ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Highya GDB,

She's gorgeous! Your clone. I can see why you like her so much! Will be a pleasure top see her grow up! Happy Smokin'
Lovely strong clone you have GDB, I have confidence that you'll green up the PE and she will have a quick explosion of growth to be in time to join the others in the flip :smokin: Holding thumbs!
Good morning all.

I woke up super-early this morning. So sitting around with nothing to do at 5:30am and the tent lights on, I decided to take the Anxiety girls out for some solo pics. They're on day 51 so for myself it'll be nice to have a record of how they looked 4 days before being flipped.

Purple Star Killer:
She's the smallest of the bunch and has only 2 nodes (I believe the 3rd and 4th). She didn't give me much to work with as far as opening her up but I managed a little separation. She's 11 inches in height from soil to tip.
PSK solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

PSK1 solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

Reeze McFlurry:
This one has nodes 3,4 & 5 intact and she measures 13 inches in height.
RM solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

RM1 solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

Gush Mints:
She's the largest of the 3 and measures 15 inches in height. She also has 3 nodes intact.
GM1 solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

GM solo 1-28-23 D51.jpg

The Pineapple Express clone:
She was up-potted yesterday in an attempt to get her back to good health. It could be just wishful thinking on my part but I do believe she looks a little better already! She's on her day 75 since being first plopped into a solo cup. Until I went back and did the math this morning I had not realized that I was bringing her along so slowly!
PE cl solo 1-28-23 D75.jpg

In her new pot her roots have but a few inches to grow out, but they have lots of room to grow down. Here's a shot of her old 2gal pot compared to her new 4gal one. She's got about 6 inches of new soil underneath her:
PE cl solo1 1-28-23 D75.jpg

A tent shot of the group:
ANX tent 1-28-23 D51.jpg

And last, the Gush Mints clone (day 8) and the "Mad" Crescendo (day 32) now reside together in the 2x2 tent. I call the Crescendo "Mad" because she's been one strange growing plant. Her first 2-3 nodes remained very tiny and showed no sign of ever growing normally. (All of that has been removed.) Then when she finally did begin to normalize she started stretching up much more than I would have liked. Lowering the light on her didn't stop the stretch, though I think she's slowed down now.
ANX GM clone and Crescendo 1-28-23 D8-39.jpg

And that's this morning's solo project.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

Great looking bunch o' ladies, GDB!
She's got about 6 inches of new soil underneath her:
That PE does look better already, she evidently likes her new silo pot..😉
I woke up super-early this morning. So sitting around with nothing to do at 5:30am and the tent lights on, I decided to take the Anxiety girls out for some solo pics.
:meditate::rollit::smokin: Thank you for doing the solo pics. They really are pretty. I love those slender leaves. I was up at sparrows this morning too... maybe nearly nap time.
Good Sunday morning all!:ciao:

Nice upcan, and it looks like an N def in that pic. Hopefully some tea (no crumpets?) is all it needs.
I agree about the N Shed. I prolly should have realized that sooner, but I'm getting there! :)

She's gorgeous! Your clone. I can see why you like her so much! Will be a pleasure top see her grow up! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! I'm excited about that one!
Lovely strong clone you have GDB, I have confidence that you'll green up the PE and she will have a quick explosion of growth to be in time to join the others in the flip :smokin: Holding thumbs!
Thanks so much Ms. Carmen! :thanks:
All is Looking Good in here ! Hope your day is Good to you also ! :hookah:
Thanks Smoke. Life is good!
Awesomeness seen here GDB! I have to agree with you on the Pineapple express, I think she's on the mend too!
Thanks Stone! There's a fresh pic of her coming up.
Looking great! Those plants could get huge with 55 day veg. Is the light cranked up?
Thanks Stinker. The light is running at 75% at about 28 inches above the plants.
That PE does look better already, she evidently likes her new silo pot..😉
Thanks Carcass! I folded the top of the 4gal pot a bit so she would be as tall as she can be. The first time I used one of them the plant got really tall and moving it around was a true balancing act!
Great progress GDB, they look healthy and of course i just love seeing deep green.

Is cloning as nerve wrecking as seedlings ??
Thanks 70s. There is nothing nerve-wracking about doing clones, IMO. If they don't root they get tossed, which they would have been anyway.
For a solo project you work well as a team! Gush Mints is definitely stealing the show but everyone looks healthy and ready to flip.
Thanks Shed. If you hear me talking to myself, I'm having a team meeting!
Thank you for doing the solo pics. They really are pretty. I love those slender leaves. I was up at sparrows this morning too... maybe nearly nap time.
Thanks to you for coming by to see them Carmen!


And on this morning the PE clone (back right) is trying to go green!
ANX tent 1-29-23 D52.jpg

Enjoy the day!

I think your tent shows a lot more love than the anxiety. And if we get to pick favorites I’d go with the beautiful little GM clone. She’s my shining star. Nice
Thanks Nev. I could not agree more about the GM clone. IMO, she's adorable! :)
Hello fellow growers.

