Vick's - OG Kush & Ambrosia Grow - Coco-GH-HPS-Wiw!

I want you as my landlord please...

You renting anytime soon?

The place is in Flagstaff, AZ and the current tenant's lease ends April 2014. :winkyface:

I'd already be gassing that room like Poland in the 40's. I hate mites

Maybe not so PC, but so damn funny! :rofl:

I might do that too actually hoz.
My local shop sells them pretty cheap.
I remember seeing your garden full of em.
Just installed a huge curtain of black/white poly today so the room is much more sealed off now.
Might benefit from some ladybugs!

Thanks for the reminder about those little life savers. :winkyface:

I tried many batches of ladybugs back in the day. They didn't work for me. Mites are not their preferred food, and they will kill themselves on the light. There is another kind of mite that is better. Spider Mites and their Most Effective Controls: (hope this link is allowed. Mods, please only remove the link and leave the post if it's a violation).
hey Vick!!

that OG fan is looking huge mate! all of your plants are looking healthy as can be :cheesygrinsmiley: always a pleasure to see.. a great example of 'how to grow'!
peace brother :peacetwo: :thumb:
hey Vick!!

that OG fan is looking huge mate! all of your plants are looking healthy as can be :cheesygrinsmiley: always a pleasure to see.. a great example of 'how to grow'!
peace brother :peacetwo: :thumb:

Geez thanks Alk!

very nice words.
I love this plant!
Thanks for the link King John.
It makes me sick to think that our government is trying to do this to us as Canadian citizens.
More Canadians should unite and do away with this b.s. law to control us while making money off sick and dying patients.
Jail sick patients for growing their own medicine, and a 400% up charge on Gov grown meds?
WTF!!? come on now.
This is devolving us as a human race, not evolving.
Makes me ashamed to be Canadian when crap like this is becoming our future..
F**K Harper! Just keep doing it how we do it Brotha!They will pull they're hands out of our pockets sooner or later. They grow shit weed, not many will buy it so they're plan will fail and the black market will be bigger and stronger than ever. A few years down the road when they realize they are losing $ growing they're shit weed maybe...just maybe they will give it back to us....I will jump on the chance to help patients that really need it but not if they're going to take it away and shut me down whenever they feel like it.
F**K Harper! Just keep doing it how we do it Brotha!They will pull they're hands out of our pockets sooner or later. They grow shit weed, not many will buy it so they're plan will fail and the black market will be bigger and stronger than ever. A few years down the road when they realize they are losing $ growing they're shit weed maybe...just maybe they will give it back to us....I will jump on the chance to help patients that really need it but not if they're going to take it away and shut me down whenever they feel like it.

You got that right buddy.
I'm really going to try and help out some local patients anonymously this year.
As far as I'm concerned, any way I can help a bit while still maintaining my own meds is a win/win for everyone.
Hey Man, I;m subbed again. Looking very nice. I used Rosemary oil.
i make my own spray using organic rosemary oil and water and spray my plants up until harvest with it. Just make sure you have good ventilation and you won't have any problems. The latest I've sprayed mine is a week before harvest and never had any rot from it. Doesn't affect the taste of the bud either. The rosemary oil is the primary ingredient in SNS spray, and when it comes in contact with those bastards it melts their cells, also works on eggs too, but you have to keep up with it.. When there are a lot of plants, it's almost impossible to fully get rid of them. I've been battling them for a few months now. I have their population under control, but they're not totally gone. I don't see any webs anymore, but I do notice them here and there under the leaves.. just gotta keep up with the treatments
Right on 420kwats!
Good to have you back.
Ive been reading up a bit on Rosemary oil, so thanks for the info.
Got some SNS coming to me in a few weeks.
But I'm keen to give it a shot with the rosemary oil while I'm waiting, to maybe get rid of the remaining eggs.
Pretty sure I've killed most, if not all of the mommy and daddy's, with 4 lethal doses of CO2, and spraying with Ciggy butt water.
Haven't seen any crawlers, just a few eggies.
Hey Vick! Question for ya? Have you ever tried using an ozone generator to combat spider mites? I've used it in past indoor grows with one I removed from an old hot tub I had which broke after my second grow unfortunately but am going to buy a new model here when getting the chance as I've got a small problem brewing myself with the club clones I purchased but know it works first hand if used on a timer so as not to flood the room to where it kills the plants. Everything in moderation as they say then after harvesting it can be used to sterilize the room for the next go around. Anyway, here's a link if allowed to a story I found and you can research if interested. Keep it green sir! ~Peace~:ganjamon:

Kill Spider Mites & Sterilize Your Indoor Grow Room | Natures Hydroponics Blog
You got that right buddy.
I'm really going to try and help out some local patients anonymously this year.
As far as I'm concerned, any way I can help a bit while still maintaining my own meds is a win/win for everyone.

