ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Hello again all!

I just got a response from the Roots Organics folks about how long it takes their nutrients to become available to the plant after being watered in. I am a bit surprised by their response:

Organic fert has to essentially decompose before the nutrients are available to the plant. The process can take 1-6 weeks depending on many factors. Soil temp, moisture levels, and the nutrients density all play factors.

One to six weeks is one hell of a range to consider!

I could be right on target with when I planned to start feeding the nutes or I could be weeks behind the optimum start date!
Geez! :hmmmm:

Since I can't roll back the clock I guess the safest route is to start the clock immediately, so when I feed the Anxiety bunch this afternoon I'll start giving them the nutrients.

On the previous page I was feeling cool calm and collected, but with your latest post I'm feeling the teeniest bit of anxiety.
Keep home alive Shed! I know I am. :Rasta:
Early and regular. You used it before haven't you?
Just once Stone. The Purple Dream I just took down was grown exclusively on these nutes. She seems pretty nice but it's too early to tell for certain.


On to an update on what I did after receiving that message!

First, I did not quote the entire response from the Roots Organics (RO) folks. I just quoted the part that surprised me.

They also included this bit of information:

Our Terp Tea’s are “Micronized” this process breaks down the fert to fine particles and removes water, concentrating the nutrients and organism making them faster acting than granular fertilizer.

I only have the their Terp Tea Bloom Booster, but hey also offer a TT Grow and a TT Bloom. They offer a lot of stuff, eh? :straightface:

Well I was unable to resist going to the local grow shop to get the TT Grow. Yeah, I feel like I'm getting pulled down a RO rabbit hole but I like the nutes so it's not a bad place to be (at the moment). Plus if becomes available to the plants sooner that the regular Bloom nutes, well, that's what I might need (at the moment).

So I went to the grow shop armed with my proof that I could get it on the Zon for $22. (At my shop they match internet prices + shipping costs.)

No need for that today!
terp tea.jpg

Chalk one up to the small, local business community! :)

This stuff has a NPK rating of 7-1-1. It seems from reading the directions that using it to make a tea is the best feeding method. However, they recommend bubbling the tea for 24 hours, which I didn't have (at the moment). They also say you can top-feed @ 1tsp per gallon of soil. That's what I did.

I watered 3 tsps. of the TT Grow into each of the Anxiety girls. The PE clone got only 2 tsps.

I also did a little defoliation and adjusted some of her restraints. Most plants react to getting watered and manipulated in such a way. Mine did too, except for the Gush Mints (front left). She pretty much ignores anything that's done to her. She's a hearty one!
ANX 1-18-23 evening D41.jpg


In other somewhat related matter, the top that I cut from the Gush Mints (above) has been in the GDBCloner® for the past 9 days.

Tonight, some roots appeared!
GM clone 1-18-23 CutDay9.JPG

GM clone 1-18-23 first roots Cut9.JPG

Thanks for your time!

Good morning all.

Just a quick update on how the girls rebounded from yesterday's little feeding, defol & minor training session. It's not like they had a lot to back bounce from because I treated them gently. Still, they look much happier this morning than they did last night.

ANX tent 1-19-23 D42.jpg

And the side door pic to show Gush Mints (front left) remains the Big Kahuna!
ANX tent side 1-19-23 D42.jpg

I actually did a lot more to these plants yesterday than is visible via these pics.

First, on the Gush Mints & the Reeze McFlurry, the two plants with nodes nodes 3, 4 & 5 intact, I tried to angle the 3rd nodes to a position where they'd be clear of the shadows of the fan leaves on the nodes above them. So I bent the branches sideways and set them in place with CarcassSticks®. This worked well on the RM, as the main 3rd node branches are clear of the shadows and can get light. However, the fan leaves on the GM are so big that I couldn't get the main 3rd node branches to a spot where they would be out of the shadows. Really, no such spot exists on her. At some point during her growth I'll need to either tuck or remove some of the big fans from the GM if the main 3rd node branch is to get any light.

