ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Help I've fallen (behind) and I can't catch up! Oh wait...never mind.

Having spent time (from 3pm yesterday until now) under the lower setting, I think all of my plants look much happier.
Happier and happier with each passing day of the new year. 2023 been berry berry good to them!
If I can remain at this level of prognostication success for the entire year then this could be a fun 2023! That's not likely, but it doesn't hurt to imagine it happening.
Here's to fun. I'm all for fun (and imagine imagining fun). :high-five:
Hello growers.

I've tried to resist doing this but I'm going out on the limb tonight with a bold prediction! And this one is really bold because it comes so early in this grow (day 28 for the youngsters).

The Gush Mints plant is going to steal the show!

I'm not even sure how many plants I've grown but I've seen enough of them to recognize a special one. This one is special!
ANX Gush Mints 1-5-23 D.JPG
If I haven't jinxed her with this post and don't otherwise screw her up she's gonna' be the star!

Highya GDP,

Very nice looking young ladies you have there. They look very happy. Good call on turning down the lights. I'd like to watch a special plant mature and what she'll look like laden with buds!! Happy Smokin'
Hello growers.

I've tried to resist doing this but I'm going out on the limb tonight with a bold prediction! And this one is really bold because it comes so early in this grow (day 28 for the youngsters).

The Gush Mints plant is going to steal the show!

I'm not even sure how many plants I've grown but I've seen enough of them to recognize a special one. This one is special!
ANX Gush Mints 1-5-23 D.JPG
If I haven't jinxed her with this post and don't otherwise screw her up she's gonna' be the star!

What a sweetie!
If I haven't jinxed her with this post and don't otherwise screw her up she's gonna' be the star!
You definitely have a beauty growing and she will certainly evolve into stardom.

My only word of advice is just be careful as to where you plant your own ass.:laughtwo:
Hello all.

I'm considering taking down the Purple Tahoe a little earlier than I usually chop a plant. Why?

Well, she's gonna' be a PITA to trim and I want to get it over with before any of the other girls ripen. Also, I could use some "up and at 'em" weed. So mostly cloudy trichs with little to no amber will hopefully get me just that! I've got plenty of weed on hand that slows me to a snail's pace so something different will be welcome.

I scoped her yesterday and she's clouding up.


She's so unlike my typical mature plants. Such a dark green and so many friggin' leaves!
PT 1-5-23 F81.jpg

I might take her down within the next 7-10 days.


Thanks as always for your feedback:

I'd like to watch a special plant mature and what she'll look like laden with buds!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks for stopping by and taking an interest Bode! :ciao:
:bravo: on your prediction! Given all the plants you've grown I'd say you are perfectly qualified to make that call.
Ha! I don't know how to interpret your comment. You're aware of how lame my predictions usually are. When I "go out on a limb" it's almost certainly going to snap and send me tumbling! :)

I feel confident about this one though! (Famous last words.)
What a sweetie!
Thanks Stone.
it does have a special look about it 🌳 😍
I agree Smoke! I'm sure that everyone has seen one amongst their grows, that plant that just looks destined to be a winner.
You definitely have a beauty growing and she will certainly evolve into stardom.

My only word of advice is just be careful as to where you plant your own ass.:laughtwo:

I'll be on hands and knees tending to this one. Of course I could still tip over and lay on her, but I won't be sitting on her! :laughtwo:


For context, here's a pic of the Gush Mints (front left) in the tent. While I believe she is the star, her "supporting cast," the Purple Star Killer (rear left) and the Reeze McFlurry (front right) are not too shabby either. And now I realize that either of them could progress to compete for the starring role. (Right/rear is a clone.)

ANX tent 1-5-23 D28.JPG

I probably should have stayed off this damn limb. :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Highya GDB,

Are the fans turning a lighter shade of green (towards yellow)? Sometimes I can't tell whether it's a glare, or for real. Looks like they need nitrogen, but you're the budmaster. In general, they look happy and perky! Happy Smokin'
I'm considering taking down the Purple Tahoe a little earlier than I usually chop a plant. Why?
Well, she's gonna' be a PITA to trim and I want to get it over with before any of the other girls ripen.
You could always spend a few minutes a day plucking fans. I find it makes harvest day go a lot faster.
I might take her down within the next 7-10 days.
Sounds like a plan limb!
I feel confident about this one though!
And now I realize that either of them could progress to compete for the starring role.
We are always told to love all our children equally. At least when they're young anyway! :)
I probably should have stayed off this damn limb.
Nah, you've found a home there.
This is going to be an award winning tent by the time it’s all said and done.:thumb:
Appreciate the optimism Nev! :Rasta:
Highya GDB,

Are the fans turning a lighter shade of green (towards yellow)? Sometimes I can't tell whether it's a glare, or for real. Looks like they need nitrogen, but you're the budmaster. In general, they look happy and perky! Happy Smokin'
Nah, they're okay Bode. It's my lack of photography skills! Thanks for asking though. :Rasta:
The Gush Mints plant is going to steal the show!
I think you're right, GDB-
She's not even my plant, but she's giving me that warm, fuzzy feeling...🌞
and her roommates ain't too bad either...
Hello grow folks.

Just a quick pic to highlight the Gush Mints because on day 30 she's clearly in "beast mode!"
ANX1 tent 1-7-23 D30 labeled.jpg

When the lights come on this afternoon I'm going to top the 3 youngsters and will try to clone the top of the GM.

That's it.

Highya GDB,

That light has really done well for your ladies! They look very happy and a lot bigger! Fun to watch how much they get bigger! Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

That light has really done well for your ladies! They look very happy and a lot bigger! Fun to watch how much they get bigger! Happy Smokin'
I agree Bode. The @ViparSpectra KS5000 is awesome! As I said in a previous post, "I have seen the light!" :Rasta:
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