Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Your the man Vick plus reps chief.

Thanks Shotta!

I'm coming over to check out those lovely Bubba's.
they must look insane by now.
hope I didn't miss anything!!

Thanks heaps jon!

Good on ya for getting a dg license to keep the wife's mind at ease..
With MJ laws the way they are in your neck of the woods, I would want that peace if mind too if I was going as big as you are.

yes peace of mind would be nice but after reading the so called proposal Ive cancelled my application, I dont want some cop knocking on my door a year from now when the "Proposal" comes into affect. Until our government pulls they're heads out of they're asses im sticking with stealth bro, I love the idea of helping patients in need but I dont plan on ever stopping what I love to do so until were truly allowed to grow legally....
Fuck man that is just crazy. Just read it all now and wow. Honestly bro it won't be a smart idea at all to get your PPL/DPL at this point in the game...They are bringing the new laws in tack as of March 30th, 2014. So basically if you got your card, and want to continue growing after March 31st, it's just a ticking time bomb. If they like my work (new R&D job for gazette), and I can become quite comfortable with management then perhaps I could get you a job at the HCI R&D centre? At this point and time, not a single person is technically legal to grow cannabis in Canada. It still is deemed un-constitutional to cultivate so basically if you have a DPL/PPL currently, you can still be charged federally if they want to (like the U.S), and they have all your information on paper, scary shit.

What a mission you pulled though man...:Namaste::high-five:
Good to see that you can break it down and put it back up quickly!! That is definitely the smartest way to do it...and good thing you didn't go cutting 8" holes everywhere lol. Still though, getting that phone call at the grocery store would be the worst thing. When my brain starts to think hard it's never a good reason lol But you stayed, calm and collective in a bad moment, which deserves more than reps my friend. It's fantastic to see you back in action and if ya ever need anything buddy I'm not too far away lol:smokin:

Hey UG!

Thanks my friend!
Dude! I'd be stoked to do R&D.
I'd totally move for that job!

But not too stoked on the way things are heading for Cannabis in Canada.
Seems our government has completely sold us down the river.

It's funny, when shit went down, and I was trying to find out where to put these.
I actually thought about getting in touch with you.
But I know how busy you are, and didn't want to be a burden on anyone.
Glad I decided to just handle it myself.
Proved to myself I can handle a worse case scenario.
thanks again brother for all of your support..
Not if you don't rent, but then there are other issues, so... :winkyface:

Glad everything worked out. That's a pretty amazing story. Even if you had decided to come clean with the landlord, you don't want the appraiser to know. At least the landlord has a vested interest in keeping you there. The appraiser could be some brainwashed johhny do-gooder thinking he's helping by narcing. I gotta figure out a way to list my rental next time that will let growers know I'm cool with it, but without being obvious.

For awhile in the 90's, I was growing in the walk-in closet of my 1br apt. I knew the owner real well. I had rented another of his apartments before that one, and 2 of my buddies lived other places he owned. In my little apt building, we had an onsite manager who was the owner's mistress. She was a smoker, but only liked Mexi. When I would bring over dank she said it made her too stoned. She was cool and I didn't have TV and lived alone, so we hung out a lot. I actually hooked up with one of her daughters, but that's another story... Anyway...

One day I come home and she tells me, "We had to go into you apt today." Inside I've got alarms and flashing lights going off. She then says, the owner "and I saw your closet." Now I'm thinking, "oh fuck!". I ask, "and?" She tells me, "He said as long as the rent is on time, he doesn't wanna know about it." :)

I can totally relate to that relief you felt that day. :Namaste:

The ironic part is, they went in because my downstairs neighbor had water on her ceiling. I had an aquarium I was setting up (no fish yet). The air pump had fallen off the stand and so water was siphoning out of the tank onto my carpet. The pump wasn't on because I was just letting the water sit to let chlorine gas off. Of course I had already fixed that, but the owner went into the bathroom to look for a leak. Of course the bathroom had the ballast under the sink, and a window AC sticking through the wall up above the shower head. Seeing that led him to take a look inside the closet with the funky looking plastic door. :winkyface:

Yep, you're spot on brother..
forgot to include that.
owning the house you're growing in, is a whole other can of beans right there.
Not only can you get charged, but you could lose the house too.

