ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Hello growers.

I've tried to resist doing this but I'm going out on the limb tonight with a bold prediction! And this one is really bold because it comes so early in this grow (day 28 for the youngsters).

The Gush Mints plant is going to steal the show!

I'm not even sure how many plants I've grown but I've seen enough of them to recognize a special one. This one is special!
ANX Gush Mints 1-5-23 D.JPG
If I haven't jinxed her with this post and don't otherwise screw her up she's gonna' be the star!

@Grand Daddy Black Beautiful star growing under KS5000 :thumb:
Hello all.

Last night I got around to topping the Anxiety youngsters and here they are this morning on their Day 32.

Each of them was pushing out its 6th node so that's the one that got lopped off. On the Purple Star Killer I kept nodes 4 & 5 and stripped everything from the bottom. But on the Gush Mints and the Reeze McFlurry I kept nodes 3, 4 & 5 and cleaned the bottoms. I left the 3rd nodes on those two just because they looked so healthy that I wanted to let them grow. It's going to make them a bit more of a challenge to tame but I hope not too much of a challenge. Now I'm thinking that I might as well order some more bamboo sticks for support immediately because I know they'll be needed later!

ANX tent 1-9-23 D32.jpg

Front left: GM | Back left: PSK | Front right: RM | Back right: PE clone​

And through the top of the @ViparSpectra KS5000:

ANX1 tent 1-9-23 D32.jpg

They haven't been watered since Dec. 5th so at lights-on this afternoon they'll all get drinks. I believe each will take about 2.5 liters so they'll get 1L each of silica @ 4ml per gallon and about 1.5L of organic calmag @ 2ml per gallon. Otherwise, they're still just feeding on the goodies within the Lush soil.

I hope to see some rapid growth now because I'm not going for a long veg period. I'd like to have these set-up and ready to flip on or near their day 60. I don't want any really large plants (just large buds :Rasta:).

As for the Pineapple Express clone, I just cleaned up her bottom a bit. She'll get a mix of silica and calmag as well but in smaller portions as, being in a 2gal pot, she only takes about 1.6L before run-off. She's due another dose of Roots Organic dry nutrients (Foundation & Grow) in 10 days.

Thanks for looking in.

Highya GDB,

Very happy and healthy looking little girls you have! Off to a great start! Happy Smokin'
You know Big Daddy I enjoy coming by here because there always seems to be some sort of mayhem taking place and it makes me feel so much happier going home to look at my own garden.
Not so much the case anymore bud. Your shits looking all sweet, green and extremely happy. No broken limbs, just happiness.
Now after leaving here I don’t rush to my garden with a big happy grin any longer. I now go for hours searching for the grower that makes me feel good when I peer into my own garden.
Dang even that dude that grows in a box makes my stuff look like rag.

Highya GDB,

Very happy and healthy looking little girls you have! Off to a great start! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! :thanks:

Hope your day goes well.
That cant be right ( haven't watered since Dec 5th ?? and the KS5oo ?? Get with GDB ass in the air :headbanger:
I corrected the name of the light. Thanks for pointing that out Smoke. And, yes, on the date of that post they had not been watered since Dec. 5th! :Rasta:
The anxiety crew is looking cool calm and collected! Is there a transplant in the future for the clone in the 2 gallon pot?
Thanks Shed.

I don't have a "plan" for the clone yet. In fact, if I can find a taker I'll give her away. 🎁
You know Big Daddy I enjoy coming by here because there always seems to be some sort of mayhem taking place and it makes me feel so much happier going home to look at my own garden.
Not so much the case anymore bud. Your shits looking all sweet, green and extremely happy. No broken limbs, just happiness.
Now after leaving here I don’t rush to my garden with a big happy grin any longer. I now go for hours searching for the grower that makes me feel good when I peer into my own garden.
Dang even that dude that grows in a box makes my stuff look like rag.


That's the most insulting compliment I've ever received! :rofl:
Hello growers.

