ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

1 Didn't even need a shoehorn to get that into its new home. 🚫 👞 📯

2 :hmmmm: Is that a hint of anxiety?

3 Relief is just what you need for that!
1 That's because she's svelte!

2 I hope not!

3 I've got no bullpen to go to! :Rasta:
Hello all.

Since not much is changing here from day to day I'm trying to develop the will power not to post so often. I think once a week for a while would be sufficient. But I honestly can't say I'll be able to restrain myself.

Anyway, this was the Crescendo's first morning after 12 hours of darkness so, in my view, that calls for a few pics!

It's Flip + 17 for the front-running Anxiety group and Flip + 1 for the tag-along Crescendo.

Through the side door:
ANX tent side 2-17-23 F17-1.jpg

Through the front door:
ANX tent 2-17-23 F17-1.jpg

Since I've elevated the Crescendo so that she's somewhat above the fray and able to get some light, as she begins to stretch at least one of her elevators (and perhaps both) will need to be removed. As for now, I imagine she's wondering why all the other girls are wearing fuzzy hats and she's not.

In about 4 days I'm going to perform a moderate defoil on the front-runners. If nothing else, that will make watering these girls much easier as I'll get a much better view of the soil surface.

That's it for me.

Thanks for stopping by.

The only problem I can see is that your girls having set the bar so high can only lead to failure in your future endeavors in the tent.

Thanks Nev, I think! :nerd-with-glasses:
Hello growers and Happy Sunday!

Let me start with an update on the Crescendo (Flip + 3).

When I moved her into the 4x4 the other day I was concerned that she did not seem solidly embedded in the soil. She lilted to one side when picked up. It's like her root ball is not that well established and is probably quite small as well.
So I put in some bamboo supports to help keep her upright.

Also, while I can do little training on her due to lack of space, I tried to give her a little "girth" by gently tying down her flowering branches to their accompanying fan leaves.

For the foreseeable future, I'll just be watering her around the edge of the pot in order to see if I can get better roots established. I also have some water-in mycos that I'll be giving her.

Crescendo tied 1-17-23 F1.jpg

And after that, she still fits in her spot.
ANX tent 2-19-23 F19-3.jpg

Through the side door of the tent:
ANX tent side 2-19-23 F19-3.jpg

And from above the @ViparSpectra KS5000:
ANX tent above 2-19-23 F19-3.jpg

As you can see in the pic the Purple Star Killer (front left) is now getting smooshed in by the tent. To a degree, parts of all 3 of the front-runners are getting smooshed. I'll just have to live with that. I rotate them often, trying to spread around the smooshing. :)

Here's a close up of one of the budlets on the Gush Mints:
GM budlet 2-19-23 F19.jpg

With the Crescendo move handled I have begun to focus more on the GM clone that's now alone in the 2x2.

It's her day 30:
GM clone 2-18-23 D29.jpg

On yesterday, I chopped her head off and cleaned up her bottom.

GM cl before 2-18-23 D30.jpg

GM cl after 2-18-23 D30.jpg

I also upped her @Prescription Blend feed from the early veg dosage to the mid-veg dosage, which doubles the amount of both Core A & Core B.

Last, I cleaned up the bottoms of the Anxiety front-runners (the Gush Mints, Purple Star Killer and Reeze McFlurry). This is the bottom of the RM, but they all pretty much look just like she does:
ANX clean bottom 2-18-23 F18-2.jpg

And that's all I have for today.

Enjoy your Sunday!

The KS is treating your girls very well! And yes, the new XS series does kick ass. Plants look great. Can’t wait to see how frosty your Crescendo gets, as a high thc strain. I hope you break 30%!! Supposedly it gets higher than that!
They don't get any healthier than those girls:adore:
Great work, GDB!
It's gonna be an epic harvest when the time comes...💚
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