ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

Hello all.

Just a quick update on the lonely Crescendo in the 2x2. On her day 24 I managed to summon the energy to move her into her final 3gal pot.
ANX Crescendo up-pot 1-13-23 D24.jpg

She will continue to bask under the "Little V" (@ViparSpectra XS1000) for the foreseeable future.

ANX Crescendo1 up-pot 1-13-23 D24.jpg

Hello growers.

I'm in somewhat of a melancholy mood this morning (more about that in a few).

It's day 38 for the Anxiety girls and I have nothing to report. That's a good thing.
ANX tent 1-15-23 D38.jpg

Now about my state of mind:

With so many of you moving to SIP growing I feel that us "old" cloth pot growers are close to becoming a relic of the past. Eventually cloth pot growing will be tossed to the wayside, similar to landlines and writing in cursive.

I imagine the day is coming when new growers, having been initiated on SIPs, will know nothing of growing in cloth pots. When us geezers tell them our "war stories" about how we used water directly into soil and wait for run off to occur, they'll be like, "Really?"

Makes me feel a bit sad. But as they say, change is constant.

That's it. I have to go now. I need to get out my washboard and do a load of laundry before the football games start.

Thanks for looking in.

Highya GDB,

Well, how about this? A shallow external bin with perlite filled with water (and nutrients, unless doing "The Rev") and an overflow hole 1 inch below the top of perlite, wide/big enough for your grow bags. Put cloth pots on top, and voila, new age SIP's. Would that lift you up a grow level or two? Makes sense to me. Happy Smokin'
Hello growers.

I'm in somewhat of a melancholy mood this morning (more about that in a few).

It's day 38 for the Anxiety girls and I have nothing to report. That's a good thing.
ANX tent 1-15-23 D38.jpg

Now about my state of mind:

With so many of you moving to SIP growing I feel that us "old" cloth pot growers are close to becoming a relic of the past. Eventually cloth pot growing will be tossed to the wayside, similar to landlines and writing in cursive.

I imagine the day is coming when new growers, having been initiated on SIPs, will know nothing of growing in cloth pots. When us geezers tell them our "war stories" about how we used water directly into soil and wait for run off to occur, they'll be like, "Really?"

Makes me feel a bit sad. But as they say, change is constant.

That's it. I have to go now. I need to get out my washboard and do a load of laundry before the football games start.

Thanks for looking in.

Its a faze the SIP.
Like droughting people will get over it.
Also like hydro when that took of i thought the same.
No ones going to grow soil again.
Then we had coco take of and the question was will people grow in soil again or hydro.
Long live the cloth pot its got a good few years in it yet.
With so many of you moving to SIP growing I feel that us "old" cloth pot growers are close to becoming a relic of the past. Eventually cloth pot growing will be tossed to the wayside, similar to landlines and writing in cursive.
The cloth pot/swick method that @Carmen Ray is using shows a lot of promise, so cloth pots should still be a "thing" for years to come...
Basically, you're still growing in cloth pots, you'll just be watering them in a different, and hopefully better, way..
So don't toss out those cloth pots quite yet 🤪
Highya GDB,

Well, how about this? A shallow external bin with perlite filled with water (and nutrients, unless doing "The Rev") and an overflow hole 1 inch below the top of perlite, wide/big enough for your grow bags. Put cloth pots on top, and voila, new age SIP's. Would that lift you up a grow level or two? Makes sense to me. Happy Smokin'
That method sounds oddly familiar Bode. :hmmmm:
Our journals will tell the tale, and your plants will be a record of how good they can look.

You're right Shed. At least some of the old cloth pots grows will make it to the Hall Grow of Fame!:Rasta:
We're cutting edge gardeners, and we're traditional gardeners. Ad us up and we're a "whole" bunch of gardeners having fun doing what we love! :passitleft:
True 'dat Stone! :Rasta:
So don't toss out those cloth pots quite yet 🤪
Not a chance Carcass!

Do you think becoming a relic bothers me? It doesn't.

I'll (happily) be the old guy with opinions in the room: "What you doing there young'un? Pouring water down a damn tube? What's that gonna' do? Get wicked into the soil! Why don't you just pour it on the soil then? I'll be damned. When I used to grow...(insert war story here)." :laugh:
Hello all.

I'm considering taking down the Purple Tahoe a little earlier than I usually chop a plant. Why?

Well, she's gonna' be a PITA to trim and I want to get it over with before any of the other girls ripen. Also, I could use some "up and at 'em" weed. So mostly cloudy trichs with little to no amber will hopefully get me just that! I've got plenty of weed on hand that slows me to a snail's pace so something different will be welcome.

I scoped her yesterday and she's clouding up.


She's so unlike my typical mature plants. Such a dark green and so many friggin' leaves!
PT 1-5-23 F81.jpg

I might take her down within the next 7-10 days.


Thanks as always for your feedback:

Thanks for stopping by and taking an interest Bode! :ciao:

Ha! I don't know how to interpret your comment. You're aware of how lame my predictions usually are. When I "go out on a limb" it's almost certainly going to snap and send me tumbling! :)

I feel confident about this one though! (Famous last words.)

Thanks Stone.

I agree Smoke! I'm sure that everyone has seen one amongst their grows, that plant that just looks destined to be a winner.


I'll be on hands and knees tending to this one. Of course I could still tip over and lay on her, but I won't be sitting on her! :laughtwo:


For context, here's a pic of the Gush Mints (front left) in the tent. While I believe she is the star, her "supporting cast," the Purple Star Killer (rear left) and the Reeze McFlurry (front right) are not too shabby either. And now I realize that either of them could progress to compete for the starring role. (Right/rear is a clone.)

ANX tent 1-5-23 D28.JPG

I probably should have stayed off this damn limb. :laughtwo:

Thanks for looking in.

Hello gang.

It's day 41 for the Anxiety girls and, happily, I still have nothing to report!

All are humming along and I'm just staying out of the way. They'll get watered this afternoon at lights-on. The plants will get plain water and the Pineapple Express clone will get a feed of Roots Organics dry nutrients (Foundation & Grow) and then I'll move out of the way again.
ANX tent 1-18-23 D41 labels.jpg

[GM = Gush Mints | PSK = Purple Star Killer | RM = Reeze McFlurry]

Through the side door, the GM (front left) still leads the pack.
ANX tent side1 1-18-23 D41.jpg

And a shot from above the wonderful @ViparSpectra KS5000, which remains at 50% power:
ANX tent above 1-18-23 D41.jpg


In the 2x2, the lonely Crescendo has been struggling a bit since her up-pot 5 days ago and is now about to lose a set of her lower leaves. That doesn't bother me 'cause eventually I was going to cut them off anyway.
ANX Crescendo 1-18-23 D29.jpg

When I reported on up-potting her I failed to mention that I stocked her soil with 6 tsps. of Grow Dots (5 in the soil and 1 on top of the soil). I'm sure she'll be okay once those Dots get ahold of her! In fact, judging from her top growth they already have!

Also, I think I may have had the @ViparSpectra XS1000 hung a bit to high, as she's been stretching up more than I usually observe. I lowered the light by about 4 inches this morning.
ANX Crescendo1 1-18-23 D29.jpg

Since she's 12 days behind the 4x4 group I plan to leave her in here until I flip the 4x4 girls. Then about 2 weeks after that, I'll move the Crescendo into the 4x4. That's my "plan" anyway. :)

And that's it on the Anxiety front.

You all have a wonderful day.

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