How do you plan to go about that? I would like to donate some of my crop to a patient as well, but I don't know anyone personally. I don't want to just donate buds though. I'd like to know a little about the patient as well. The problem is making that connection without giving away my identity. I let my 'broker' know I was interested, so he is keeping his ears open as he has contacts with a dispensary down in "the big city". I might be comfortable meeting the patient in person as long as they didn't know my name or address.

Anyway, let me know how this goes. I know that my growing helps humanity in the big picture, but I'd like to have that concrete example of someone I'm helping, besides myself and a bunch of stoners. :winkyface:
How do you plan to go about that? I would like to donate some of my crop to a patient as well, but I don't know anyone personally. I don't want to just donate buds though. I'd like to know a little about the patient as well. The problem is making that connection without giving away my identity. I let my 'broker' know I was interested, so he is keeping his ears open as he has contacts with a dispensary down in "the big city". I might be comfortable meeting the patient in person as long as they didn't know my name or address.

Anyway, let me know how this goes. I know that my growing helps humanity in the big picture, but I'd like to have that concrete example of someone I'm helping, besides myself and a bunch of stoners. :winkyface:

I know a few people that are pretty connected to a dispensary.
And even though they probably wouldn't want to give up their sources due to losing money.
I'm sure they can be convinced to give up a couple, even if I had to give them some meds as trade.
They'd have to be Cancer patients, and I really want to start screwing around with tinctures as well.
My father has prostate cancer, so he's going to be my tincture test subject..
I think we all should be doing something like this. Especially when all the cards in Canada are yanked by this time next year.
If this actually happens, we as growers should all be stepping in to help these poor patients that will be forced to buy the government's 400% mark up, shit bud.
Hey Vick! Question for ya? Have you ever tried using an ozone generator to combat spider mites? I've used it in past indoor grows with one I removed from an old hot tub I had which broke after my second grow unfortunately but am going to buy a new model here when getting the chance as I've got a small problem brewing myself with the club clones I purchased but know it works first hand if used on a timer so as not to flood the room to where it kills the plants. Everything in moderation as they say then after harvesting it can be used to sterilize the room for the next go around. Anyway, here's a link if allowed to a story I found and you can research if interested. Keep it green sir! ~Peace~:ganjamon:

Kill Spider Mites & Sterilize Your Indoor Grow Room | Natures Hydroponics Blog
Thanks CM!
I actually haven't thought of using ozone to kill mites.
Just the typical for battling odor in the exhaust line on the way out.
So thank you very much for throwing that link in there.
It was a very informative read with some extremely useful ideas.
I wish u guys were in my neck of the woods. The demand is too great out here. I could point u to those in need by the masses. I put a card at a couple of the clinics around. Stating assistance available for low income cancer patients. The response was shocking. I could tell tales that would make u go home and cry for a week from the life situations I've encountered, the effects of cancer are so far reaching its shocking,

I will gladly use my name and take the risk if you guys need any help networking in ur area. I am sincere in that offer. I will gladly find the places willing to help all you have to do is get it to their hand. For all they know its from a hippie in Oregon and no one would have to meet. Killing cancer is what I do
Man that is so awesome..
I have so much respect for people like you Canna..
And thank you for the amazing offer.
I'm going to try and poke around a bit by myself first,
but if I have any trouble I'll most definitely let you know.
U know where to reach me. That's something I'd volunteer for everytime.I've seen too many times the destruction cancer leaves behind. I'd give everything I have to ensure a helping hand is extended to pull them from the gates of hell. U sleep a lot better at night doing what u speak of I can tell you that much for certain. You are truly one of the good ones mate. Its an honor to share a forum. :Namaste:
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