ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Now what are you going to try. . I'm slow and not so bright .
You're not slow Dust. And I'll bet you're pretty bright!

But you're doing a good impression! :rofl:


That is major! I know this was regarding their dry nutrients, but I wonder does this pertain to their bottled nutrients as well?

This has me rethinking my own methods and wanting to dial back the clock as you said. I'm going to keep to the schedule much closer going forward.
I'm also really considering the dry method all together and only using the bottles as extra boosters.
Alot you've made me consider with my own grow.
Thank you again for the work getting that info from RO.
Chalk one up to the small, local business community

For anyone that doesn’t know, if you can find a local small business grow store, try to go there. Every single one I’ve been in either undercuts Amazon or will match the price on everything.

You can also ask them to order things for you at their distributor cost versus Amazon/consumer cost. I’ve gotten some very specific items at 20-30% of the cost I can find it for online without shipping costs. If you’ve got a local hardware store they’ll do this for you as well. Just forge a relationship with someone in there and you can quickly cut costs.

I am all about saving as much money as possible where you can so you can have the extra you need to spend where it really counts the most. We already spend more than we should 🤣 and doing this leaves you a few extra bucks for the Mrs which if you’re like me, you’re gonna need 😂

“You’re spending money again?”

“I got you candy 😁

Problem solved 🤣
For anyone that doesn’t know, if you can find a local small business grow store, try to go there. Every single one I’ve been in either undercuts Amazon or will match the price on everything.

You can also ask them to order things for you at their distributor cost versus Amazon/consumer cost. I’ve gotten some very specific items at 20-30% of the cost I can find it for online without shipping costs. If you’ve got a local hardware store they’ll do this for you as well. Just forge a relationship with someone in there and you can quickly cut costs.

I am all about saving as much money as possible where you can so you can have the extra you need to spend where it really counts the most. We already spend more than we should 🤣 and doing this leaves you a few extra bucks for the Mrs which if you’re like me, you’re gonna need 😂

“You’re spending money again?”

“I got you candy 😁

Problem solved 🤣
I’d rather support a small business any day over zon. Thanks for the heads up bro. CL🍀
Good morning all.

When I checked on the Anxiety girls this morning they looked hella' thirsty!

I scratched my bald spot, checked my notes and discovered that, in classic geezer fashion, I had forgotten to water them yesterday when I should have.

Despite my best efforts this seems to happen at least once during every grow. Every time it happens the Lazy-Meter chuckles, as if he's pulled one over on me! :straightface:

I gave every plant a liter to tide them over until lights-on this afternoon when they'll get nice big drinks.
ANX tent 1-21-23 D44.jpg


Yesterday I got the Gush Mints clone into a 2gal pot with Lush soil.

GM clone 1-20-23 D1.jpg

I'm leaving her under my mini-LED for a few days to get acclimated to life outside of the GDBCloner® then she'll go into the 2x2 to keep the Crescendo company.

GM clone under mini 1-20-23 D1.jpg

And if I haven't forgotten anything, that's all I've got to report today.

I scratched my bald spot, checked my notes and discovered that, in classic geezer fashion, I had forgotten to water them yesterday when I should have.
GDB, I have three words for you: Swick or SIP................... the only reason I tried this out was because I had to leave seedlings self watering for a week and Azi suggested perlite swicks. They worked like magic so I thought I'd experiment with the rest of the grow. There is so little pressure to keep the res with enough water, and irf it runss dry, just top up and then water enough from the top ennd to get the dcapillary action going properly again. In that short time the soil has enoough moisture in it to keep the plants happy until you do your dailly check. I run in cloth pots as you know and los. I'm loving this new self-watering sub-irrigation system with the swick.
GDB, I have three words for you: Swick or SIP................... the only reason I tried this out was because I had to leave seedlings self watering for a week and Azi suggested perlite swicks. They worked like magic so I thought I'd experiment with the rest of the grow. There is so little pressure to keep the res with enough water, and irf it runss dry, just top up and then water enough from the top ennd to get the dcapillary action going properly again. In that short time the soil has enoough moisture in it to keep the plants happy until you do your dailly check. I run in cloth pots as you know and los. I'm loving this new self-watering sub-irrigation system with the swick.
I have three words for you Carmen: "Not a chance."

I have nothing against Swicking or SIPping but they're not for me.

I love watering my soil, absolutely love it! I put on some good music and water each plant slowly. I love watching the water disappear into the soil. Love watching the soil darken. Love watching the cloth of the pots moisturize, down, down, down until they start to pee. I treat it like a ritual and find it a highly relaxing way to spend an hour. (Plus, I'm not pressed for time!)

I would lose all of that if I merely had to keep a Swick res replenished or just had to pour water down a tube.

More power to those whose choose those methods. The grows are definitely fun to watch. Hell, the SIP grows are downright exciting to watch!

I can see the appeal of Swicking and SIPping, but I'm not wired to enjoy growing that way.

Thanks for the suggestion though!
It never hurts to have a dry-back day every now and then. Then watch them explode with growth after you water them.
Will she grow symmetrically just like a plant from seed?
It depends on when you took the clone. I took clones from my pbk1 SUPER EARLY!
They rooted and have grown symmetrical as if from seed for about 7 nodes now.
It is truly like having gotten a free seed.
I opted not to top her and let her continue “as an untopped” plant and see her naturally as I didn’t get the chance with the original seed.

I have another clone that is similar except one of the bottom branches early in took the role of the main head and tho it’s all symmetrical that one bottom branch is as thick and tall as the top but it’s Al symmetrical otherwise.

If you take the clones early enough you could grow as if it was from seed again until the branching matures
I can see the appeal of Swicking and SIPping, but I'm not wired to enjoy growing that way.
To each his own!
Initially, I didn't think it was for me, thought it was a fad or something ..but then I saw the results folks are getting, and I figured I had to try it at least once....(fomo) :)
To each his own!
Initially, I didn't think it was for me, thought it was a fad or something ..but then I saw the results folks are getting, and I figured I had to try it at least once....(fomo) :)
fomo on a plant that's not gonna' fit in your box? :laugh:
fomo on a plant that's not gonna' fit in your box?
We don't know that for sure yet yet..😁 ..but with just 37" from pot to light you may be right..
That would be a first, although the 26"GSC got real close.
We don't know that for sure yet yet..😁 ..but with just 37" from pot to light you may be right..
That would be a first, although the 26"GSC got real close.
I'm just jerking your chain Carcass!

I know you're a determined man who will not be boxed in. :)
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