ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Man GDB I look at your garden and it’s the standard for me when I consider the nutrients and strains you use!
I know you’re still working towards it but man you have your feeding schedule down pat!

I might call RO and tell them to just copy and paste your schedule and push it out already!
I doubt they come up with anything as simple and straightforward as yours!

Damn the garden looks good!

You’re using the entire dry line from rootsRight?
Very kind of you to say Lootz.

Yeah, I'm using "most" of the full line. They've still got a few things that I haven't -- and won't be -- buying.
RO could do better in providing feeding directions. They must know that by now because I keep telling them! :ganjamon:
Very kind of you to say Lootz.

Yeah, I'm using "most" of the full line. They've still got a few things that I haven't -- and won't be -- buying.
RO could do better in providing feeding directions. They must know that by now because I keep telling them! :ganjamon:
Yea I’ve noticed even with the bottled line they give a weekly schedule but there’s a bit more info that would definitely help with understanding the system a bit better.

I would like to run the full line but I can’t do bottles anymore it’s exhausting and nerve racking and in sips the dry nutrients take a little finessing to get them down to the root zone.

A schedule I have says to be using both bottles and dry nutrients together, it’s over 20 different inputs!

I can’t even imagine trying to balance that out across my garden!

You’re doing a killer job tho regardless!
A schedule I have says to be using both bottles and dry nutrients together, it’s over 20 different inputs!
That's just stoopid! :straightface:
I would like to run the full line but I can’t do bottles anymore it’s exhausting and nerve racking and in sips the dry nutrients take a little finessing to get them down to the root zone.
What do you have to finesse? How?

I'm just curious since I'm not a SIPer.
That's just stoopid! :straightface:
Thats what I said!
What do you have to finesse? How?

I'm just curious since I'm not a SIPer.
I believe it was @Emilya Green who spoke about using the geoflora dry nutrients in a sip and that it wasn't until she watered from the top that she saw results.
In the sips the soil stays moist.
If you water from the top with full res it will overflow when the water drains through.
It would make more sense to me to time the top dressing and watering when your sip is a little drier and watering from the top has the most impact.
Otherwise, it's going to run right through and out of your res.

Idk it's probably been discussed already somewhere I'm sure but that's how I approach the idea.
Thats what I said!

I believe it was @Emilya Green who spoke about using the geoflora dry nutrients in a sip and that it wasn't until she watered from the top that she saw results.
In the sips the soil stays moist.
If you water from the top with full res it will overflow when the water drains through.
It would make more sense to me to time the top dressing and watering when your sip is a little drier and watering from the top has the most impact.
Otherwise, it's going to run right through and out of your res.

Idk it's probably been discussed already somewhere I'm sure but that's how I approach the idea.
I try not to water enough from the top to produce runoff into the SIP rez, so I give about 2/3 as much water as it usually would take in that size of container to produce runoff. That is enough to "water in" the Geoflora, but not enough to cause troubles or lose nutes and microbes into the rez.
Good morning all and happy Sunday!

There's not much to report here. Everything is plodding along smoothly.

I'm keeping a close eye on those leaves that had begun fade prematurely. The yellowing does not seem to be progressing. The increase in Nitrogen may have done the trick!
ANX tent 3-5-23 F33-17.jpg

Due to her stretch, the Crescendo (middle) had to be removed from her last riser. She now sits on the tent floor and is the tallest plant in the tent. She's working on her fuzzy white hats so as to fit in with the her tentmates!
ANX Crescendo budset 3-5-23 F17.jpg

That's all I've got. Enjoy your Sunday!

Highya GDP,

Fine looking tentfull!! Crescendo is a tall one. But, she looks good! Mighty fine colas on all the other ladies! Nice job! Happy Smokin'
It's Flip + 31 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 15 for the tag-along Crescendo).

Here's a quick update on a development.

The Crescendo is about to start producing some goodies:
Crescendo buds coming 3-3-23 F15.jpg

And it's official, the Reeze McFlurry is now the star of the grow! I've been hyping the Gush Mints from the outset due to her strong beginning, but Reeze has walked her down. The GM, though still impressive, is not stacking like this one is!
RM 3-3-23 F31.JPG

Here's a tent pic through the side:
ANX tent side 3-3-23 F31.jpg

All of the girls got 1L of Recharge today.

I haven't talked much about how I go about watering at the stage of the grow. For those who might be interested here goes:

During the veg stage of growth I pretty much adhere to a wet/dry cycle for the plants but once they get flipped I no longer let them dry out. In fact, I try not to let them even get close to drying out.