That's a crazy ass story man!
I think more times than not. If you're a good tenant, don't bother anyone, pay your rent on time, yada yada.
the landlord would rather turn a blind eye than have to deal with all the bullshit, and exposure that would come along with calling in LEO.
Not only that, but also having to clean it all up after you're gone, and then find another tenant with the chances of losing a months rent.
No landlord wants that.
Im glad your kool and safe. +reps but hell what you and your wife went through
you need something more.

Thanks bill!

I'm quite happy with having things back to the way they were before all the b.s.
Sometimes the old lady asks, "is it really worth it??"
When I say, "Yes.. it really is honey.."
that's all she needs to hear.
yes peace of mind would be nice but after reading the so called proposal Ive cancelled my application, I dont want some cop knocking on my door a year from now when the "Proposal" comes into affect. Until our government pulls they're heads out of they're asses im sticking with stealth bro, I love the idea of helping patients in need but I dont plan on ever stopping what I love to do so until were truly allowed to grow legally....

Right F'ing on jon
Yep, as much as it would be good for peace of mind.
All the rules, and total control they'd have over you is scary shit bro.
I aint down with that neither.
Love the smell of good news in the morning..way to go Vick..nothing toit but to doit..good reacting on your part..:goodjob:

Thanks miwa!
after those 2 words hit me, Garden Shed
the other two words that kept me going were,


Yep, you're spot on brother..
forgot to include that.
owning the house you're growing in, is a whole other can of beans right there.
Not only can you get charged, but you could lose the house too.

That's a crazy ass story man!
I think more times than not. If you're a good tenant, don't bother anyone, pay your rent on time, yada yada.
the landlord would rather turn a blind eye than have to deal with all the bullshit, and exposure that would come along with calling in LEO.
Not only that, but also having to clean it all up after you're gone, and then find another tenant with the chances of losing a months rent.
No landlord wants that.

The landlord has two options. Have the tenant, who pays the rent on time each month, arrested and get to clean everything up yourself, or keep collecting the rent on time and let them clean up when they are done using your place. I don't give a crap what my tenants do to my house as long as they repair any damage. I wouldn't care if they put holes in the wall as long as they know how to patch it correctly.
The landlord has two options. Have the tenant, who pays the rent on time each month, arrested and get to clean everything up yourself, or keep collecting the rent on time and let them clean up when they are done using your place. I don't give a crap what my tenants do to my house as long as they repair any damage. I wouldn't care if they put holes in the wall as long as they know how to patch it correctly.

I want you as my landlord please...
The landlord has two options. Have the tenant, who pays the rent on time each month, arrested and get to clean everything up yourself, or keep collecting the rent on time and let them clean up when they are done using your place. I don't give a crap what my tenants do to my house as long as they repair any damage. I wouldn't care if they put holes in the wall as long as they know how to patch it correctly.

You renting anytime soon?
Thanks hoz!

And thanks to all of you for sending the good vibes.
It must have helped because this was one heavy 2 days that hopefully none of you ever have to deal with.
But take it from me.
It could happen to any of us, (that aren't) legal, so try to have a game plan just in case it does.
Having to wing it all in 24 hours isn't fun at all..
except for setting it back up..:cheesygrinsmiley:

yep.. happened to me a few times now(over a few years) loL stress city alright! depending on what system you got running makes it easy as pie or tough as nails to move.. but im happy to hear you found an easy resolution and pulled through it with no injuries or losses to the ladies! :cheesygrinsmiley:

all the best brother :thumb: :peace:
yep.. happened to me a few times now(over a few years) loL stress city alright! depending on what system you got running makes it easy as pie or tough as nails to move.. but im happy to hear you found an easy resolution and pulled through it with no injuries or losses to the ladies! :cheesygrinsmiley:

all the best brother :thumb: :peace:

Stress is right.
Thank god they weren't 4 feet tall and flowering.
The funny thing was too that the day before it happened, I noticed some spider mites on a few plants.
Freaked out because I had never had them before. Sprayed them down right away with ciggy butt water.
But I wasn't sure if that had booted em or not.
Then I guess once they went outside in the cold for 2 days, they all left!
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