ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

I feed my clones half veg on the first feeding when I see roots and full veg from then on! :morenutes:

As will her elevator.
I would like to have started the clone with the same rate of feed her mom was getting when I took the cut. That's worked in the past.

This one's mom was (is) on Roots Organic dry nutrients and the clone was switched to @Prescription Blend. It doesn't take much to confuse me, so I played it safe. :)
The flip+8 girls are loving life in that tent!
It's going to look a bit different in there by flip day 17...better have a shoehorn handy when you squeeze her in there...:oops:
Thanks Carmen! The Crescendo will be growing straight up and hopefully it will fit nicely. :Rasta:
Hello all.

Its Flip + 10 for the Anxiety group and there's not much to say.

ANX tent 2-10-23 F10.jpg

I still see no pistils but the Reeze McFlurry (front right in pic above) is very close to throwing some:
RM close 2-10-23 F10.JPG

The @ViparSpectra KS5000 continues to impress:
ANX tent 2-10-23 above F10.jpg

I am up in the air about one aspect of using this light. When to turn it up to full power. (It's at 75% now.)

The KS5000 pulls 50 watts more than the light it replaced in the 4x4. The previous light could be set from 1-100 percent incrementally by in integers on the dial. The Vipar can only be set to 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent.

Using my previous light, I finished up most plants at around 85%, and I don't recall ever running it at full power.

This light will be turned up all the way! No way I'm gonna' leave it at 75% to the end. The question for me is when to do it.

I give my plants a dose of organic calmag every 3-4 weeks. They had a dose on Jan. 21 so I'll give them some more within the next few weeks. I may turn up the light a few days after that.

@ViparSpectra, what do you suggest?

Oh, and all the other folks here who have one, what do you suggest?


Meanwhile, in the 2x2 the "Mad" Crescendo (right) continues to look like a "good fit" for the middle of the 4x4 tent.
ANX 2x2 2-10-23 D21-52.jpg

At lights-on this afternoon, I'll be able to give the Gush Mints clone it's first dose of @Prescription Blend's veg dose. I'm almost certain she's going to like that!

Thanks for looking in.

They look fantastic GDB. My last two RWDC grows have struggled with too MUCH light. If you're getting ~40-45DLI at 75%, then I would leave it there. Your LEDs will last longer too. My $.02.
This light will be turned up all the way! No way I'm gonna' leave it at 75% to the end. The question for me is when to do it.
The girls look great. I like to use the light and am at 100% by flip. I would raise the light and go to 100%. If they stretch to fast with too much nodal spacing lower the light, it'll squash them down. That's just me! :ganjamon:
Its Flip + 10 for the Anxiety group and there's not much to say.
But a picture say a thousand words! :green_heart:
I am up in the air about one aspect of using this light. When to turn it up to full power. (It's at 75% now.)
Vipar has good height numbers but for 6 bucks I downloaded an app called Photone. It's free and the money, opens up the type of light it will read for you on your phone. It's not for lab standards but I think it gives good ballpark PAR figures and with them you can tell where you are. There's guides telling the parameters for all different stages of growth.
They're beautiful!!
LED drivers run much more efficiently around 80% of their max (unless that headroom is built into the Vspec dimmer switch). Like LKA said they may be getting enough now so 100% isn't necessarily better.

I'd recommend the Photone app as Otter mentioned, though honestly I haven't been able to get it to make much sense on my Samsung S20 compared to my actual lux meter. Most folks have better luck with it though.

All the plants but one are a lovely shade of green, and that last one will respond well to the Rx nutes I'm sure!
Hello all.

After re-reading my post from yesterday I grew a pair and, at around noon yesterday, turned the @ViparSpectra KS5000 up to 100% power.

I have the light hanging at 28 inches above the tallest plant (about 31 above the other three plants). I took notice of the tallest in the pic I posted yesterday. That is the Pineapple Express clone in the right rear. I noticed that she was praying harder than the shorter plants. Hmmm, closest to the light and most severe prayer stance. Slowly but surely the "bright" idea dawned on me that more light would be better. :straightface:

So from noon until 9pm last night, the plants basked under 100% power.

By this morning at lights-on there had been a noticeable change in the posture of the entire group! I believe that by holding back on the light intensity I had been holding back the plants.
ANX tent 2-11-23 F11.jpg

They all look more prayerful now and I dare say, they all look more robust!

