Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

Thanks x, It seems as though these come in two different models, I'm waitin ta get it sorted out in my brain cell so I can put it behind me........LOL

I was just pointing it more generally speaking - I just hadn't heard anyone point out the fact that there was more than one in the photo... ;)

They can look different from time to time, but there's something the same, nonetheless, that becomes a tell. Sometimes they look more singular, like a little habanero pepper, other times, like two little yellow fingers or bananas. They're like little parachutes when it's too late. Doh!
Quite concerning. Ismokes ran into an issue as well. Hope all is well for all.
I was just pointing it more generally speaking - I just hadn't heard anyone point out the fact that there was more than one in the photo... ;)

They can look different from time to time, but there's something the same, nonetheless, that becomes a tell. Sometimes they look more singular, like a little habanero pepper, other times, like two little yellow fingers or bananas. They're like little parachutes when it's too late. Doh!

LOL X, I just know when I see ANYTHING that's not supposed to be there, I stop, and see if there's some way to capitalize on the situation.....LOL....Thanks!
Subbed and going to get caught up some time today.

Love the organization you bring to the table vick. Always a pleasure to watch your grow buddy.

Looking forward to the outcome and adventures your garden brings. The best of luck to you.

+reps my braddah
Bloody hell Vick. I just got caught up - what an amazing start to the journal. And then your last post.
I hope all's ok and whatever it is sorts itself out in the best way possible for you mate.
Hey vick I'm taking a break but if u return before me (hopefully) give me aRing at the burnermail in my sig lmk all is well. Hoping it is
Good to see ya spring!
Looks like you may have tons of time to get caught up now..

Shit got real yesterday..
I only have a quick second to post this.
But what happened is really not a good thing at all..
With any luck, you'll hear from me in a few days.
If not?

then, Fak.

twas nice knowing ya'll.

for the record, this is the exact opposite of a wiw moment right now.

But just in case things do go bad? I'd like to say that I've had some of the best experiences here at 420 than I ever thought a website could offer anyone. I've learned so much, and met some amazing people along the way.
I hope that I have helped some of you figure a few things out here and there from watching my grows.
And I want to thank all of the incredibly talented individuals that have willingly passed years of knowledge onto me.
I feel blessed by the support I have received from you all.
Thank you 420, for everything!!

that being said,
wish me luck..

hmmm... find the new thread, but didn't see this post. Finally catch up and find this a couple posts above mine! Hope all is well with you :Namaste:
Everything is cool now..

The skinny;
I got the 24 hour notice from the landlord that there was going to be a walk through with an appraiser on hand. Nothing I could do but say, "Yeah sure thing!" Almost puke at the grocery counter paying for the groceries, then roll home and start tearing shit down. Like, everything, even the veg closet that had a frame system that was anchored. Bleached everything. Then painted the entire big room.

quick note/rant:
Even though I am growing medicine for myself, my landlord doesn't know, and I haven't fully received my MMAR card. After hearing about the new laws that were supposed to be imposed by this time next year in Canada. I didn't want mr. gov to know where I lived after yanking my card, along with everyone elses. Sorry guys, but I don't plan to quit growing and be forced to buy the government's crap buds. And I know that a lot of people that have grow cards aren't going to want to quit growing after the major card yank. Which means they'll all be getting visits. So I'd prefer to remain stealth, and provide for my close friends and myself without Health Canada being involved..

So it didn't help that I was as sick as a dog with the flu, and I had less than 24 hours to make things happen. Went straight to Can tire and got loads of totes, came home and started packing everything up but left the lights, exhaust, and plants to chill. Tried to keep a level head so the ladies couldn't sense the anxiety their Dad was feeling while I packed everything around them. Then had to figure out how I was going to get them off site. Made the call to the buddies to line up a truck, and the plan was to load them up in the middle of the night and the park the truck a few blocks away until the smoke had cleared. But the more I thought about this idea I didn't like it.

Then it came to me!