It's day 53 for the Anxiety group.

The Pineapple Express clone seems to be continuing her efforts to return to green, and the other plants are just growing like plants are supposed to do.
ANX full tent 1-30-23 D53.jpg

I had planned to flip these on their day 55 but I'm going to move it up one day. So they'll get 12 hours of darkness beginning tomorrow on their day 54. (That's only so I can count Feb. 1st her her flip + 1. That's easier for me to remember and I need all the help I can get when it comes to remembering stuff! :) )

So today I took this last opportunity to give the 3 Anxiety girls a little touch-up in prep for the flip tomorrow. Above is the before touch-up pic and this is pic is after the touch-up.

I was somewhat surprised by how far out on branches I could move some of their restraints. They're growing fast now!

They'll be no more restraining them from this point forward. Everything will be allowed to grow "up."
ANX tent 1-30-23 D53.jpg

The Pineapple Express clone (back right) is still not as green as I'd like her to be. But I'm going to flip her with the rest. She'll have to continue on her road to full recovery during the flower cycle. She's somewhat taller than her tentmates. But rather that elevate the Anxiety girls up to her level, her main stalk will get bent in some form or fashion one day soon, and I'll likely hang some weights on some of her branches down the road in order to try and hold them down a bit. I hope to be able to keep all of the plants somewhat equidistant from the light without the need for elevating any of them.

All of them had semi-light pots this evening, as they're really beginning to guzzle water.

All got 1L each of Real Growers Recharge this evening. Tomorrow evening they'll get watered to run-off with their first dose of Roots Organics Bloom feed.

And now a comment on how much I'm enjoying the @ViparSpectra KS5000.

The light is doing an awesome job on the plants. That much is certain!

But where the light is situated now is the ideal spot for me to bump my head on it when standing up from watering the plants in place. I'd guess I've done it about 12 times by now!

But the rig is so light-weight it hardly hurts at all! :laugh:


In the 2x2, the new tentmates seem to be getting it going. But the Mad Crescendo (right), while she's praying like a dead man walking, has one skinny-ass stalk on her.

The Gush Mints clone was given her first dose of @Prescription Blend nutrients last night @ two ml per gallon of Core A & B.
ANX GM clone and Crescendo 1-30-23 D10-41.jpg

Thanks for taking the time to visit.

Hello fellow growers.

It's day 53 for the Anxiety group.

The Pineapple Express clone seems to be continuing her efforts to return to green, and the other plants are just growing like plants are supposed to do.
ANX full tent 1-30-23 D53.jpg

I had planned to flip these on their day 55 but I'm going to move it up one day. So they'll get 12 hours of darkness beginning tomorrow on their day 54. (That's only so I can count Feb. 1st her her flip + 1. That's easier for me to remember and I need all the help I can get when it comes to remembering stuff! :) )

So today I took this last opportunity to give the 3 Anxiety girls a little touch-up in prep for the flip tomorrow. Above is the before touch-up pic and this is pic is after the touch-up.

I was somewhat surprised by how far out on branches I could move some of their restraints. They're growing fast now!

They'll be no more restraining them from this point forward. Everything will be allowed to grow "up."
ANX tent 1-30-23 D53.jpg

The Pineapple Express clone (back right) is still not as green as I'd like her to be. But I'm going to flip her with the rest. She'll have to continue on her road to full recovery during the flower cycle. She's somewhat taller than her tentmates. But rather that elevate the Anxiety girls up to her level, her main stalk will get bent in some form or fashion one day soon, and I'll likely hang some weights on some of her branches down the road in order to try and hold them down a bit. I hope to be able to keep all of the plants somewhat equidistant from the light without the need for elevating any of them.

All of them had semi-light pots this evening, as they're really beginning to guzzle water.

All got 1L each of Real Growers Recharge this evening. Tomorrow evening they'll get watered to run-off with their first dose of Roots Organics Bloom feed.

And now a comment on how much I'm enjoying the @ViparSpectra KS5000.

The light is doing an awesome job on the plants. That much is certain!

But where the light is situated now is the ideal spot for me to bump my head on it when standing up from watering the plants in place. I'd guess I've done it about 12 times by now!

But the rig is so light-weight it hardly hurts at all! :laugh:


In the 2x2, the new tentmates seem to be getting it going. But the Mad Crescendo (right), while she's praying like a dead man walking, has one skinny-ass stalk on her.

The Gush Mints clone was given her first dose of @Prescription Blend nutrients last night @ two ml per gallon of Core A & B.
ANX GM clone and Crescendo 1-30-23 D10-41.jpg

Thanks for taking the time to visit.

nice healthy looking group you have there, looking forward on seeing some big assed buds
nice healthy looking group you have there, looking forward on seeing some big assed buds
Thanks con. We are looking forward to the same thing! :Rasta:
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