Hell, through this side door pic you can see that they even made a move to chew up some of the space in the middle where the Crescendo is to be placed.
ANX tent side 2-11-23 F11.jpg

The PAR readings across the canopy now range from 38K - 44K.

I'm not sure it's evident in these pics but, to my naked eye, a fairly radical change occurred in a short period of time just due to turning up the light!

So note to myself: "Don't be a wimp." :)


Thanks for the feedback!

The flip+8 girls are loving life in that tent!
It's going to look a bit different in there by flip day 17...better have a shoehorn handy when you squeeze her in there.
Thanks Carass! (I mistakenly thanked Carmen for this post earlier. My bad.)
They look fantastic GDB. My last two RWDC grows have struggled with too MUCH light. If you're getting ~40-45DLI at 75%, then I would leave it there. Your LEDs will last longer too. My $.02.
Thanks BudMan! I might be growing some photos that will give your auto a run for the money! :)
The girls look great. I like to use the light and am at 100% by flip. I would raise the light and go to 100%. If they stretch to fast with too much nodal spacing lower the light, it'll squash them down. That's just me!
Brilliant! If I turn it up and don't like what I see I can turn it back down! (Chalk up another "Duh" moment for me.) :Rasta:
Vipar has good height numbers but for 6 bucks I downloaded an app called Photone. It's free and the money, opens up the type of light it will read for you on your phone. It's not for lab standards but I think it gives good ballpark PAR figures and with them you can tell where you are. There's guides telling the parameters for all different stages of growth.
They're beautiful!!
I'd recommend the Photone app as Otter mentioned, though honestly I haven't been able to get it to make much sense on my Samsung S20 compared to my actual lux meter. Most folks have better luck with it though.
Thanks Stone and Shed!

I have a par meter, I guess I just don't reference the readings as much as I should.


Thanks for looking in.

Hello all.

After re-reading my post from yesterday I grew a pair and, at around noon yesterday, turned the @ViparSpectra KS5000 up to 100% power.

I have the light hanging at 28 inches above the tallest plant (about 31 above the other three plants). I took notice of the tallest in the pic I posted yesterday. That is the Pineapple Express clone in the right rear. I noticed that she was praying harder than the shorter plants. Hmmm, closest to the light and most severe prayer stance. Slowly but surely the "bright" idea dawned on me that more light would be better. :straightface:

So from noon until 9pm last night, the plants basked under 100% power.

By this morning at lights-on there had been a noticeable change in the posture of the entire group! I believe that by holding back on the light intensity I had been holding back the plants.
ANX tent 2-11-23 F11.jpg

They all look more prayerful now and I dare say, they all look more robust!

Hell, through this side door pic you can see that they even made a move to chew up some of the space in the middle where the Crescendo is to be placed.
ANX tent side 2-11-23 F11.jpg

The PAR readings across the canopy now range from 38K - 44K.

I'm not sure it's evident in these pics but, to my naked eye, a fairly radical change occurred in a short period of time just due to turning up the light!

So note to myself: "Don't be a wimp." :)


Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks Carass! (I mistakenly thanked Carmen for this post earlier. My bad.)

Thanks BudMan! I might be growing some photos that will give your auto a run for the money! :)

Brilliant! If I turn it up and don't like what I see I can turn it back down! (Chalk up another "Duh" moment for me.) :Rasta:


Thanks Stone and Shed!

I have a par meter, I guess I just don't reference the readings as much as I should.


Thanks for looking in.

looking good and healthy, going to be a tight fit with 1 more plant
Beautiful plants GDB! :love::thumb:
Wow that looks great , second pic the lower leave’s actually picked there self up . Great work GDB .
Thanks Hippie!

They all changed in some way. I was pleasantly surprised! :Rasta:
looking good and healthy, going to be a tight fit with 1 more plant
Thanks con. Yes, it looks like it may be a bit tight. :Rasta:
Highya GDB,

Yeah, I see the difference! Just one afternoon and night? Wow. Great call, though! They should be way ahead of where they'd be if you didn't turn up the light. More bud!! Gorgeous looking ladys! Happy Smokin'
Hell, through this side door pic you can see that they even made a move to chew up some of the space in the middle where the Crescendo is to be placed.
Oh dear. Will you still be able to get her in there? I'm attached to that plant and feel as a sub I have a vested interest in her well-being and blooming going forward :laugh: :popcorn:
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