2 words:

Garden, Shed

Perfect, we had just enough space in the back yard for one, and were actually meaning to get one for storage anyway. win/win.
Did some quick web searching and calling for who had the one we wanted, drove out picked it up, cracked a beer and started setting this thing up.
And let me tell you,
those sum bitches don't set up quick like no dome tent that's for sure.
Especially when you get the cheap steel one that has a instruction manual that might as well been in chinese.
Try 4 hours with 2 relatively smart dudes, and 1 screwdriver, in the dark, with headlamps and one light.
Then add nosey neighbor poking his head over the fence every 20 minutes, "What ya doing!"
"Oh is that going to be right against my garage??"
"Hmmmmm.. Im gunna need to get access in behind there to check the foundation for leaks though."

Once I basically told buddy in so many words that I was setting the thing up no matter what, he left us alone.

So it's finally up, it's 1:00 am. Then I have to start tearing down the lights, frame, exhaust, fans, flooring, venting, basically everything that was left. Meanwhile the lovely wife is frantically cleaning the whole house and helping me with random tasks that I had set out for her.
(I can not tell you how important it is to have a good bird when going through something like this. My woman is amazing, thanks again for everything honey, I couldn't have done it without you. :love:)
While I was getting the storage totes, I grabbed 15 smaller tomato cages, and a box of XL garbage bags.
I had the wife help me un tie all the LST pipe cleaners that I had just spent 2 hours doing the night before, and tomato cage every plant then slide a garbage bag over top and pulled down to the pot. Set them all aside and continued cleaning house..
At 4:30 am the wife and I ninja'd them out, relay style into the shed, locked it up and went to sleep.
I mean, I lied in bed staring at the ceiling for 3 hours before getting up and getting the rest of the stuff out of the house before they came at 10:00.
Well, they came for a total of 10 minutes, did their thing, and left.
Then I crashed... Hard..
But it wasn't over.. I still had to wait until late night to bring them back into the house from the shed.
Felt some relief, but not looking forward one little bit, to what I still had left to do.
Last night set the alarm for 4:00 am, ninja'd myself up and sat outside in the dark for a bit to get let my eyes adjust to the light.
Then went for it alone, and got everyone back inside safely without a peep.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Got up first thing this morning and took off to get what supplies I needed to set up shop.
Came home and got right to work. Pretty much took me about 4 hours.
Flooring, frame, windows, lights, ducting venting, fired it all up, shuttled the 15 ladies up 3 flights of stairs to their room. ouch..
I was really surprised when I slid the first garbage bag off one of the plants. I was expecting it to be wilted, wet, and hurting. (because it dropped to about 3 degrees Celcius both nights which is pretty damn cold for a cannabis plant..
But they looked amazing!
A little bit damp, but they weren't wilted at all, and were still healthy dark green!
It's like the cold nights, put them in a suspended animation.

Made sure they all went back under lights, and we were all happy to be alive, safe and free!!!
Then took the wife out for a steak dinner.:winkyface:


what they looked like the day before this all happened right after a defoiliation, topping, and recovery feed:



the ambrosia's


the room less than 8 hours after notice.


starting to reset.


everyone back in their newly cleaned and painted room, 24 hours after the call.:cheesygrinsmiley:




I'm sorry I didn't have time to respond to everyone tonight, I just had enough in me to drop this update then I'm hitting the sack.
this test that I was just put through, is now a shrinking dot in the rear view mirror.
Thanks hoz!

And thanks to all of you for sending the good vibes.
It must have helped because this was one heavy 2 days that hopefully none of you ever have to deal with.
But take it from me.
It could happen to any of us, (that aren't) legal, so try to have a game plan just in case it does.
Having to wing it all in 24 hours isn't fun at all..
except for setting it back up..:cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy to read everything's cool up Canada way Vick074 & that you got it all back together also.:reading420magazine::welldone: And on a somewhat humorous note, I visited a couple friends up there around ten years ago or so and even though I wasn't involved in any wrong doings got popped the second day for possession by the landlord of their apartment complex who pulled an unannounced walk thru of their pad then called the cops for them having a couple tiny and stringy sativa plants growing in their hall closet and spent two days in the can without any food or water then headed back across the border upon getting released to where I'm legal never to return again trust me.
Here I just call the police if needed for any reason and have become friends with quite a few actually since they prefer people toke then remain at home instead of drink & drive which makes for no stress grows as long as one stays within their legal limits. Again I'm glad to hear all's cool in your herbal world sir! ~Peace~:ganjamon:
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