ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

I'm not sure it's evident in these pics but, to my naked eye, a fairly radical change occurred in a short period of time just due to turning up the light!
It's evident !
SO evident, that I went out to the garage and cranked my light up another 30 watts (160 to 190) change yet, but it's only been ten minutes... 🤪
Hello growers.

I just have a few pics of the Anxiety group.

The girls in the 4x4 are on their Flip + 13. The Gush Mints (rear left) and the Reeze McFlurry are going into bud set mode. The Purple Star Killer (front left) is lagging behind the other plants. She's the shortest plant in there and I'm going to elevate her a bit today to get her closer to the @ViparSpectra KS5000.
ANX tent 2-13-23 F13.jpg

In the 2x2, the Gush Mints clone (day 24) and the "Mad" Crescendo (day 55) on the right continue to plod along. Thankfully, the Crescendo is cooperating by staying rather petite and improving her chances of being a good fit in the 4x4. She'll be moved into that tent 4 days from now in order to adhere to the Grow Dots flip schedule.
ANX 2x2 2-13-23 D24-55.jpg

Lastly, things are about to change a bit in the 2x2.

Yesterday I received an XS1500 from @ViparSpectra! So I'll be swapping out the XS1000 sometime today for a bit more wattage in the 2x2 (from 120 watts up to 150).

Thank you @ViparSpectra for your continuing support!


As always, thanks for the feedback:

So 4 plants, I know Lynn public schools wasn't that great but, you grew two pair! Nice growing!😉 And with a happy resulting!
Two pair it is Stone. A bit more itch! :laugh:
Yeah, I see the difference! Just one afternoon and night? Wow. Great call, though! They should be way ahead of where they'd be if you didn't turn up the light. More bud!! Gorgeous looking ladys! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! That was a completely unexpected treat!
Oh dear. Will you still be able to get her in there? I'm attached to that plant and feel as a sub I have a vested interest in her well-being and blooming going forward :laugh: :popcorn:
Don't fret Carmen. She'll have room!
I will pic photo B as they look perkier : )
I'm looking for "photo B Smoke!" :)
It's evident !
SO evident, that I went out to the garage and cranked my light up another 30 watts (160 to 190) change yet, but it's only been ten minutes... 🤪
That's funny Carcass. Give it at least 20 minutes!


Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

I just have a few pics of the Anxiety group.

The girls in the 4x4 are on their Flip + 13. The Gush Mints (rear left) and the Reeze McFlurry are going into bud set mode. The Purple Star Killer (front left) is lagging behind the other plants. She's the shortest plant in there and I'm going to elevate her a bit today to get her closer tot he @ViparSpectra KS5000.
ANX tent 2-13-23 F13.jpg

In the 2x2, the Gush Mints clone (day 24) and the "Mad" Crescendo (day 55) on the right continue to plod along. Thankfully, the Crescendo is cooperating by staying rather petite and improving her chances of being a good fit in the 4x4. She'll be moved into that tent 4 days from now in order to adhere to the Grow Dots flip schedule.
ANX 2x2 2-13-23 D24-55.jpg

Lastly, things are about to change a bit in the 2x2.

Yesterday I received an XS1500 from @ViparSpectra! So I'll be swapping out the XS1000 sometime today for a bit more wattage in the 2x2 (from 120 watts up to 150).

Thank you @ViparSpectra for your continuing support!


As always, thanks for the feedback:

Two pair it is Stone. A bit more itch! :laugh:

Thanks Bode! That was a completely unexpected treat!

Don't fret Carmen. She'll have room!

I'm looking for "photo B Smoke!" :)

That's funny Carcass. Give it at least 20 minutes!


Thanks for looking in.

Your flower tent is filling up and looking great, GDB. Congrats on the new light, that should blow up your 2x2 too!
Those 4x4 ladies sure couldn't be happier!
150 watts in the 2x2 sounds just about perfect!
Congrats on the new light,
the Gush Mints will reward you for the extra 30 watts...:thumb:
She'll be moved into that tent 4 days from now in order to adhere to the Grow Dots flip schedule.
5 more days for my ATF in the Dots, I'm sticking to their schedule this time...⏲️
Hello all.

It's Flip + 14 for the Anxiety group and the plants are moving along at varying paces.

Here's a pic through the side door:
ANX tent side 2-14-23 F14.jpg

And one from above the @ViparSpectra:
ANX tent above 2-14-23 F14.jpg

The Purple Star Killer (front left) was elevated by 7 inches yesterday. That move seemed to perk her up a bit, as she was sitting further from the @ViparSpectra KS5000 than any of the other plants.
ANX tent 2-14-23 F14.jpg

Little puff balls are forming on the Gush Mints and the Reeze McFlurry. Here's a close-up of the RM:
RM 2-14-23 F14.jpg

Just 3 more days before this group will be joined by the "Mad" Crescendo that's currently in the 2x2.


Your feedback is always appreciated:
Your flower tent is filling up and looking great, GDB. Congrats on the new light, that should blow up your 2x2 too!
Thanks BudMan! I'm looking forward to seeing what differences the new light brings.
Looks all nice and green GDB. That makes it all golden.
Thanks Nev!
Those 4x4 ladies sure couldn't be happier!
150 watts in the 2x2 sounds just about perfect!
Congrats on the new light,
the Gush Mints will reward you for the extra 30 watts..
I hope she does Carcass! I did have big plans for the GM clone. I was going to keep up-potting her until reaching a 7gal final pot. Now, with the new light I'm probably just going to let her finish in the 2x2 in a 4-5gal pot.
5 more days for my ATF in the Dots, I'm sticking to their schedule this time...⏲️
Their schedule works in your favor with what you've got going!
Both tents are looking great and congrats on the new light! I think you have just enough room in the 4x4 to slot in the Crescendo...I can hear it now. 🎼
Yeah, I think she'll fit right in, at least for a minute!