It's day 34 for the Anxiety youngsters and things are still going smoothly.

The plants are thirsty this morning. They were last fed when I topped them 3 days ago. The day after, that I turned up the @ViparSpectra KS5000 (from 50%) to 75%. So now they'll start drying out a bit faster. At lights-on this afternoon they'll all get some water and from this point I'll likely need to feed them every other day.

The Gush Mints (front left) remains in beast mode compared to her tentmates!
ANX side 1-11-23 D34.jpg

ANX tent2 1-11-23 D34 labels.jpg

[PSK = Purple Star Killer | RM = Reeze McFlurry | PE clone = Pineapple Express clone]


In the 2x2, the lonely Crescendo is on her day 22 and is about ready to come out of that solo cup. I'll be moving her into a 3gal pot in the near future.

ANX Crescendo 1-11-23 D22.jpg

ANX Crescendo1 1-11-23 D22.jpg


Lastly, in the day before, the day before yesterday's news, when I topped the plants 3 days ago I forgot to mention that I saved the top of the GM. She's been in the GDBCloner® since that time. However, the cloner does not lend itself to decent pics:

GM in cloner 1-10-23.jpg

That's a wrap for today.

Have a wonderful Hump Day!

Hello all.

It's day 36 for the Anxiety group and they are no hiccups yet.

The Purple Start Killer had been the slow mover of the bunch but she's now picking up the pace. Her fan leaves, finally, have reached past the diameter of her pot. (BTW, I managed to up-pot all three Anxiety girls in the dead-center of their pots. I know that's not a big deal for most of you but it's a huge success for me!)
ANX tent2 1-13-23 D36 labels.jpg

[GN = Gush Mints | RM = Reeze McFlurry | PE clone = Pineapple Express clone]

In this pic (taken from the side door, Mr. Monte :) ) the GM located front left clearly remains the "beast" of the bunch!
ANX tent1 1-13-23 D36.jpg

I've yet to feed them anything but water so all the growth to date is based on what they're getting from the Lush soil.
They've been in the Lush since Dec. 26th, or 18 days.

In about 17 more days I plan to begin feeding them the Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrients. I may do so sooner based on the response I get from the RO folks. I've asked them how long after being watered in do their nutrients become available to the plant. I'm hoping they'll say about a week. If they say 2 weeks before availability then I'll begin feeding them the nutrients 10 days from now rather than 17 days. In any event, I don't want to let them get past their 6th week in the Lush without getting additional nutrients.

The PE clone is due another dose of RO dry nutes in 5 days.

As always, thanks for your interest.

Hello all.

It's day 36 for the Anxiety group and they are no hiccups yet.

The Purple Start Killer had been the slow mover of the bunch but she's now picking up the pace. Her fan leaves, finally, have reached past the diameter of her pot. (I managed to up-pot all three Anxiety girls in the dead-center of their pots. I know that's not a big deal for most of you but it's a huge success for me!)
ANX tent2 1-13-23 D36 labels.jpg

[GN = Gush Mints | RM = Reeze McFlurry | PE clone = Pineapple Express clone]

In this pic (taken from the side door, Mr. Monte :) ) the GM located front left clearly remains the "beast" of the bunch!
ANX tent1 1-13-23 D36.jpg

I've yet to feed them anything but water so all the growth to date is based on what they're getting from the Lush soil.
They've been in the Lush since Dec. 26th, or 18 days.

In about 17 more days I plan to begin feeding them the Roots Organics (RO) dry nutrients. I may do so sooner based on the response I get from the RO folks. I've asked them how long after being watered in do their nutrients become available to the plant. I'm hoping they'll say about a week. If they say 2 weeks before availability then I'll begin feeding them the nutrients 10 days from now rather than 17 days. In any event, I don't want to let them get past their 6th week in the Lush without getting additional nutrients.

The PE clone is due another dose of RO dry nutes in 5 days.

As always, thanks for your interest.

Love the strut!
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