The nutrients I'm using call for once-a-week feeds, either by soil drench or top-feed. That weekly feed is always to run-off. Then I've got six days to play with.

Day1 - water all to run-off with nutrients
Day2 - each gets 1L
Day3 - each gets 1L
Day4 - water all to run-of with plain water
Day5 - each gets 1L
Day6 - each gets 1L
Day7 - water all to run-off with nutrients

So my "weekly" nutrient feeds actually occur every 6 days instead of 7.

I use those 1L days in an unscheduled but not completely arbitrary way to get other desired elements into the plants. Some days it's a Liter of silica. Other days, a Liter of Calmag. Other days, a Liter of Recharge (like today). And most days it's just a Liter of plain water. (I try to do the Calmag and Recharge monthly and the silica bi-weekly.)

They seem to like this pattern but I bet they'd like it better if I could get dialed in on these nutrients!

Thanks for your time.

NIce watering schedule! Holy catfish! Reeze is all connected!
Highya GDP,

Fine looking tentfull!! Crescendo is a tall one. But, she looks good! Mighty fine colas on all the other ladies! Nice job! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode!

The Crescendo is not done stretching yet! 👀
Hello all.

The Gush Mints clone in the 2x2 is hearty just like her mom. She's on her day 43 (from solo cup) and has been having growth spurts. She picked up the pace after I switched out the @ViparSpectra XS1000 for the XS1500 Pro!

I'll be flipping her within the next 10 days or so in order to finish her in this rather short (4 foot) tent.
ANC GM clone 3-5-23 D43.jpg

Tonight I'm going to try to pull (and tie) her top node down and out. It's a little late and she's stiff, but I'll see how much she'll give me!

Thanks for looking in.

Hello again.

Right after my last post I went to work on the clone. Just thought I'd pop in with a pic to show you how much she was willing to give!

GM clone after 3-5-23 D43.jpg

No snaps, crackles or pops so I'm good!

Tonight I'm going to try to pull (and tie) her top node down and out. It's a little late and she's stiff, but I'll see how much she'll give me!
Just take it slow and easy, maybe mash 2" of the stem just a little before you bend it, so you get a curve, instead of a kink...although kinks are alright...kinda ugly tho...
Well, that was fast - nevermind... (and well done!)
Just take it slow and easy, maybe mash 2" of the stem just a little before you bend it, so you get a curve, instead of a kink...although kinks are alright...kinda ugly tho...
I like (ugly) kinks! :)
Group is looking Good GDB nice job on the bending ,i hate it when they go the other way and snap had it a few time on some mine i waited too long 🐍
That feeling right after that sound! 😖
Hello all.

It's Flip + 35 for the Anxiety group and things got a little out of hand last night.:straightface:

Backstory: I made some of my "super gummies" yesterday. (Basically, they're made with infused oil and decarbed rosin mixed. For this batch I used 4.7g of rosin and 1/3 cup of oil.) I ended up getting twisted from sampling/testing the gummies. And "twisted" might be putting it mildly. These gummies really are "super!"

So now I'm thinking about stuff that I probably shouldn't be thinking about.

I decide to change the positions of the plants in the tent. Why? Because I made some super gummies!

I ended up trying to move the Pineapple Express clone from the right side of the tent to the left, but I didn't move another plant out of the way to make enough clearance space. I moved it anyway. When I was done, several of the PE's branches were hanging near the floor. Yikes. Didn't mean to do that!

I had to spend the next 40 minutes trying to prop the plant back up. It hasn't been easy. I beat her up bad and I've still got a bud staring straight at me. :straightface:

PE cllone 5-7-23 F35.jpg

The Crescendo (Flip + 19) is still stretching. She went up too high. When she got to about 5 inches from the @ViparSpectra KS5000 I had to bend her. The alternative of raising the light was quickly vetoed by my Lazy-Meter. That would have meant having to elevate all the other plants who are happy with the light right where it is.
ANX 3-7-23 F35-19 bend marked.jpg

Of course, I'm using a GDBClip® to hold her down!:)
ANX 3-7-23 F35-19 clip.jpg

Here's a side-by-side of the Gush Mints (left) and the Reeze McFlurry.

Both of these have been vigorous (and problem-free) growers!
GM RM 3-7-23 F35.jpg

Last, in the 2x2 the Gush Mints clone in solitary confinement.

GM clone 3-7-23 D45.JPG

As always, thank you for looking in!

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