Thanks for looking in.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 14 for the Anxiety group and the plants are moving along at varying paces.

Here's a pic through the side door:
ANX tent side 2-14-23 F14.jpg

And one from above the @ViparSpectra:
ANX tent above 2-14-23 F14.jpg

The Purple Star Killer (front left) was elevated by 7 inches yesterday. That move seemed to perk her up a bit, as she was sitting further from the @ViparSpectra KS5000 than any of the other plants.
ANX tent 2-14-23 F14.jpg

Little puff balls are forming on the Gush Mints and the Reeze McFlurry. Here's a close-up of the RM:
RM 2-14-23 F14.jpg

Just 3 more days before this group will be joined by the "Mad" Crescendo that's currently in the 2x2.


Your feedback is always appreciated:

Thanks BudMan! I'm looking forward to seeing what differences the new light brings.

Thanks Nev!

I hope she does Carcass! I did have big plans for the GM clone. I was going to keep up-potting her until reaching a 7gal final pot. Now, with the new light I'm probably just going to let her finish in the 2x2 in a 4-5gal pot.

Their schedule works in your favor with what you've got going!

Yeah, I think she'll fit right in, at least for a minute!


Thanks for looking in.

looking good GDB what RH do you keep them at this stage 40% ?
looking good GDB what RH do you keep them at this stage 40% ?
More like between 50-55RH con.

Thanks for stopping by!
Yeah, I think she'll fit right in, at least for a minute!
There's more room in there than I thought there'd be by now...🤔

Still a good thing she's tall & skinny though.. 😁
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 16 for the Anxiety group and all appear to be kind of content.
ANX tent 2-16-23 F16.JPG

The tag-alongs in the 2x2 are growing up some. The "Mad" Crescendo now stands at 18 inches from soil to tip.
ANX 2x2 2-16-23 D27-58.jpg

My plan had been to move (flip) the Crescendo into the 4x4 tomorrow but this morning curiosity ruled and I decided I wanted to see how she would fit today. So I moved her and now she's in the middle of the fray!
ANX tent with Crescendo 2-16-23 F16.jpg

She's elevated on 2 beverage carriers so that she's out of the shadows.

Here's a side door pic (Can you see her?):
ANX tent side with Crescendo 2-16-23.jpg

It's a relief to get that move accomplished.

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 16 for the Anxiety group and all appear to be kind of content.
ANX tent 2-16-23 F16.JPG

The tag-alongs in the 2x2 are growing up some. The "Mad" Crescendo now stands at 18 inches from soil to tip.
ANX 2x2 2-16-23 D27-58.jpg

My plan had been to move (flip) the Crescendo into the 4x4 tomorrow but this morning curiosity ruled and I decided I wanted to see how she would fit today. So I moved her and now she's in the middle of the fray!
ANX tent with Crescendo 2-16-23 F16.jpg

She's elevated on 2 beverage carriers so that she's out of the shadows.

Here's a side door pic (Can you see her?):
ANX tent side with Crescendo 2-16-23.jpg

It's a relief to get that move accomplished.

Thanks for looking in.

full house looks good
Hello all.

Its Flip + 10 for the Anxiety group and there's not much to say.

ANX tent 2-10-23 F10.jpg

I still see no pistils but the Reeze McFlurry (front right in pic above) is very close to throwing some:
RM close 2-10-23 F10.JPG

The @ViparSpectra KS5000 continues to impress:
ANX tent 2-10-23 above F10.jpg

I am up in the air about one aspect of using this light. When to turn it up to full power. (It's at 75% now.)

The KS5000 pulls 50 watts more than the light it replaced in the 4x4. The previous light could be set from 1-100 percent incrementally by in integers on the dial. The Vipar can only be set to 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent.

Using my previous light, I finished up most plants at around 85%, and I don't recall ever running it at full power.

This light will be turned up all the way! No way I'm gonna' leave it at 75% to the end. The question for me is when to do it.

I give my plants a dose of organic calmag every 3-4 weeks. They had a dose on Jan. 21 so I'll give them some more within the next few weeks. I may turn up the light a few days after that.

@ViparSpectra, what do you suggest?

Oh, and all the other folks here who have one, what do you suggest?


Meanwhile, in the 2x2 the "Mad" Crescendo (right) continues to look like a "good fit" for the middle of the 4x4 tent.
ANX 2x2 2-10-23 D21-52.jpg

At lights-on this afternoon, I'll be able to give the Gush Mints clone it's first dose of @Prescription Blend's veg dose. I'm almost certain she's going to like that!

Thanks for looking in.

Excellent work my friend!
Here's a side door pic (Can you see her?):
The one without the pom-pom on top...?:cheer:

Nice work, GDB- Looks great in that tent... and it's only going to get better- :thumb:
The one without the pom-pom on top...?:cheer:

Nice work, GDB- Looks great in that tent... and it's only going to get better- :thumb:
Thanks so much Carcass. Your words of optimism are like a warm salve (ointment? balm?) to my dry skin! :)
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