Second, I recently took down a plant from my other grow and I was vexed by the number of side branch buds that had remained hidden under a ton of leaves for much of the plant's life. Although they were in fairly decent shape, those buds were smallish and somewhat under-developed compared to those that got plenty of light.

With this group I'm trying to avoid a repeat of that happening. So yesterday I cut off every little side branch flowering site that I could reach. I left the fan leaves but removed the flowering portion. I hope this results in more energy being devoted to the flowering sites that remain.

I want to record this particular action on my part just in case I don't like the way these plants turn out or in case I do!

Thanks for looking in.

With this group I'm trying to avoid a repeat of that happening. So yesterday I cut off every little side branch flowering site that I could reach. I left the fan leaves but removed the flowering portion. I hope this results in more energy being devoted to the flowering sites that remain.
It's like we're running from the same brain today GDB! Just before reading this I decided to do the same to my Cherries DubeLee tomorrow! There's a ton of energy saved that way for those sites in my opinion!
Highya GDP,

Great little ladies you have there. They're certainly enjoying being in your care! I did the same thing (trimming the flowering portion, leaving the fans) last summer to my biggest ladies, and they rewarded me with some huge buds, and not much larf. I recommend it! Happy Smokin'
Lovely grow mate. It's almost like you've done this a few times before. 🤣 The SIP thing has become like Tiger King for me. It was everywhere and I got sick of hearing about it and refused to watch it. :rofl: I have just got an Autopot system to try with coco though.
Good morning all.

Regarding the Gush Mints top cut. The first few roots appeared Wednesday night. Now on Friday morning, there's been a root riot!

Later today I'm going to put her into a 1 or 2gal fabric pot filled with Lush soil. The Lush will give me some time to think about how I want to grow her.

Will she grow symmetrically just like a plant from seed?

Oops. Almost another lapse in my manners:
Sweet roots, sweet plants, and such a deal!
Thanks Shed. Most of the Roots Organic stuff is not cost prohibitive.
Sweet root job! Toppings don't always make it in my garden! Those Vipar ladies sure look fine!
Thank you Stone!
It's like we're running from the same brain today GDB! Just before reading this I decided to do the same to my Cherries DubeLee tomorrow! There's a ton of energy saved that way for those sites in my opinion!
So what are we going to do today Stone? :)
That is a good discussion IMP what is bubbling the TT mean? 🐰
Mix the nutes in a bucket of water and aerate them with a pump and airstone(s) for 24 hours.
Great little ladies you have there. They're certainly enjoying being in your care! I did the same thing (trimming the flowering portion, leaving the fans) last summer to my biggest ladies, and they rewarded me with some huge buds, and not much larf. I recommend it! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. I like huge buds and I cannot lie!:Rasta:
I’d say your Gush Mint clone top is ready to become a producer for you. Nice looking garden!
And she comes from what seems to be hearty stock! Thanks for the kind words Nev!
If they had faces, they'd all be smiling... 😁
Thanks Carcass. I've got the smiling part covered! :)
Lovely grow mate. It's almost like you've done this a few times before. 🤣 The SIP thing has become like Tiger King for me. It was everywhere and I got sick of hearing about it and refused to watch it.
Thanks Vet! The SIP show is running on multiple channels! 👀
Azimuth did this to us!
And he is to be commended for doing so! :bravo:
Is it cool if i take a seat GB? :popcorn:
You had me at fabric not a "sipper" so don't judge me..:smokin:
You're more than welcome here GG!

I don't judge. In fact I'm enjoying watching (and watching, and watching) the SIP gang. :laugh:
root riot!
I had that album!
Good morning all.

Regarding the Gush Mints top cut. The first few roots appeared Wednesday night. Now on Friday morning, there's been a root riot!

Later today I'm going to put her into a 1 or 2gal fabric pot filled with Lush soil. The Lush will give me some time to think about how I want to grow her.

Will she grow symmetrically just like a plant from seed?

So what are we going to do today Stone? :)
Wanna wear funny hats?
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