not GDB’s style either… there’s 3 lies & 1 truth to just throw us off… granted I don’t know which end is up but if I keep guessing eventually I’ll be last to get it right:p

you grow some mighty fine looking herbs Big Daddy

I always thought that down curl was bad news but I’m happy to hear otherwise!

trust me when I say - that ain’t no stinking small plant… you wanna see a small plant he says boastfully!!! :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: yeah, no I‘m so embarrassed on my autos that I don’t even get a camera near that shit. Yours looks ginormous

later skater
3. Tomorrow will be the first day I can no longer calculate the flip date merely by relying on the day of the month.
The stems on the Pineapple Express clone have turned purple and she's getting some spotty & yellowing leaves. I think she may have a phosphorous deficiency. Anyone agree?
Don't often see a P def but here are the signs:

p def.JPG

Are you seeing those color changes to the leaves? Some purple petioles are genetic.

K def has yellowing spotty leaves without purple petioles:

k def.JPG

Don't often see a P def but here are the signs:

p def.JPG

Are you seeing those color changes to the leaves? Some purple petioles are genetic.

K def has yellowing spotty leaves without purple petioles:

k def.JPG
Some of the leaves look like they're beginning to fade to yellow. Whatever I'm seeing I'm seeing it early, because I don't remember those "petioles" being purple last week.

I'm gonna' sit tight until Thursday when they're due to be fed. In the meantime I'll do a slurry on the soil.
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