ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Thanks Valerie! The Anxiety group is getting Roots Organic dry nutrients. The clone is being fed Prescription Blend nutrients. The Crescendo is on Grow Dots.
That would be a lot for me to keep track of. The anxiety Group looks outstanding. :thumb:
They are loving the light!
That would be a lot for me to keep track of. The anxiety Group looks outstanding. :thumb:
They are loving the light!
Thanks Stinker.

I keep good notes or I'd be lost in the fog!

And, yes, they do love the KS5000!
Good morning all!

It's Flip + 42 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 26 for the Crescendo).

There's nothing much to report and that's a good thing!

Last night I did a gummiless rearrangement of the positions of the plants. I'm trying to find the best place for the Crescendo, as she is becoming a little tough to safely remove from the middle of the tent. (Plus, to make matters worse, I have her in a pot that has no handles. Doh!)

Front left seemed like the best place for her. Of the remaining plants, the Pineapple Express clone is back left; the Gush Mints is back right; the Purple Star Killer is front right, and; the Reeze Mcflurry now sits in the middle. Luckily, due to the stellar performance of the @ViparSpectra KS5000 I need not worry about having plants tucked into the corners of the tent. This light shines everywhere in there!
ANX tent 3-14-23 F42-26.jpg

Lastly, I took this shot attempting to show the extent of the stacking on the Reeze McFlurry. A few of her buds are more than 3 lighters tall!
RM stack 3-14-23 F42.jpg

It appears the yellowing leaves that began to pop up last week have abated. I guess the fish meal did the trick!

Thanks for your time.

Good morning all!

It's Flip + 42 for the Anxiety group (and Flip + 26 for the Crescendo).

There's nothing much to report and that's a good thing!

Last night I did a gummiless rearrangement of the positions of the plants. I'm trying to find the best place for the Crescendo, as she is becoming a little tough to safely remove from the middle of the tent. (Plus, to make matters worse, I have her in a pot that has no handles. Doh!)

Front left seemed like the best place for her. Of the remaining plants, the Pineapple Express clone is back left; the Gush Mints is back right; the Purple Star Killer is front right, and; the Reeze Mcflurry now sits in the middle. Luckily, due to the stellar performance of the @ViparSpectra KS5000 I need not worry about having plants tucked into the corners of the tent. This light shines everywhere in there!
ANX tent 3-14-23 F42-26.jpg

Lastly, I took this shot attempting to show the extent of the stacking on the Reeze McFlurry. A few of her buds are more than 3 lighters tall!
RM stack 3-14-23 F42.jpg

It appears the yellowing leaves that began to pop up last week have abated. I guess the fish meal did the trick!

Thanks for your time.

looking good & healthy, buds are getting fat
Last night I did a gummiless rearrangement of the positions of the plants.
That looks like a challenge with or without the gummies-
Not a lot of wiggle room left in that tent..:oops:
looking good & healthy, buds are getting fat
Thanks con.

Around this time I usually feel like I'm halfway there, and that feeling usually turns out to be wrong! :laugh:
013 scratches his head, light bulb illuminates

no wonder they are so buxom - GDB has his girls pumping iron!!!

you sir can pack out a mean tent
That's funny 013! :)

Thanks for the kind words.
Well lift my rock and call me Patrick! Zooted is the most awesome new term to me this year GDB!

Reeze is still tickling my fancy ! Nice all around work bro!
Thanks Stone! Reeze is putting it out!

Stay zooted! :ganjamon:
That looks like a challenge with or without the gummies-
Not a lot of wiggle room left in that tent..:oops:
IKR. This is my last time doing more than 4 plants in this tent (famous last words).
This is my last time doing more than 4 plants in this tent
Sounds like a plan...but it's pretty easy to end up extra plants...
and they've got to grow somewhere...😁
Your tent looks spectactular GDB, great job battling back those yellow leaves.
Sounds like a plan...but it's pretty easy to end up extra plants...
and they've got to grow somewhere...😁
Another IKR!

A few weeks ago I read a post where someone (don't remember who) had just tossed some cuttings into tap water and got them to root. So when I cleaned up the Crescendo a bit I tossed a few of the low cuttings into distilled water. As of yesterday they both had roots!

But clones tend to get in the way...change plans...and limit the number of new strains I can try.

But the Crescendo is from Ethos genetics and I've been wanting to try them for a while. I didn't get to treat this first plant the way I wanted to so now I've got some do-overs! But that means my next grow will be limited to, at most, 3 new (to me) strains.

Like you said, "they've got to grow somewhere."
Hello grow gang.

The Gush Mints clone is on her Flip + 6, all alone in the 2x2 tent.

She seems to be enjoying the @Prescription Blend nutrients, the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro and the solitude.
GM clone1 3-15-23 F6.jpg

GM clone 3-15-23 F6.jpg

That's all I've got.

Thanks for looking in.

She seems to be enjoying the @Prescription Blend nutrients, the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro and the solitude.
She's loving life in that 2x2 !
Great training so far too- she's gonna be a wide one..👍
Luckily, due to the stellar performance of the @ViparSpectra KS5000 I need not worry about having plants tucked into the corners of the tent. This light shines everywhere in there!
Buds are huge and super dense! Larger frame on the KS5000 helps spread more light out to the edges and corners. Girls can bathe in light in every corner of the tent. :D
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