ViparSpectra KS5000 Helps GDB Seek Anxiety!

I know you're a determined man who will not be boxed in.
Ha! I hope not..although I think I'm going to know more about supercropping... 😬
before this one is done....I've only had to supercrop one branch since I've been growing in the box..
I've squished a few to slow them down a little, but I've only bent one of them over.. (get your mind outa the gutter,GDB🤪)
I think I'm going to know more about supercropping
I think there's a tutorial on supercropping here:

With your exquisite 59 bud plant on page 1...:adore:

Thanks ,Shed.!....I kind of hope I need it...
and I kinda hope I don't...:hmmmm:
So I'm hoping the plant will grow "just right"....:rofl:

Yeah, like that's gonna happen....
I've squished a few to slow them down a little, but I've only bent one of them over.. (get your mind outa the gutter,GDB🤪)
Hey man, squish them or bend them over! Whatever floats your boat. :laugh:
Good morning all!

It's day 45 for the Anxiety group and all look happy except for the Pineapple Express clone (back right).

ANX tent 1-22-23 D45.jpg

She looks a little sickly and her color is not quite right.

I'm nearly certain that she grows weary of the confines of that 2 gallon pot she's in, but there may be other issues as well.

Nonetheless, I'm going to start her therapy by giving her some more room. I'll prep a bigger pot for her today with used FFOF soil amended with Roots Organics nutrients, insect frass and castings. I have some 4gal pots that are shaped like silos and I'll use one of those.

I'd like to flip the Anxiety group in ten days on their day 55. I'm not sure the PE clone will get flipped with them. It depends on how she looks by then.

Enjoy your Sunday and GO Niners. There's hardly anything I enjoy more than watching the Cowpokes lose playoff games! :yahoo:

I love watering my soil, absolutely love it! I put on some good music and water each plant slowly. I love watching the water disappear into the soil. Love watching the soil darken. Love watching the cloth of the pots moisturize, down, down, down until they start to pee. I treat it like a ritual and find it a highly relaxing way to spend an hour. (Plus, I'm not pressed for time!)

Amen 🙏🏼
Hello growers.

I post because I am.

It's day 47 for the Anxiety girls. They're all cooperating. The Pineapple Express clone (back left) still looks a little funky. I'm giving the soil in her new 4gal pot another day or so to meld before I up-pot her. I think she'll be okay. The Gush Mints (front left) still rules the tent!

ANX tent side 1-24-23 D 44.jpg

And the Gush Mints clone looks like she's gonna' be a healthy one, just like her mom! She's on her 4th day (out of a solo) in her 2gal pot. I've been keeping her under my mini-LED and on a heat mat, but I think she's ready to go into the 2x2 tent under some "real" light from the @ViparSpectra TS1000.
GM clone1 1-24-23 D4.jpg

That's all. Not much I know, but give me a few weeks! :Rasta:

Hello growers.

I post because I am.

It's day 47 for the Anxiety girls. They're all cooperating. The Pineapple Express clone (back left) still looks a little funky. I'm giving the soil in her new 4gal pot another day or so to meld before I up-pot her. I think she'll be okay. The Gush Mints (front left) still rules the tent!

ANX tent side 1-24-23 D 44.jpg

And the Gush Mints clone looks like she's gonna' be a healthy one, just like her mom! She's on her 4th day (out of a solo) in her 2gal pot. I've been keeping her under my mini-LED and on a heat mat, but I think she's ready to go into the 2x2 tent under some "real" light from the @ViparSpectra TS1000.
GM clone1 1-24-23 D4.jpg

That's all. Not much I know, but give me a few weeks! :Rasta:


Great color in that tent, ahhhhh deep greens 🥬 for the win !
Gosh! Mints!
Those are pretty plants. I am finding that the star growers all use differrent methods and the plants grow up in different formations until training and that is also done differently by the masters. I love watching the star tents unfold. This is going to be stellar!
Hello growers!

It's day 50 for the Anxiety group and they're still in Vegville, but I'll be flipping them in 5 days.

All of the plants got a real "tea" feed yesterday. I mixed a 3 gallon solution of Roots Organics Terp Tea grow (@ 1tsp per gallon) and bubbled it for more than 48 hours.
ANX tent 1-27-23 D50.jpg

[Gush Mints - back left | Purple Star Killer: front left| Reeze McFlurry: front right]

The Pineapple Express clone (back right) still ain't quite with it. I've been treating her for a mag deficiency but that doesn't seem to be helping. She'll get up-potted today and hopefully will get better. Now I'm starting to think guess that she has an nitrogen deficiency.

Unless she looks better in 5 days she won't be getting flipped with the other three plants but will be given more time to get with it.

While the Gush Mints continues to dominate the tent, the apple of my eye at the moment is her baby, the GM clone. I'm enamored with her, with her little cute self! She's on her day 7 in that 2gal pot and, at 3 inches tall, is kicking out new leaves!

For now she's just sitting in Lush soil but I've decided to grow her on @Prescription Blend nutrients. (And oh boy! My Lazy-Meter had a friggin' conniption fit about that decision! He's such an ass! :rolleyes:)
GM clone 1-27-23 D7.jpg

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in!

Hello again all!

I've just got a quick update on the up-pot of the Pineapple Express clone.

Her root ball had pretty much stuffed that 2gal pot so I'm hoping that was the source of her difficulties.

I sprinkled plenty of Mycos at the base of the soil and on the root ball. A generous portion of EWC was layered near the top of the soil.
PE clone up-pot 1-27-23 .jpg

I put her in a much taller 4gal pot and watered her in with 2L of Roots Organics Terp Tea Grow. I hope she responds quickly enough to be flipped with the other plants.
PE clone up-pot1 1-27-23.jpg

That's doubtful but maybe she'll only end up being a week or so behind the rest.
PE clone up-pot2 1-27-23.jpg

And the feedback is greatly appreciated. (Sorry I fell so far behind in responding.)
I can hear her calling for MORE POT PLEASE!
She's got more now Stone. Now I'm call for MORE GREEN PLEASE!
I hear that all the time around here, but it's usually from one of my sons.. :)
IKR. The things that kids ask for these days. Sheesh! :)
10 days sounds ideal!
Meaning 9 or 11 right? :)
Is ten days the new two weeks? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Seems so Carmen! :laugh:
Just gushing forth with beauty GDB!
Thanks Stone. :thanks:
Great color in that tent, ahhhhh deep greens 🥬 for the win !
Thanks so much 70s. :thanks:
Hoping for a good meld! 🖖
I need it to meld quickly Shed.

Where is Spock when you need him?
Gosh! Mints!
Those are pretty plants. I am finding that the star growers all use differrent methods and the plants grow up in different formations until training and that is also done differently by the masters. I love watching the star tents unfold. This is going to be stellar!
Star? Master?

Carmen do you know about some of my other talents that I haven't revealed on this site? Sounds like it! :laugh:

When it comes to growing weed I don't consider myself either one. I'm just starting to figure things out!
Marijuana is just a beautiful plant and yours are no exception.
Thanks man!

I'm out!

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